Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1618

Chapter 1618
A gleam of light flickered in the darkness, and disappeared instantly, as fast as a human illusion.

Li Ji and Ying Baoyue looked at each other, and they both saw affirmation in each other's eyes.

Meng Shi said in horror, "Sister, did you see it too?"

Ying Baoyue nodded.

She knew what Meng Shi was afraid of. The light that could disappear in an instant, besides fluorite, had another possibility.

That is the eye of some kind of creature.

Ying Baoyue also became nervous immediately. The situation of Zhao Guang and Chen Zichu was already dangerous enough. If there were some unknown living creatures under their feet, it would be a desperate situation within a desperate situation.

It was really hard for her to imagine how terrifying a living creature could survive in such a deep crevice of ice.

"Do you want to lower the light ball a little bit?" Meng Shi bit her lip and asked tentatively.

The fluorescent light just now was about five feet away from Chen Zichu's feet, which exceeded the current lighting range of the light ball. If you want to see clearly, you need to lower the sword fire further.

Ying Baoyue hesitated.

If there were really living creatures below, Zhao Guang and Chen Zichu had been hanging on the ice for so long, but the other party did not attack them.If you rashly use light to illuminate it, it might anger that existence instead.

"Second brother... I can't hold it anymore..."

At this time, Zhao Guang's desperate voice came from below. Li Ji took a deep breath, broke away Ying Baoyue's hand, tied the rope tightly around his ankle, and jumped into the crack.

"A Ji!"

Ying Baoyue suddenly stretched out her hand to grab him, Li Ji's sleeve slipped past her fingertips, and her figure disappeared beside the ice crack.

Seeing Ying Baoyue jumping towards the crack without thinking, Meng Shi was taken aback. Fortunately, at this moment, with a click, a hand stretched out from under the crack, and tightly grasped the edge of the crack.

"I'm fine," Li Ji's voice came from below, "Don't come here."

Ying Baoyue and Meng Shi half-kneeled by the edge of the ice crack and bent down to look down. They saw Li Ji hanging on the ice crack with one hand, and the rope slid down his ankle. He made up for the lack of rope with the length of his body. the distance.

Looking at the rope hanging in front of his eyes, Zhao Guang almost burst into tears, "Second Brother..."

"Don't cry, grab it quickly," Li Ji said in a deep voice.

Zhao Guang sniffed, looked at the rope in front of him, and suddenly froze, "But, how do I get up?"

He held the unconscious Chen Zichu with one hand, and the sword stuck in the ice wall with the other, and he couldn't move his hand to grab the rope.

Ying Baoyue was also taken aback when he heard the words, and looked at Zhao Guang's subordinate Chen Zichu, "By the way, what's wrong with Zichu?"

The best way for both of them to come up safely is to wake up Chen Zichu.

"I don't know," Zhao Guang hiccupped from crying, "We bumped into each other and passed out for some reason. When I woke up, he was like this."

At that time, he saw himself stepping on the ground in a dream, and woke up in fright. After waking up, he found that this was not a dream but reality, and he was scared out of his wits again.

If he hadn't woken up in time, stopped the fall with his sword, and caught Chen Zichu, the two of them would probably have confessed here.


A trace of doubt flashed across Zhao Guang's eyes.The reason why he was able to wake up so quickly and reach out to grab Chen Zichu immediately was because when he just woke up, a person's voice faintly rang in his ears.

"Wake up!"

"Please, save him!"

Whose voice is that?
Although he could hear the voice of a man, but because it was too vague, Zhao Guang couldn't tell who it was for a while, he just felt like he had heard this voice somewhere.

Hearing Zhao Guang's hopeless cries, Chunyuye stood by the crack, with a trace of disgust in his eyes.

"Since he fainted, it's fine to give the man below a knife."

If it were him, he would have dropped that burden long ago and climbed up by himself.

"You think everyone else has knives all over their bodies like you," Ying Baoyue glared at him, looking at the bruise on Chen Zichu's forehead, wondering if he just hit the ice wall and passed out.

She let out a breath and patted herself on the shoulder.

Xiaohua crawled out of her collar, and the two looked at each other.

Ying Baoyue pointed to her temples and the position of her chin, "It's these two places, don't use poison, bite lightly."

Xiaohua nodded, flicked her tail, and jumped onto Li Ji's head with a whoosh.

Li Ji had goosebumps all over his body, and he resisted letting the little snake swim past his body. Xiao Hua coiled his body around the rope, shrinking and shrinking, and quickly swam to where Zhao Guang was.

"Ah, there are snakes!"

Zhao Guang's scream came from below, Li Ji frowned and shouted, "Don't scream, it's a snake holding the moon!"

Zhao Guang's voice stopped abruptly, and Xiao Hua passed through his body and swam onto Chen Zichu's face.

Among the people facing Chen Zichu, it bit down violently.

"Cough, cough."

The sound of coughing came from below, and Zhao Guang opened his eyes wide in surprise, "Zi Chu, are you awake?"

Chen Zichu woke up leisurely, opened his eyes, and saw the colorful snake skin in front of him, his pupils shrank violently.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

"Just wake up," Ying Baoyue breathed a sigh of relief, and shouted, "Both of you, grab the ropes and come up quickly!"

She still hadn't forgotten the flash of light before. Li Ji, Zhao Guang, Chen Zichu and the three of them were all in the ice crack, and she felt uneasy.


Chen Zichu finally understood his situation within three breaths. He pulled out the epee on his back and plunged into the ice wall with difficulty.

He glanced gratefully at Zhao Guang who had been holding his hand.

"His Royal Highness, you go up first."

"But..." Zhao Guang hesitated for a moment, "You are not in good health, you should go first..."

"Whoever it is, hurry up!"

Li Ji urged.

Zhao Guang trembled all over, no longer giving way, grabbed the rope suddenly, and climbed up with difficulty.

Li Ji's body was stretched into a straight line, but he endured it silently.

As time passed bit by bit, Ying Baoyue and Meng Shi finally breathed a sigh of relief as Zhao Guang climbed up on Li Ji's shoulders.

"Zi Chu, come up quickly!"

Everyone's eyes fell on Chen Zichu at this moment.

Seeing that Zhao Guang climbed up safely, Chen Zichu smiled, spat on his palm, and tried to lift his body to reach the rope above his head.

But at this moment, his legs suddenly fell down.

Ying Baoyue and the others who were lying on the edge of the gap and watching were stunned.

The cold and sticky feeling spread from the soles of the feet to the calves, Chen Zichu turned his head stiffly, and slowly looked down at himself.

A pair of glowing hands grabbed his leg.

"Wind Magician, I like it."

"Stay and stay with me."

A crisp and strange voice popped out word by word from the cracked darkness.

Looking at those hands, Chen Zichu had great fear in his eyes.

Each palm of those hands has only four fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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