Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1671 Uncle and Nephew

Chapter 1671 Uncle and Nephew
Chunyu Ye quietly looked at the man in front of him who was doing Xirong etiquette to him with one hand on his chest.

"I can understand that, are you loyal to me?"

Wu Chanxu straightened up, his black robe fluttering in the cold wind, "I said yes, do you believe it, the Twelve Di Kings?"

"Hmph," Chunyu Ye snorted coldly, and turned around.

Not to mention that people in the monastery are always full of lies, and his father is not yet weak enough to be easily killed by his nephew.

Even if Wu Chanxu wanted to stand in line, it was too early.

"There is only one person in the monastery who will be loyal from life to death." Wu Chanxu walked up to him and said with a smile.

"His Royal Highness Di Wang probably doesn't want to see me next time. Is my skin flying on the flagpole of the punishment hall?"

Such a cruel punishment, speaking from his mouth is like eating and drinking water as an understatement.

Chunyu Ye's eyes deepened, "You are really a lunatic."

He was so crazy that he had no idea what Wu Chanxu wanted.

Compared with him, his younger brother Wu Chanlu looked like a simple fool.Wu Chanlu wants money, status, and women, but he is afraid of pain and death. All his desires are hidden in his eyes, which is quite easy to handle.

But Wu Chanxu is different, he is not afraid of pain, not afraid of death, does not marry a wife, does not have children, does not love money, and is not greedy for power, which makes people puzzled.

"I sometimes wonder why you continue to stay in the Buddhist monastery."

Chunyu Ye spoke lightly.

Those who persecuted the Wu Chan family back then have been killed by Wu Chanxu after he became a heavenly rank.With Wu Chanxu's scheming and the trust of the master of the monastery, he may not have the ability to leave the monastery.

"Why should I leave?"

Wu Chanxu smiled, "Only in the Buddhist monastery can I live happily and have fun."

There was a crazy smile in his eyes, "I haven't seen the most exciting moment yet, how could I leave?"


A trace of disgust flashed across Chunyu Ye's eyes, but it disappeared immediately.

What qualifications does he have to talk about Wu Chanxu?
Chunyu Ye's blue eyes flashed, "When did you mention the most exciting moment?"

What can make such a pervert excited?
"Who knows?" Wu Chanxu took a breath of the cold air intoxicatedly, and inexplicable emotions flashed in his eyes, "But I have a premonition that that moment is coming."

Chunyu Ye tightened her fingers holding the knife.

Wu Chanxu looked at him with a smile, and raised the golden cup in his hand, "Your Highness, you are still young, and there are many joys that you don't know yet."

"Oh? Then what's your most recent happiness?" Chunyu Ye asked lightly.

"For example, I really want to see you become the White Wolf King and get the former Qin princess."

Wu Chanxu's eyes were fascinated.

"Don't you find it interesting that the descendants of Emperor Ying became Chunyu's concubine?"

When Chunyuye heard this, his pupils shrank slightly.

The next moment he was not angry but smiled, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Do you think that is possible?"

Wu Chanxu's eyes were bright, he opened his arms to the sky and spun around on the snowy ground, approaching Chunyuye's face, with the tip of his nose touching the iron surface of his face.

"Why is it impossible?"

A frenzy flashed in his eyes, "If there are only two of you left in this place, then, Your Highness, do you have the confidence to succeed?"

"What crazy things are you talking about?"

Chunyuye's green pupils became deeper and deeper, making it impossible to see any emotion.

"Chunhua and Zhaohua will not leave her side."

With those two people around, he can't get close to Ying Baoyue for the time being.

"They will," Wu Chanxu laughed loudly, looking at the tall and tall mountains in the distance, "Your Highness, have you noticed that there are fewer and fewer people around her?"

Chunyu Ye was taken aback.

Wu Chanxu held out two fingers to him.

"Soon, there are only two left."



"Song Qian!"

Song Qian staggered and fell on the ladder, Ying Baoyue stopped abruptly.

"I'm fine," Song Qian trembled and tried to get up, but suddenly his chest was suffocated, and he fell down on the stone steps again.

He was panting heavily, feeling as if his whole body was on fire.

Just when he was in despair, a chill came from the hand resting on the stone steps.

Ying Baoyue squatted down one step in front of him, reached behind her, and groped for his hand.

"Sorry," Ying Baoyue turned his back to him, "I can't turn back."

"It's right for you to do this," Song Qian rubbed his flushed cheeks, he glanced at the abyss under the stone steps, and then looked up at the dark sky.

After Zhao Guang left the team, they went from night to day, and from day to night.

This will be their last night in Xiling Snow Mountain.

When the next day dawns, they will usher in the sixth day of reaching Xiling Snow Mountain.

Before going up the mountain, Murong Feilan said that the high-level ceremony would only be held for five days.

Technically, they've now passed the deadline.

But there are no other participants on Yunshou Peak, and the deadline has lost its meaning.

Chen Zihan had sent the news from Murong Feilan through the wind method before, and the later Liao court had decided that the deadline for the high-level ceremony would be canceled this time, and whoever was the first to reach the top of Yunshou Peak would be the final winner.

Unfortunately, he couldn't see this moment.

Song Qian coughed violently.

"Song Qian?"

Ying Baoyue became nervous, and touched his veins with his hands, and found that his altitude sickness was already quite serious, and if he didn't go down the mountain, his life might be in danger.

"Your Highness, I'm fine, I can't die, so don't look back."

When they came here, everyone's physical strength was almost exhausted. Since an hour ago, Ying Baoyue also began to wrestle continuously.If she turned around and was dragged down by the force under the stone steps, maybe even she would not be able to break free again.

Song Qian swallowed the smell in his throat, looked up at Li Ji and Ji Jiashu who were standing beside Ying Baoyue like door gods, and heaved a sigh of relief.

With these two people around, at least Ying Baoyue couldn't mess around.

"Song Jizi," Li Ji noticed Song Qian's gaze, and asked softly, "What's the matter with you?"

Song Qian probably won't last long.

"Maybe I'm dazzled," Song Qian rubbed his eyes, and pointed to a direction to the side, "Is this ladder coming to an end?"

Li Ji was startled, and looked in the direction he was pointing.I saw that the steps they were climbing now disappeared into the clouds and mist after a hundred steps, as if they had come to an end.

But the place where the ladder disappeared was not the peak.

Li Ji mobilized his whole body's true energy, concentrated his strength on his eyes, and found that there was a cliff at the end of the cloud and mist, and the ladder was blocked by that cliff, and appeared again behind the cliff.

This scene is like a repeat of the cliff where Guichen fell before.

Li Ji's gaze sank.

It turns out that the Baili ladder is composed of three sections.

What they are walking now is the second section, and only through that cliff will they reach the last section leading directly to the top of the mountain.

However, unlike the cliff they passed through before, there was no extremely narrow path on the cliff ahead, but a dark cave entrance instead.

If they want to reach the third section, they probably have to go through that cave.

"So that's how it is," Song Qian let out a long breath after listening to Li Ji's narration.

"I might not be able to climb up."

Ji Jiashu's eyes darkened when he heard the words, and all of this was expected.

"But Mr. Zhaohua, can you take me to that hole?" Song Qian asked.

"No problem, but why do you want to go there?"

Li Ji frowned, Song Qian was clearly about to give up, why did he have to climb such a long way?
"I need a quiet place," Song Qian said calmly, "Your Highness, I have something to say to you."

"No, it's not me who wants you to talk to me."

Ying Baoyue was taken aback, "Song Qian, you..."

Song Qian held Ying Baoyue's hand from behind, and said solemnly.

"Ying Baoyue, my uncle has something, let me bring it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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