Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1659

Chapter 1659
Since Meng Shi said that she was wrong, Yeluhua couldn't say anything, so he could only suppress the doubts in his heart and continue to follow her up one level at a time.

The snow is getting bigger and bigger, the night is getting deeper and deeper, and the surroundings are getting quieter and quieter.

Everyone could see their surroundings clearly only by the reflection of snow light and the glare on the stone steps.

It was too cold and hadn't rested for too long. During the repeated climbing up step by step, everyone gradually became drowsy.

Yeluhua's eyelids became heavier and heavier, and he kept his eyes open only with the support of his will. He squinted his eyes, his vision became more and more blurred, and his consciousness fell into a half-dream and half-awake state.

But just when his eyes were about to close, a female voice suddenly came from in front of him, "Mo Hua?"

This voice almost coincided with his dream, and Yeluhua woke up with a jolt.

"Slap," he slapped himself on the face suddenly, trying to cover up, "I'm here, I'm not asleep."

"You're obviously about to fall asleep," Meng Shi's voice came from the front, with a little helplessness.

She stared at the road ahead, climbed another step up the cold stone, and couldn't help but say, "Be careful, don't fall down."

She knew that everyone was already very familiar with the structure of the stone steps, and knew how to climb even with their eyes closed, so they dozed off while climbing, but even if the body had memory, it was still very dangerous not to see the way ahead.

"I know," Mo Hua followed closely behind her, climbing up the cold stone steps again.

The moment he touched the stone surface, he was shivered by the ice, his teeth were chattering and he said, "Thank you for waking me up just now."

It is not common for Meng Shi to take the initiative to talk to him.Yeluhua guessed that she sensed his drowsiness from his breath, and spoke to him because she was afraid that he would fall.

However, Meng Shi was silent for a moment when she heard the words, "You're welcome, I called you just now, not to wake you up."

Yeluhua was taken aback, "What is that for?"

Meng Shi looked ahead, "I have something to ask you."

Yeluhua was taken aback for a moment, a strange feeling appeared in his heart, "What's the matter?"

What is there to ask him so solemnly at this moment?
Meng Shi fell silent again, her eyes swept across the bottomless abyss under the stone steps, and she said softly, "You should put up a barrier first."

Pulling the barrier meant that she didn't want others to hear their conversation.

Meng Shi, I have something to say to him alone.

Yeluhua's Adam's Apple moved up and down, feeling even weirder in his heart.

Thinking of Meng Shi's past behavior style, he didn't dare to think too much. He calmed down and put up a barrier around the two of them.

"Thank you."

Meng Shidao.

"It doesn't matter," Yeluhua shook his head, staring at Meng Shi's back, he clasped a step in front of him with one hand, "compared to this, what do you want to ask me?"

Meng Shi kept climbing up, and after a moment of silence, she said, "When I was in Soochow before, you said I was your princess..."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Before Meng Shi finished speaking, Yeluhua coughed violently, slipped his hands and feet and almost fell off the ladder.

"Mo Hua?"

Meng Shi was so frightened that she almost turned her head back. Yeluhua stood up quickly, reached out and pushed her back, "I'm fine, but I was a little scared."

"Oh," Meng Shi nodded, and continued to climb up meticulously.

It took her a while to realize, "Wait, what scared you?"

"It's nothing." Yeluhua looked at her back and could only smile wryly, "Why did you bring this up all of a sudden?"

Why is he frightened?
Wasn't he caught off guard by her sudden question.

When he was at the Soochow Middle Ranking Ceremony, he declared her to be his concubine in public when his identity was revealed, which was equivalent to proposing to her on the spot.

He didn't tell Meng Shi his identity beforehand, and of course he didn't tell her what he wanted.

But since he even proposed marriage, it was tantamount to confessing his feelings to her.

Afterwards, he was very disturbed and worried about Meng Shi's reaction, but he never thought of it...

Meng Shi didn't respond.

She never came to question him once.

After the Intermediate Ceremony ended, she didn't even mention it.

This is not over yet, even after she escaped from the Ninggu Pagoda and met him again, Meng Shi never mentioned this matter again.

Yeluhua wondered for a while whether she had heard him say those words back then.

After leaving Pingcheng and going on the road with Ying Baoyue and others, he would sometimes think of this incident in a daze while walking.

What is the relationship between him and Meng Shi now?
Yeluhua didn't know.

Yeluhua smiled wryly when he remembered what his mother had whispered to him before she left to have a grandson for her.

His mother probably doesn't know yet, but he has always been a fan of shaving his head.

Even after being together for so long, he still doesn't know how Meng Shi sees him.

In her heart, who is he?

Is it the younger brother Mo Hua, the prince of the Northern Wei Dynasty, a friend, or...

Yeluhua silently clenched his fists.

Although he wanted to know what Meng Shi was thinking, he didn't want to force her to respond.

He has always remembered the shock in Meng Shi's eyes when his identity was exposed in Soochow and the look in his eyes when he saluted him.

In fact, Yeluhua could vaguely sense that Meng Shi was somewhat evading the issue of dealing with the relationship with him.

He didn't blame her, he thought it was perfectly normal.

Their identities are not equal, she wants to accept him, the risk and price she has to bear is much higher than his.

So he has no right to force her to make a decision.

Yeluhua took a deep breath, he was ready to wait.

One year, two years, three years, he will let her see his determination, and wait for her to see clearly what he really thinks in his heart.

Maybe she never understood, maybe what he finally got was not the result he wanted.

But he will wait.

However, Yeluhua never expected that Meng Shi would speak at this time.

It's no wonder that he choked, after all, she didn't mention it when she was in Soochow, and she didn't mention it in Northern Wei Dynasty, but she brought it up at this time.

What is all this for?
"Cough, cough," Yeluhua tried to calm his breath, "Ashi, why did you suddenly remember this?"

"It suddenly occurred to me that I never asked you," Meng Shi focused on climbing the stone ladder while talking to him, "Why did you say that in the first place?"

and so……

Did she finally remember to ask now?

Yeluhua didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and was about to answer when Meng Shi's next words took his voice away.

She paused, and asked calmly, "Do you... want to marry me?"

……if not?

Yeluhua froze on the stone steps, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Thankfully, the girl he likes finally realizes that he wants to marry her!

It's just why Meng Shi suddenly thought of asking him this question?

(End of this chapter)

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