Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1660 Saying Love

Chapter 1660 Saying Love
There was a thump in Yeluhua's heart, and an ominous premonition suddenly arose.

But before he could think too much, Meng Shi asked softly with a little confusion and embarrassment in her voice, "Why don't you speak? I guessed wrong?"

"No, you guessed right."

Yeluhua quickly denied it, even though he knew Meng Shi couldn't see, he still nodded his head immediately.

"You guessed right," he repeated with burning ears, gritted his teeth while overcoming the shame, "yes, I want to marry you."

Meng Shi finally showed signs of enlightenment, how could he be cowardly here?
However, Meng Shi was not at all shy when she heard the words, but fell silent again.

"Really?" she said softly.

Yeluhua stared blankly at her back.

Although he couldn't see her expression, he still sensed something was wrong.

Obviously talking about marriage, but Meng Shi does not have the slightest bit of shyness and longing that belong to a girl.

"Ashi, you..." Yeluhua opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Meng Shi.

"Feel sorry."

Meng Shi struggled to climb up the new stone ladder, her breathing was slightly disordered, and she opened her mouth while panting.

"Let me finish asking first."

If she didn't finish the question once, she felt that she probably didn't have the courage to ask a second time.

Yeluhua's eyes became solemn, and he said seriously, "You ask."

Meng Shi paused and asked, "Why do you want to marry me?"

Although he was mentally prepared, this straightforward question almost made Yeluhua slip again.

" should I say this?"

Now the embarrassed person was replaced by Yeluhua, he repeated incoherently several times, but his eyes suddenly calmed down.

Staring at the thin back of the person in front of him, Yeluhua closed his eyes and said every word, "Because I like you."

There is no other reason, just because, I like you.

Meng Shi paused her hands as she was climbing up, and the back of her hands covered the stone surface, trembling slightly.

Yeluhua noticed her reaction, and his heart beat faster.

However, Meng Shi's hand moved again, and she asked softly while climbing up.

"So, what do you like about me?"

Her voice was neither sad nor happy, and her calmness was unbelievable.

Yeluhua froze for a moment, but this time he fell silent.

He faintly sensed the purpose of Meng Shi's sudden mention of this matter.

"Mo Hua?" Meng Shi urged.

"Before I answer, can you answer my question first?"

This time, Yeluhua did not answer immediately.He took a deep breath and asked softly, "Why are you asking me now?"

What was she thinking when she heard for the first time that he wanted her to be his princess?
Why do you want to ask him this question now?
Yeluhua felt a little sore and bitter in his heart.

In her heart, what exactly is he?

Meng Shi's fingers trembled slightly.

After a moment of silence, she said, "Sorry."

Yeluhua was taken aback for a moment, his heart almost stopped beating.

He thought Meng Shi wanted to reject him, but he didn't expect Meng Shi to say softly after apologizing, "Sorry, I didn't ask before because I didn't believe you."

Yeluhua was stunned for a while, then suddenly understood what she meant.

"You, you mean..."

"Well," Meng Shi looked ahead and nodded, "I thought it was just a temporary joke of yours."

In other words, she didn't feel that he really wanted to marry her at all, so she never took what he said seriously.

Ah, very good.

Yeluhua didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Then what about in the Northern Wei Dynasty?" He said with a wry smile, "Didn't you believe me then?"

When he was in Soochow, he suddenly revealed his identity, everything was caught off guard, Meng Shi didn't dare to take it seriously, he could understand.

But after returning to the Northern Wei Dynasty, except when he acted to deceive the Xirong people at the beginning, he thought that his performance was obvious enough at other times.

Yeluhua smiled wryly, "Are you blaming me for not going to Ningguta that night?"

Even though he racked his brains and devised strategies, he still failed to seize the opportunity to save Meng Shi with his own hands. When she needed him most, he was not by her side.

"How could that be?" Meng Shi immediately denied.

Afterwards, she had already learned about everything that happened from Ying Baoyue.Without Yeluhua's help, no one would be able to get close to Ninggu Tower.

She remembered everything Yeluhua did.

Because of this, from that time on, she gradually lost sight of this person who was with her day and night.

"Really?" Yeluhua smiled, "So do you believe me now?"

When he was in the Northern Wei Dynasty, he risked everything.

Doesn't she believe that he really wants to marry her?

Meng Shi lowered her head, her eyes flickering slightly.

"I just don't understand." She climbed the stone stairs step by step, her eyes were neither sad nor happy, "what is there in a person like me that deserves your liking."

She still remembered that when she was young, on the way to escape, she took Meng Ge past a private school for girls, and heard the girls in it chanting "It is easy to find priceless treasures, but it is rare to have a lover."

Easy to ask for priceless treasures, rare lovers.

Meng Ge often whispered this sentence in her ear.

But what a lover is, she doesn't understand.

Seeing Li Ji and Ji Jiashu staring at Ying Baoyue, she realized for the first time that such people exist in the world.

But in her opinion, Ying Baoyue is undoubtedly worthy of that kind of love.

But what about her?
"Mo Hua, no, Your Highness the Crown Prince," Meng Shi said lightly, "If I remember correctly, when we first met, I was dressed as a man, right?"

Yeluhua froze, nodded, "That's right."

"When we got along all the time, I also wore men's clothes, right?"

Yeluhua felt more and more bad in his heart, but he could only continue to nod, "That's right."

A bitter smile appeared on the corner of Meng Shi's mouth.

When she dressed as a man, she was different from ordinary women who disguised themselves as men. She took drugs to change her body features and voice, and she looked almost the same as a man in appearance.

"Did you fall in love with me at first sight?" she continued to ask.

Yeluhua swallowed, "No...yes."

Although it was the first time they met, they were interested, but it was indeed not love at first sight.

Meng Shi's smile became weaker and weaker, "Then, did you fall in love with me during the subsequent relationship?"

Yeluhua nodded more and more reluctantly, "Yes..."

"Is that so?" After getting the exact answer, Meng Shi's face showed no joy.

"Then," she said lightly, "His Royal Highness, are you a broken sleeve?"

A click.

A crack opened on the ice under Yeluhua's feet.

Fortunately, he was prepared in advance and grabbed the upper stone step, so he didn't fall down.

"Meng Shi," he said through gritted teeth, "you are enough."

So how did she deduce this possibility?

"Sorry, Your Highness, I didn't mean to offend," Meng Shi said with a hint of apology in her eyes, "I just...".

"It's okay," Yeluhua straightened up while rubbing his chest, and said helplessly, "What exactly do you want to ask? What are you doubting? Can you explain it to me directly?"

Meng Shi was silent for a moment, and once again glanced at the abyss under the stone steps.

"I just don't understand why you like me who is neither male nor female."

(End of this chapter)

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