Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1650

Chapter 1650
First there was the piercing coldness, then the suffocation after the water was poured into the throat and nasal cavity, the pain when the ice block hit the rock wall, the dizziness caused by blood loss, and the endless darkness followed.

Then, there is warmth and the sound of a beating heart.


Ying Xun sat up abruptly as the sound of burning flames rang in his ears.

He stretched out his hands and looked at the wounds on his hands that had healed, "This..."

How is this going?

"Wake up."

A lazy voice came from next to his ear, and Ying Xun suddenly turned his head, and the flames illuminated his face.

He was lying on the edge of an underground river, a foot away from him, a fire was burning above the ice, and a silver-haired boy was sitting cross-legged by the campfire, adding firewood to it.

"You are……"

Ying Xun looked at the strange young man beside him in astonishment, the expression in his eyes fluctuating.

Everything was so bizarre that he didn't know what to ask for a while.

The next moment he was even more surprised to find that the fire on the ground was actually slightly vacated, and there was a surge of air below.

This young man was indeed no ordinary person.

Ordinary people are not capable of lighting a fire on ice.

So sure enough he is now...

Ying Xun felt the beating pulse on his wrist, and said in a daze, "So I'm not dead."

"What? You look like you want to die," the silver-haired boy glanced at him, "If you have such a need, just tell me, and I'll throw you down again."

Ying Xun glanced at the rushing dark river beside him, and gave a wry smile.

"No," he shook his head and looked at his palm, "I can't die yet."

With so many lives on his back, he is not qualified to seek death.

He let go of Ying Baoyue's hand before, not seeking death, but just not wanting to take Ying Baoyue's life in vain.

"Oh?" The silver-haired boy narrowed his eyes when he heard the words, "It's not that he doesn't want to die, but that he can't die?"

Looking at the other party's eyes full of interest, Ying Xun couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, the other party found the loophole in his words so easily, Ying Xun lowered his head, "Because I'm the only one left."

He is unique and irreplaceable.

He is the only remaining descendant of Emperor Taizu's line other than Ying Hanri, and he must support the family, inherit the glory, and recover what belonged to his father.

So unless it is absolutely necessary, he cannot die.

"You're the only one left?" The silver-haired boy played with a dagger in his hand, "Is everyone in your family dead?"

Ying Xun was taken aback, and suddenly realized that the snake-handled dagger in the silver-haired boy's hand was the one given to him by his grandfather before he left. He frantically touched his empty bosom, and he quickly reached out to grab it.

"This, this is my dagger, please return it to me, Your Excellency!"

The silver-haired boy retracted his hands and raised the dagger high, "Your?"

He looked at the dagger in his hand, "I recognize this dagger."

The silver-haired boy said lightly.

"This is the dagger of an old friend of mine."

Ying Xun's movements froze, and he looked up at the young man who looked similar to him in disbelief, "You...know my father?"

The previous owner of this dagger was none other than his father, Ying Su.

"Oh?" The silver-haired boy took a look at Ying Xun, "So you are Ying Su's son? You look alike."

is it?

It turned out to be the case.

No, it should be so.

Ying Xun was taken aback, and sat down in his original position.

"Senior saved me because I knew my father?"

The silver-haired boy's eyes moved slightly, and he glanced at the dejected boy on the ground, "That's right."

Not quite, but he had a hunch it would be more interesting to answer that way.

"That's it," Ying Xun smiled wryly, "Thank you senior."

Sure enough, the boy saved his life because of his father.

He did have an excellent father. If it wasn't for his father's face, he might not be able to live today with his aptitude.

"What? You look very unhappy," the silver-haired boy handed the dagger to Ying Xun, looking at his expression with interest, "You hate your father?"

"No!" Ying Xun raised his head violently and immediately denied it.But his eyes touched the other's eyes, and his voice lowered, "It's not like this..."

"Oh?" The silver-haired boy tilted his head, "What is that?"

"I'm ashamed," Ying Xun lowered his head, "I can't replace my father at all."

He knows exactly what the ministers who raised him from a young age want.

They didn't want to raise him, but wanted to raise a second Yingsu.

What they want is not Ying Xun who has grown up, but the return of the eldest son of the emperor, who is a corporal and gentle.

"Wait, why did you replace him?"

The silver-haired boy straightened up funny, and sneered, "Do all of you Qin people have brain problems?"

Ying Xun raised his head in a daze, it was the first time he met someone who answered like this.Generally, when faced with his confession, the veterans of the former Qin Dynasty would pat him on the shoulder and encourage him to work hard so that he would be able to catch up with his father one day.

Looking at the disdainful eyes of the silver-haired boy, Ying Xun said blankly, "Because Daqin needs a wise monarch..."

"That's it..." The silver-haired boy dragged his voice, and he understood the purpose of Ying Xun and the people behind him as soon as he heard it.

"Not to mention whether you can become a substitute for your father," the silver-haired girl yawned, "Your father himself is not suitable to be a king, is he?"

"What did you say?!"

Ying Xun's eyes widened suddenly, and his dejected eyes suddenly became sharp. He clenched the dagger in his hand and became angry, "You are not allowed to say that about my father!"

His qualifications are mediocre, so it's okay to slander him.

But this unidentified boy dared to say that his father was not worthy to be king?

Facing the cold light of the dagger, the silver-haired boy remained unmoved.

"I'm just telling the truth," he shrugged, "Your father is a good man, and indeed has the potential to become a benevolent king, but the current world doesn't need a benevolent king like your father."

Ying Xun was taken aback for a moment, and then sneered, "So a tyrant like Ying Hanri is what heaven wants?"

"I didn't say that," the silver-haired boy said calmly, he glanced at the upper reaches of the dark river, "but since Zhu Yan is so persistent in wanting your death, I think you Qin people should also reflect on yourself."

Ying Xun froze, and suddenly remembered the legend about Zhu Yan that he had heard.

The birth of Zhu Yan indicates the disaster of war, but it does not mean that Zhu Yan is a warlike beast.On the contrary, because Zhu Yan is extremely disgusted with the chaos in the world, he will appear every time there is chaos, to prevent military disasters, and to warn the world.

"You mean, Zhu Yan wants me to die because I'm not worthy to be king, and taking the throne by force will cause chaos in the world?"

Ying Xun opened his eyes wide and suddenly trembled.

"You can't say that," the silver-haired boy sighed, "That guy is a bit paranoid, he's too serious."

Prophecy is important, but he has always disapproved of Zhu Yan's way of changing the course of troubled times by killing one person.

Even if Ying Xun died here today, the group of ex-Qin survivors would only become more insane, thinking that Ying Xun would continue to overthrow Ying Hanri under the guise of revenge, and they might even give Ying Xun a posthumous child.

He glanced at Ying Xun who was trembling beside him, and said calmly, "If you alone could really cause chaos, I would have killed you long ago."

It's Zhu Yan's turn to make a move.

Ying Xun was taken aback, "Then..."

He wanted to say something else, but the silver-haired boy suddenly put his finger to his lips, "Hush."

The young man who had always been cynical suddenly became serious, and exuded a chilling aura from his body.

"The time has come."

"The ladder has opened."

The silver-haired boy looked over the heads of the two and spoke solemnly.

"It's time to climb the stairs."

(End of this chapter)

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