Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1632 Weak Water

Chapter 1632 Weak Water
There were still a few clusters of snowdrifts scattered outside the icy surface of the river, but no one dared to investigate any more, and circumvented those places cautiously.

There are three piles in total.

Passing by these snowdrifts far away, Meng Shi quietly counted.

This amount filled her with a chill.

She has never met other climbers, and now she simply wonders if there are no living people in front of them.

With this thought in his heart, Meng Shi shivered suddenly.


Ying Baoyue turned her head, "What's wrong?"

Meng Shi shook her head, forced a smile and said, "It's all right, nothing."

"Well, be careful where you step," Ying Baoyue urged solemnly.

Although she had discovered the trap by the river in advance, she still had a doubt in her heart that had not been resolved.

Is it really possible to lure practitioners over by just relying on a few drops of blood to dig such a trap in advance?

How did those practitioners fall into the cave?
In other words, how... were they dragged down alive?
The muscles on Ying Baoyue's back tensed slightly, and the vigilance of her whole body was raised to the extreme.

At the same time, she noticed that the energy in Li Jiji Jiashu beside her had also been raised to the extreme.

They probably also noticed something strange.

The vast majority of those who can climb the mountain to get here are practitioners of the Divine Dance Realm and above.If he really had to fight for his life and death, it would be no problem to break through the ice of the entire river. How could he climb on the edge of the ice cave like he was powerless, and even his fingers were torn off?


Until the soles of her feet stepped on the translucent ice, Ying Baoyue was still thinking about this question.

But she did not relax her vigilance of the surrounding environment because of this. Looking at the road under her feet, she did not immediately walk up, but stretched out one foot and stepped forward vigorously.

Although the ice surface in front of him was transparent, it was frozen hard, and he could see everything above and below. The surface was not damaged at all, and there was no ambush underneath. The ice surface was thick enough to bear the weight of a human body.

There's really nothing suspicious about it.

Ying Baoyue pursed her lips tightly and shifted her whole body weight onto the ice.

Nothing happened.

This is also of course.

After all, she is a water magician. To be honest, even if the ice layer cracks now, she has nothing to be afraid of.

Although this river is long, it is not deep. It is only as deep as a person after removing the ice layer.

It is completely different from the Beihai that she and Li Ji once fell into.

"Embracing the moon?"

Li Ji's nervous but not afraid voice came from behind, Ying Baoyue turned around and gave everyone a thumbs up, "No problem."

Ji Jiashu heaved a sigh of relief and walked onto the ice.

Indeed no problem.

"Then let's go," Zhao Guang grabbed Li Ji's clothes tightly and stepped on the ice with confidence.

Even if there were flood beasts hidden under the ice, with Li Ji, a water master, he would have nothing to be afraid of.

Everyone stepped on the ice layer and walked forward, and soon reached the center of the glacier.

Everything went well, but Ying Baoyue felt more and more uneasy in her heart. She always felt that she seemed to have overlooked some very important issues.

How did the practitioners who came here before them pass?
Why are the three piles of snow all facing the shore in the direction of going up the mountain?

If a trap is to be set, why not on the other side?

Although the ice cave under the snowdrift can be regarded as hidden, will three practitioners really fall for it at the same time?Do practitioners really fall so easily?
And who... was cleaning the hole?
Wait, what if they didn't fall in by themselves, nor were they dragged in by the mysterious existence below in the first place?
Ying Baoyue's heart stopped beating suddenly.

At this moment, she suddenly heard a bird chirping.

"Huh?" Everyone raised their heads in surprise, "There are birds here?"

Birds fly in Tianshan Mountain, since they entered Xiling Snow Mountain, they haven't heard birdsong for a long time.

"Is it Heitan?" Zhao Guang raised his head with a grin, and the hem of his clothes tightened suddenly.

Li Ji, who was originally standing beside him, had strode over to Ying Baoyue's side, and grabbed her wrist.

If something goes wrong, it must be a demon. He has already experienced the cry of a baby in Moon Marsh Lake once.

This time he will never let go of her hand.

Li Ji didn't even have time to think about anything else, and instinctively grabbed Ying Baoyue.

Ji Jiashu stared blankly at this scene, closed his eyes, and also came to Ying Baoyue's side.

The atmosphere on the ice changed suddenly, the cold air suddenly picked up, and birdsong rang in my ears, but there was no trace of any bird in the sky.

Ying Baoyue suddenly felt that the song of this bird was somewhat familiar. It didn't look like a bird flying in the sky, but it seemed like a well-known waterfowl.

A waterfowl that would never be here.

Ying Baoyue's scalp exploded, and he shouted softly, "Let's go!"

"Wait, this voice is..."

At this time, other people also recognized the sound, and Zhao Guang, who was familiar with the habits of birds, beamed with joy, "Isn't this a mandarin duck? How come there are places like this..."

Mandarin ducks are auspicious birds, they don't fly in the sky, they only swim in the water, Zhao Guang instinctively lowered his head, his face suddenly turned pale.

"Don't bow your head, go!"

Ying Baoyue pulled out the Sunset Sword and shouted angrily.

But she was still too late.

Everyone couldn't help lowering their heads, seeing the scene under their feet, they couldn't move for a moment, and their souls flew away.

The originally clear river water with transparent ice has turned blood red, but it is not stained red by blood.

The bright red fish scales swaggered in the icy water, and countless fat carp-like huge fish bodies squeezed and squeezed under the ice surface.

The shape of that thing is similar to that of a carp, but its body is several times bigger than that of a carp.

But on the bodies of these fish, there are things that don't belong to fish.

Countless human faces were stuck under the ice.

The nose, eyebrows, and eyes are the same as those of humans, and they are stuck tightly under the ice, and the facial features are all squashed.


The rapid knocking sound came from under the ice.

Zhao Guang slowly lifted the sole of his shoe, and a squashed human face grinned at him, revealing the flesh and blood hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Zhao Guang's brain was shaking.

The cries of the mandarin ducks and the screams of the teenagers resounded across the ice.


Ying Baoyue had no time to comfort him, the words she read in the book kept echoing in her mind, and she screamed, "It's Chi Chi!"

In the mountains of Qingqiu, the Yingshui flows out, and the south flows into the lake of the wings.

Among them, there are many red chickens, whose shape is like a fish but with a human face, and whose sound is like a mandarin duck.

The different fish mentioned in "Shan Hai Jing·Nan Shan Jing" is Chi Chi.

Human face, the sound is like a mandarin duck, eating it can cure diseases.

Have the human beings who recorded these ever thought that one day human beings will also be eaten by red chickens?
But these are not the most important. The number of red chinchillas under this river is indeed terrifying, but the red chinchillas have only human faces and no hands and feet. They are not considered spiritual beasts with extremely high intelligence. Go down and eat them alive.

There must be something else wrong with this river!
Everyone, whose faces were pale with fright, was awakened by Ying Baoyue, and rushed to the opposite bank desperately, but at this moment, a red chinchilla with the length of two people raised its head under the ice and slammed towards the ice. hit.

With a click, a big hole was cracked on the ice. Seeing the familiar size of the hole, Ying Baoyue shuddered.

That's how the ice cave on the shore was created!

The river gushes out from the mouth of the cave crazily, but the people who ran to the other bank could not be so stupid as to jump into the cave, they all avoided the big red bird and rushed forward. Ying Baoyue had already run to the bank, and looked back anxiously. To the others, the pupils shrank.

The big red chinchilla slapped the tail of the fish under the ice, splashing water outside the ice cave, Gui Chen, who was running at the back of the crowd, suddenly splashed a few drops of river water on his heels.

Gui Chen slipped on the sole of his foot and fell backwards with a thud.

He suddenly fell on a pool of river water behind him, turned his head, and looked at his hands and feet in astonishment.

The part of his body that was stained with river water was unconsciously sliding towards the ice cave in the distance!
It was as if an invisible force was dragging him towards the hole.

Under the ice, the two-person big red chinchilla raised its face and swam towards him.

 "The mountain of Qingqiu... the Yingshui flows out, and the south flow flows into the Zeyi. Among them, there are many red chickens, which are shaped like fish and have human faces. ·Nanshanjing

  It is said that specimens of sea fish similar to redfish have been found in the Sea of ​​Japan, but it is best not to search for pictures, as it will really make your san value go crazy.But you can experience the feelings of the characters in the book for yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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