Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1672

Chapter 1672
"Huh, huh."

The heavy snow was blowing, and Li Ji climbed up to the highest point of the ladder little by little with Song Qian on his back.

Seeing the beads of sweat oozing from Li Ji's forehead, Song Qian's eyes flashed a deep apology, "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhaohua, for making you do such a thing."

"It's okay," Li Ji said calmly, looking ahead, "it's just a short distance."

This is not just a short distance, Song Qian tightened his purple lips.

At such a high altitude, it is difficult for normal people to even breathe. Once they do something, it is as painful as being strangled by someone's neck, let alone climbing such a high stone step with a person on their backs.

Even a heavenly cultivator is not made of iron.

Li Ji, who had been breathing evenly, became confused after carrying him on his back, which showed how much pain he was enduring.

But Li Ji didn't say a word, and didn't complain at all.

Song Qian stared at Li Ji's steady back, "I finally know why Dongling County King likes to follow you so much."

Although he said he wanted to give Ying Baoyue something to go up, Song Qian could faintly feel that Li Ji was willing to carry him not only because of Ying Baoyue.

Just because it was his wish, Li Ji was willing to fulfill it.

This is Soochow Zhaohua Jun.

Even though he usually doesn't say a word, he has always regarded them as friends.

Li Ji was too unsmiling, and it was only at this time that Song Qian realized how benevolent and righteous this man was hidden under his cold mask.


Li Ji shook off the beads of sweat on his forehead, suppressed the roiling blood in his chest, and asked sideways, "What did you say?"

"It's nothing." Song Qian smiled and grabbed Li Ji's shoulder, "Is it coming soon?"

Because he had to carry him, Li Ji fell to the last, while Ying Baoyue and Ji Jiashu walked in the front to explore the way.

At this time, the two of them could be seen stopping in front.

"It should be," Li Ji climbed up little by little panting, and found that the second ladder had come to an end, and the cliff he saw before appeared in front of everyone.

"Are you ok?"

Ying Baoyue stood at the very front of the ladder, looked ahead, and asked softly.

"I'm fine, think of a way to get there."

Li Ji straightened his body and stared at the cliff road ahead.

Song Qian, who was lying on his back, was startled. He suddenly realized that Ying Baoyue hadn't looked at anyone just now, but Li Ji naturally knew that she was asking him.

Ying Baoyue looked at the cliff in front of him. Standing at the end of the stone steps, he could see a dark cave, but the cave's entrance was not facing the ladder, but was about ten feet away.

Between the ladder and the entrance of the cave, I didn't see any protrusions that could be used for strength.

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, "It seems that we can only dig a way out by ourselves."

"Wait, are we really going out of this cave?"

Ji Jiashu frowned, "Can this cave really lead to the ladder at the back?"

If this cave is a dead end, wouldn't their efforts be in vain?

Li Ji's eyes were also a little serious, but at this moment, a weak male voice came from the ears of everyone.

"This cave is accessible."

"Zi Han?"

Ying Baoyue said in surprise, "Can your voice reach here?"

After Zhao Guang fell off, Chen Zihan's voice gradually disappeared as the altitude rose.

The wind method has an end, and the higher you go, the more difficult it is to send the sound up.Ying Baoyue was already prepared not to hear Chen Zihan's voice, but she didn't expect to hear it suddenly at this moment.

"Cough, cough, cough," Chen Zihan coughed on Fengfa's side, and turned to look at a bear sitting cross-legged behind him.

"Bear" raised the bear's head, and Chen Zichu showed his face from under the bear's skin, showing him a bright smile.

Feeling the real energy coming from the bear's paw covering his back, Chen Zihan also smiled.

"My elder brother is back," Chen Zihan said, "he helped me."

Ying Baoyue was startled, and a warm feeling gushed out of his chest, "Is he all right?"

"Well," Chen Zihan glanced at Xu Yishan who was punching him on the other side, and cheered up, "Your Highness, this cave is accessible."

He held his breath and carefully examined the feelings from Feng Fa.

Rather than calling it a cave, the entrance of the cave that appeared in front of Ying Baoyue and the others was more like the entrance of a long tunnel in the middle of the mountain.

Chen Zihan could feel that the wind could pass through the tunnel unimpeded, but he was surprised to find that he couldn't detect the situation on the other side of the cave.

Once his wind passes through this hole, it is like a mud cow entering the sea, and the news is lost in an instant.

Listening to Chen Zihan's narration, Ying Baoyue and Li Jiji Jiashu looked at each other.

"There is such a possibility."

Li Ji thought for a while and said, "The other side of the cave is the domain of Lord Mountain Ghost and the White Tiger God."

The real king of Fengfa is on the other side of the cave, and because of this, the wind over there will not listen to Chen Zihan's orders.

This also means that they have come a little closer to the mountain ghost, and the next step is the last part of the road in the true sense.

"Since it works, let's go through this hole," Ying Baoyue made up his mind and pulled out the Sunset Sword from his waist.

"Wait, Your Highness."

At this time, Chen Zihan suddenly hesitated, "Although it is possible for me to get out of this hole, I can't detect what is inside."

As soon as his wind entered the hole, he scrambled to the other end, as if something was chasing after him.

This made Chen Zihan inexplicably uneasy.

Ying Baoyue's heart tightened, she looked at the bottomless hole ahead, and took a deep breath.

"Let's go."

Except for this cave entrance, the entire cliff was clean and smooth, and they really had nowhere to go.

Song Qian also needs a stable place to rest, he really can't be drenched in snow on this mountain road anymore.

With a click, Ying Baoyue swung his first sword, and a small hole was dug out on the cliff.

"Let me do it," Ji Jiashu walked up to her and pressed her hand, "Save some energy."

Ying Baoyue shook her head, Ji Jiashu could only sigh helplessly, and suddenly drew out her sword, cutting two deep holes on the cliff before her.

The two drew their swords one after another as if they were competing with each other.

Soon, two rows of neat holes were dug from the ladder to the cave entrance.

Just as Ying Baoyue was about to continue her attack, a stream of water mixed with ice and snow rushed out from behind her, following the direction of the two rows of pits, stripping off an entire rock wall in an instant.

"A Ji?"

Li Ji, who was carrying Song Qian on his back, put down his hands, lowered his head slightly to cover up the abnormal bluishness under his neck, and said calmly, "Okay, let's go."

A narrow path was carved out of the originally empty rock wall, just like the one they passed before the first section of the ladder.

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, and couldn't blame Li Ji for overdrawing her own strength. She put one foot on the stone road and pressed her whole body against the cliff.

The first time was raw and the second time was familiar, this time she passed the road very quickly.

The dark hole was close in front of her eyes, Ying Baoyue raised her head and reached out to grab the edge of the hole.

(End of this chapter)

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