Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1649 Enlightenment

Chapter 1649 Enlightenment
Huo Zhan pulled Ying Xun's arm and pushed him out of the hole, hugged his leg, and slammed him up.

"your Highness!"

The young man's bruised body exploded with infinite strength in an instant, Huo Zhan let go of his throat and roared.

"My lord, I will leave it to you!"

Ah, ah, ah.

Ying Xun was speechless, his vision rose rapidly, and he saw Ying Baoyue leaning out from the cliff and reaching out to him.

However, at this moment, Ying Xun heard the sound of Zhu Yan's stone hitting Huo Zhan's back again.


Ying Xun turned his head suddenly and looked down, but Huo Zhan didn't look up, his eyes were still covered with blood, and he shouted with the last of his strength.

"Eldest son, go up! Reach out!"

Ying Xun instinctively stretched out his hand, and Ying Baoyue grabbed his hand from above.

Looking at the blood man looming from the hole, her eyes were a little red and she opened her mouth slightly.

"Don't worry, I caught it."

Huo Zhan couldn't see, and grinned when he heard the words, showing a smile.

"Thank you."

He said softly, loosening his tired hands.


Sensing the loss of strength in his legs, Ying Xun suddenly lowered his head.

Time seemed to freeze in an instant, and the blood in his whole body seemed to freeze in an instant.

"The eldest son, the descendants of the Huo family, are loyal."

The young man's smiling voice rang in Ying Xun's ear, Huo Zhan let go of his hand, took a staggering step back, rolled from the entrance of the cave, and fell headlong into the waterfall.


Ying Xun shouted heartbreakingly, watching Huo Zhan's blood-covered body fall down the waterfall, be washed into the dark river, roll a few times, and disappear.

"Ah, ah," Ying Xun's throat roared, and his chest heaved violently, but before he could recover from the great sadness, there was another huge pulling force on his legs.

Ying Xun lowered his head stiffly, and found that Zhu Yan, who was sitting in the cave, had reached the entrance of the cave again at some point, stretched out his long arms, and was hugging his legs and pulling them down!

"you you……"

Looking at the monster that caused Huo Zhan to fall off the cliff, Ying Xun's eyes turned blood red.

He let go of Ying Baoyue's hand, and suddenly touched the sword at his waist, but before he could draw the sword, the sword belt around his waist suddenly came loose.

With a plop, his sword belt and scabbard rolled into the water.

Ying Xun's pupils contracted slightly, and he watched Zhu Yan holding up a sharpened wooden spike, with his monkey face up, and smiled at him.

This monster... actually picked off his sword belt!

Ying Xun was furious, and regardless of the sharp object in Zhu Yan's hand, he struggled to step on its face.

Zhu Yan rolled his eyes, turned his head away from the kick, and grabbed Ying Xun's foot to pull him down.

Ying Xun's body sank suddenly.

"Embrace the moon!"

Ying Baoyue was dragged half of her body down by Ying Xun, and Gui Chen hugged her waist from behind in horror.

This sound brought back Ying Xun's reason.

Originally, his body, which was already hot from sadness and anger, cooled down in an instant.

Ying Xun slowly raised his head, looking up at Ying Baoyue who insisted on pulling him.

"Cousin, I'm fine, come up quickly."

The way Ying Xun looked at her made Ying Baoyue's heart tremble for some reason.

It was a look she had never seen before.

No, I saw it once.

Ying Baoyue suddenly remembered that when she was determined to be engaged to Ying Su, she ran into Ying Xun in the palace. That was how that eight-year-old boy looked at her.


Ying Xun didn't answer, but just looked down at the cunning beast that was pulling him.

Zhu Yan raised his head, looking straight at him with human-like eyes, his eyes were cold but seemed to see through the world.

Ying Xun no longer avoided its gaze.

One man and one ape, with four eyes facing each other.


Ying Xun asked firmly.

Why must kill him?
Zhu Yan looked at him, opened and closed his lips, and said the same, "Why?"

Ying Xun was astonished, with anger in his eyes, and roared, "It's all because of you..."

It was all because of this monster that he lost Huo Zhan and fell into such a situation!
Zhu Yan looked at him and repeated verbatim, "It's all because of you."

Ying Xun was stunned.

Zhu Yan's eyes were like a mirror, reflecting his distressed figure.

Ying Xun stared blankly at himself in Zhu Yan's eyes.

"The descendants of the Huo family are loyal!"

Huo Zhan's voice rang in his ears, mixed with the voices and screams of countless people.

"Eldest son, you go first, the humble minister is the queen!"

"It's not a pity for a villain to die, you must save the flesh and blood of the eldest son of the emperor!"

"You must have nothing to do, you are the only one left in the Daqin royal family!"

The voices of countless people rang in his ears, and Ying Xun stared blankly into Zhu Yan's eyes.

He watched a young child being arched in front of everyone, carried by a group of old people to a high throne, and countless people fell down one after another behind him.

Ying Xun's lips were dry and cracked, he opened and closed, "I..."

Zhu Yan looked at him with pity, firmly grasped Ying Xun's legs with both palms, and pulled them down.

"your Highness!"

Gui Chen's terrified shout came from above, and Ying Xun saw from Zhu Yan's eyes that Ying Baoyue was holding his hand, half of his body was being pulled off the cliff, Ying Xun turned his head suddenly, and looked at Ying Baoyue .


Ying Baoyue looked into the eyes of the young man in front of him, and suddenly froze, ""

Ying Xun took her hand, raised his head and smiled at her.

"Thank you."

Thank you for working so hard together with his biological mother 16 years ago to bring him safely into this world.

When he and his father met her, countless people thought it was Daqin's disaster.It's not that he didn't hate her.

But at this moment he realized that it was his luck to meet her.

She is not a disaster, but a treasure.

It turned out that he had liked her very much since a long time ago.

I am not born, but I am old.

You hate my late birth, I hate your early birth.

"Hold the moon," Ying Xun smiled, and then let go of the hand that was holding Ying Baoyue.

"what are you doing!"

With a slip of his palm, Ying Baoyue was startled and fished down, grabbing his hand tightly.

"Holding the moon, that's enough."

Ying Xun said.

She has tried hard enough.

If this goes on, none of them can survive.

Ying Xun stretched out his other hand, and bit by bit opened Ying Baoyue's fingers holding him.

There was fear in Ying Baoyue's eyes, "Xun'er, you can't do this, you..."

"I've always wanted to ask you one thing." Ying Xun smiled and looked at her with a calm expression, "Is it because of me that you were so kind to me back then, or because I was my father's son?"

Ying Baoyue was stunned.

Ying Xun smiled bitterly, he knew that his question was very unreasonable, all his status was born of his blood.

He asked this question as if asking the chicken or the egg.

After all, he wouldn't exist without his father.

Ying Baoyue would risk his life to deliver the concubine's birth back then, and that was also because he was entrusted by the prince.

But for some reason, this contradictory question lingered in his mind for a long time, almost throughout his entire childhood.

At this time, Ying Xun wanted to ask willfully.

"I..." Ying Baoyue said in a daze, "I..."

Although it was something she had always wanted to ask, seeing her in such a difficult situation, Ying Xun softened her heart.

"Forget it," he smiled and lowered his head, "I already know the answer."

"No, you don't know," Ying Baoyue suddenly tightened her fingers, "I don't know the answer, but if the person who came to see me that day wasn't your father, I would still go."

Ying Xun was stunned.

She said that she would save him not because he was the prince's child.

"You are a life," Ying Baoyue looked at him, with a smile that seemed to be crying, "how could I not go?"

She would treat him like that because he was the one she brought into this world.

"Really?" Ying Xun stared at her blankly, and suddenly understood why Li Ji, Ji Jiashu and others could stay by her side so relaxedly.

Because in her eyes, they are not so-and-so's sons, or the legitimate sons of any aristocratic family.

They are just themselves, just an incomparably precious life.

"I see."

Ying Xun smiled.

"Thank you."

He came into this world with love and expectation, and he is also a unique person who is extremely cherished by others.

This is enough.

"Ying Xun?"

Ying Xun raised his head and smiled at Ying Baoyue, opened her last finger and fell into the water.

 "You were born before I was born, and I was old when I was born. You hate that I was born late, but I hate that you were born early." - Tang Dynasty·Anonymous
  There are many interpretations of this poem, but my favorite one is "When you are talking about love, I don't know what it is, and when I know what it is, you are already far away from me."

(End of this chapter)

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