Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1631

Chapter 1631
Everyone looked at the blood on the ground and stopped, looking at each other solemnly.

After so many rounds of trials, they were no longer shocked.

Ying Baoyue stared at the blood on the ground, feeling heavy.

Just like at the entrance of the ice pagoda forest, when she saw such blood, she almost understood what happened.

Although many have been covered by snowflakes, sword marks can still be seen faintly around the bloodstains, which means that there must have been a battle between practitioners here.

But unlike in the ice tower forest, there were overwhelmingly more bloodstains hanging on the ice towers before, but now the bloodstains by the glacier were overwhelmingly less.

There were only two or three drops, and they didn't land near the glacier, but three or four steps away from the river.

How is this going?

Does it prove that the practitioner was only injured here?

Where did everyone else go?
Ying Baoyue's eyes fell on the soft snowdrift beside the bloodstain, and she took a few steps forward, trying to push the snowdrift away with her toes to see if there were any other traces.

But before she could reach the bloodstain, her arm was suddenly grabbed by Li Ji.

"Wait," Li Ji turned his head and glanced at Zhao Guang. Zhao Guang was stunned for a moment and pulled out the sword from his waist.

A gust of wind swept past the bloodstains, blowing away the snowdrifts on the ice, and everyone was startled when they saw the scene in front of them.

At this time, there was a slight click on the ice under Zhao Guang's feet, and a small crack opened.

But at this time, everyone's attention was focused on the wonderful scene in front of them, and no one noticed the subtle changes under their feet.

Ying Baoyue didn't pay attention either, she just stared at the strange cave under the snowdrift.

Next to the scattered bloodstains, there was actually a large hole one person wide under the seemingly solid ice. The hole was dark, and the faint sound of water was only heard after the snow was blown away.

"This is……"

Zhao Guang looked at the soles of his feet in shock, "We have already stepped on this lake?"

Everyone was so scared that they took a few steps back, and they didn't settle down until there was no movement under their feet.

Ying Baoyue looked at the ground under her feet. It turned out that the ice lake was much wider than they imagined. The reason why it only looked like a narrow section in front was because the ice surface in the center of the lake was thinner and the ice layer was more transparent. It looks more obvious.

They had already set foot on the ice surface of the frozen lake, but they didn't notice it because the ice surface paved with snow under their feet was similar in color and hardness to the mountain path they had walked before.

"How wide is this lake?"

Zhao Guang swallowed his throat and looked around. The frozen mountain road behind them looked exactly the same. Without digging a hole, he might not be able to tell which is the lake and which is the land.

"No matter how wide it is, the road under our feet should be safe." Ji Jiashu looked at the translucent ice three feet away. "The most dangerous road should be the road ahead."

The translucent ice surface in the middle of the river ahead stretches across the front road in a ring shape, with no end in sight from the left and right, like an ice belt around the mountainside of Yunshou Peak.

If they want to go up the mountain, they must cross the middle of the river ahead.

The ice under everyone's feet is very solid, at least as thick as a person, so there should be no need to worry about it, but running water under the ice can be seen on the road ahead, which means that the ice is extremely thin and more likely to break.

"It's not just the road ahead that's dangerous," Ying Baoyue's gaze stayed on the big hole in the ice ahead, and he suddenly said, "That person fell into it just now."

Who fell in?
Everyone felt a chill in their hearts, and they all looked at the hole in astonishment.

There were only a few drops of blood on the ice. Although the ice cave was terrifying, there were no practitioners' footprints or signs of struggle around.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if they accidentally fall, high-level practitioners can quickly get up with the help of their true energy.Practitioners who can get here are not without this ability. How can Ying Baoyue be sure that some practitioners have fallen into it?
Aware of other people's suspicious gazes, Ying Baoyue closed her eyes, pointed to a location on the edge of the ice cave, and said softly to Zhao Guang, "His Royal Highness, can you cut that place a little bit?"

"Oh, good," Zhao Guang didn't understand, so he obeyed obediently.

Just as he was cutting open the surface of the ice layer with the wind blade, he suddenly let out a scream and fell back to the ground in fright.

"This, what is this?"

Everyone's eyes widened and they gasped.

I saw a finger hanging from the edge of the ice cave!
Meng Shi suddenly covered her mouth, staring in astonishment at the finger that was swollen and innocent from the cold.It was broken from the root of the finger, and it was almost impossible to see its original appearance. It was firmly embedded in the ice layer. If Zhao Guang hadn't cut the ice layer, it would not have been discovered at all.

"Sister, what are you doing..."

Meng Shi really wanted to ask Ying Baoyue how she found this finger, but her body trembled slightly when the words came to her mouth, and she couldn't help asking.

"Is this a human hand?"

Meng Shi couldn't help but see those strange green hands that dragged Chen Zichu into the abyss before.Since entering Xiling Snow Mountain, she has seen too many things that look like humans but are not human at all.

If it was really left by people climbing on the edge of the ice, why is there only one finger left?
"I think it should be," Ying Baoyue lowered her eyes, she knew what Meng Shi was suspicious of.If possible, she didn't want it to be done manually.

But if it wasn't for human hands, she wouldn't be able to find the finger.

She glanced at Meng Shi, pointed to the blood-stained finger, "It smells like human blood."

"Huh?" Meng Shi looked at Ying Baoyue in astonishment, hesitated to speak, "Why..."

"Don't ask me why," Ying Baoyue smiled wryly, "I just know."

In fact, she doesn't want people to know that she has such an ability, which makes her very strange.

She didn't understand the reason, maybe it was because she was brought up by inhuman existence, maybe it was the instinct brought in her womb.

In short, in her previous life and this life, she can instinctively distinguish between human and non-human existence.

Just like when she met the snake pretending to be Ji Jiashu in Moon Marsh Lake, she actually knew at first sight that the "Ji Jiashu" in front of her was not a human being.

"Okay, I won't ask anymore..." Seeing Ying Baoyue's gloomy eyes, Meng Shi's heart skipped a beat, and she turned to look at the ice cave in shock.

"The practitioner fell, and then?"

"What do you think?" Ying Baoyue was silent for a moment, and looked around at the people with strange expressions.

Practitioners who fell into the ice cave would not die immediately. The ice lake where she and Li Ji fell was far deeper than the river, but there were no footprints outside the ice cave.

There is even very little blood.

Regardless of whether the practitioner climbed out or not, this is unreasonable.

Ying Baoyue's eyes fell on the ice surface on the outer edge of the ice cave. Except for the finger that was deeply embedded in the ice, the edge of the cave was as clean as a cleaned crime scene.

So, is there such a possibility?
The area around here has been cleaned.

Even the fluffy snowdrifts were carefully covered on the ice.

Only a few drops of blood left behind are eye-catching bait.

This is an elaborate trap.

After listening to Ying Baoyue's calm narration, Ji Jiashu, Zhao Guang and others had goose bumps all over their bodies.

"So... what should we do next?" Zhao Guang asked tremblingly.

"Now that the trap has been discovered, let's go around it," Li Ji said with a firm grip.

In any case, a group of people can't stay here.

Ying Baoyue nodded, "Be careful, everyone, let's go."

With their hearts in their throats, everyone avoided the snowdrifts on the ice and walked slowly towards the translucent ice layer.

Right after they left, no one noticed.

Where Zhao Guang was originally standing, there was a sudden crack.

There was a small opening.

(End of this chapter)

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