Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1658

Chapter 1658
that's enough.

"Mingyue, that's enough."

Gui Chen held Ying Baoyue's hand, looked into her eyes with a smile, and spoke softly.

"Thank you for bringing me here."

He originally thought that he would never be able to become a cultivator in his life, but it was the appearance of this girl that made him discover that such a brilliant miracle existed in the world.

Before coming to Xiling Snow Mountain, he never imagined that he could go so far.

Not only reached the last level, but also survived to such a position.

Among human-level practitioners, he can be regarded as creating a piece of history.

"I'm very satisfied after coming here," Gui Chen looked into Ying Baoyue's eyes, "I'm sorry, Mingyue, I can't continue walking with you."

Ying Baoyue looked into his eyes, "You liar."

"We obviously can go further."

Noticing that she was crying, Gui Chen was hit hard in the heart.

This kind of feeling may have nothing to do with the love between men and women, but only the tacit understanding between them.

It belongs exclusively to those two children who once lived in a dilapidated small courtyard, who obviously had no natural state but still dreamed of becoming practitioners all day long.

"Yes, I'm a big liar," Gui Chen looked into her eyes and smiled with tears in his eyes, "so liars will be punished."

He stretched out his hand to break Ying Baoyue's fingers.

"Wait, Chen, don't do this!"

As if the nightmare was about to repeat itself, Ying Baoyue tightened her fingers violently.

Why does everyone have to do this?

Can't she hold anyone back?
"Don't worry," Gui Chen looked at her and smiled, "Zi Chu and the others were fine before, and I will be fine too."

Ji Jiashu's heart tightened when he heard the words from above, no one can guarantee this kind of thing!
Ying Baoyue is also very clear that good luck does not come every time, and no one can guarantee that people will be fine if they fall from such a high place.

"Achen, you believe me, didn't you successfully climb up Mount Li before?"

Ying Baoyue became incoherent, "As long as you don't give up..."

"Mingyue," Gui Chen interrupted her, "I'm not giving up this time."

Last time, he wanted to give up in despair.

This time, he stretched out his hand full of hope.

"I'm not giving up," Gui Chen broke Ying Baoyue's fingers one by one, "I just want to try one last time."

She took him to so many places, and it was his turn to take her where she wanted to go.

Each of the former companions should have the same belief.

They always watched Ying Baoyue fighting alone on the arena, fighting alone with prejudice, with the world, and with endless malice.

This time, he could finally make a choice.

Send her up.

This is his choice.

"Mingyue, I'm waiting to see you climb to the top."

Gui Chen suddenly mobilized his true energy to the extreme, and shouted upwards, "Mr. Chunhua!"

Ji Jiashu opened his eyes wide, only to see a warm flame bursting out from under the cold cliff.

Gui Chen broke free from Ying Baoyue's hand, held her sole with his palm, and lifted her up hard!
"Mr. Chunhua!"

Ji Jiashu's pupils shrank, and seeing Ying Baoyue's wind around her side quickly dissipate, he suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged her waist.

Under the huge reaction force, Gui Chen's figure instantly disappeared into the clouds and mist, only the voice of Chunhua Jun still echoed in the air.



Ji Jiashu hugged Ying Baoyue and stared blankly at the bottom of the cliff.

The next moment he remembered that something was wrong, he quickly tightened his arms, but to his surprise, Ying Baoyue didn't struggle, she reached out and grabbed the protrusion on the rock wall to relieve him of some of the strength.

Her body was as cold as a piece of ice.

"Embracing the moon?"

Ying Baoyue slowly stood firm on the stone path, "I..."

The cold wind blew across her cheeks, blowing a few strands of hair, revealing the arrowhead next to her ear.

She reached out and touched it, her voice was a little dry, but she adjusted a little bit, "Let's... move on."

Ji Jiashu looked at her, speechless.

The narrow stone path was indeed not suitable for heart-to-heart talks, and the two continued to walk forward cautiously. Seeing Ying Baoyue holding the rock wall to stop several times, Ji Jiashu became more and more worried.

Fortunately, nothing happened behind the two of them. Ji Jiashu guessed that Li Ji should have dealt with all those Xiao Xiaoxiao.

The two of them finally made it to the end of the stone path, and when they set foot on the ground again, Ji Jiashu felt the tension in his body finally loosen.

After a long time, Li Ji, Meng Shi, Yeluhua and others finally walked this road step by step.

Seeing that Guichen was no longer around Ying Baoyue, everyone immediately guessed what happened, and their expressions became heavy.

But the next moment they saw the new ladder appearing in front of them, everyone's eyes changed suddenly.

"This...this is..."

After walking through that deadly path, a new ladder indeed appeared in front of them.

I didn't notice it when I was far away through the clouds and mist, but if you look closely, you can find that these ladders are different from the previous ones.

The biggest difference is that the distance between each stone step has become much larger, almost twice that of the previous ladders.

Looking at the bottomless darkness under the ladder, Zhao Guang let out a mournful cry, " can I climb so high?"

"I can only use both hands and feet," Ying Baoyue stared at the heightened ladders, stood up from the ground and walked towards the ladders.

"Hold the moon, you..."

Li Ji looked at her back, and really wanted to persuade her to rest for a while.But looking at her back, he suddenly couldn't open his mouth.

Ying Baoyue couldn't stop now.

He didn't know the circumstances under which Gui Chen fell off the cliff, but based on the common sense in the practice world, Li Ji didn't think that the Hou Liao Tianjie would miss it.

The only thing the Hou Liao people wanted to shoot down was Ying Baoyue.

But it was Gui Chen who fell off the cliff in the end, not Ying Baoyue.

For Ying Baoyue, it was probably another painful memory.

At this time, Ying Baoyue had already reached the new ladder, climbing up with hands and feet.

Everyone resisted the urge to turn back, and also followed her up.

At this time, the heavy snow that had stopped falling down again.

Because the distance between the ladders has become higher, the climbing has become much slower this time, and each time I have to climb the previous floor to climb the next floor.

Meng Shi walked in front of Yeluhua, and the moment she climbed up the ladder, her vision blurred, and she suddenly saw countless pairs of densely packed eyes emerging from the cracks under the ladder.


She took a step back abruptly, almost falling off the stone steps, but Yeluhua helped her up from behind, "What's wrong?"

It was the first time he saw Meng Shi lose his composure like this.

Meng Shi took a closer look, but she no longer saw those eyes.

The abyss below the stone steps was quiet, as if nothing strange had happened.

"It's nothing," said Meng Shi, "I was wrong. "

(End of this chapter)

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