Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1677

Chapter 1677
Under the firelight, the boy's eyes were burning.

Brighter and hotter than flames.

Li Ji looked at Ji Jiashu, and for a moment seemed to see the young man who ran desperately in the cloud forest eight years ago.

Has he ever fallen in love with someone like this, so desperately and without hesitation?

"Wait, what's your expression?"

Seeing Li Ji's changing eyes, Ji Jiashu frowned and laughed hoarsely.

He suddenly felt extremely boring.

"I know what you're thinking," Ji Jiashu stretched out his hand, lowered his head and traced Ying Baoyue's eyebrows from the air, and said calmly, "You must be thinking, I'm such a child who hasn't grown up."

Although he is old enough to marry a wife and have children, compared with Li Ji, his age, experience and knowledge are far inferior to him.

In Li Ji's eyes, his statement just now should be extremely naive, right?

Getting married is a good thing to marry two surnames, and the marriage contract between the royal family has no real feelings at all, it is just an exchange of interests.

What he said just now is not unrealistic, it can be said to be hypocrisy, and in the eyes of the children of the family, it is nothing more than purely beautiful words.

However, Ji Jiashu did not expect that Li Ji would not continue to remain silent in the face of his ridicule, nor would he immediately deny it.

"Do not."

Li Ji stood up, picked out some moss from the crevice beside the stone, dried it, and put it on the fire.

After doing this, he sat down next to Ji Jiashu again across Ying Baoyue.

Staring at the fire, Li Ji spoke slowly.

"I understand your idea."

Ji Jiashu has been watching his every move, hearing his expression unchanged, "Oh? What do you know?"

"I know my actions are despicable," Li Ji said, "I feel guilty."

"No one wants you to feel guilty," Ji Jiashu sneered, "Who are you feeling guilty about?"

Li Ji said calmly, "To myself."

Ji Jiashu was taken aback.

Li Ji added another piece of moss to the fire, "I'm afraid you won't believe it, but I do understand how you feel right now."


It was rare for Li Ji to talk so much at once, but Ji Jiashu only found it ironic.

Facing this "stone" that wouldn't make a sound when he cut a sword, he calmly asked, "What mood?"

Li Ji turned his head from the fire, staring at Ying Baoyue lying on Ji Jiashu's lap, "You want me to make it clear to her."

Because she is a woman whom I truly love, I hope that she will be fully respected, and I hope that she can compete with other men in an open and honest manner.

He stayed by Ying Baoyue's side so vaguely, intervening in everything, taking advantage of her defenselessness, it was indeed not a gentleman's action.

Looking at Li Ji's clear eyes, Ji Jiashu was slightly dumb.

Although Li Ji didn't explain anything, he could feel that Li Ji really understood.

Li Ji looked into Ji Jiashu's eyes and said seriously.

"Chunhua, you are a gentleman."

It was the first time he met such a straightforward and honest boy.

"I said this not for you to compliment me," Ji Jiashu's eyes turned cold, "I might as well tell you that the person I met in the illusion of Qingluan Peak was you."

Facing Li Ji, who had transformed into a snake clone, he really had the intent to kill.Perhaps Hua Snake also sensed the discord in his heart towards Li Ji, that's why he transformed into that appearance, trying to arouse the darkness in his heart.

Li Ji was stunned, "I also met you."

"I mean I met you in the form of a snake, wait, what did you say?"

Ji Jiashu thought that Li Ji had misheard what he said, and was just about to explain, but suddenly became agitated.

"You mean to say..."

Li Ji looked into Ji Jiashu's eyes, "It seems that we have met each other."

The cave was extremely silent for a while, Ji Jiashu's Adam's apple moved up and down, and suddenly laughed.

"What is this?" Looking at Li Ji's face hidden under the mask, he couldn't laugh or cry, "Have we become our own demons?"

Li Ji's expression was a little complicated.

He didn't expect that the person Ji Jiashu saw in the snake illusion was himself.

Since Ji Jiashu can successfully pass the third level, it proves that Ji Jiashu did not attack him in the illusion.

Li Ji poked the fire and said softly, "Thank you."

"What are you thanking me for?" Ji Jiashu didn't know what to say, but after learning about each other's experience in the snake illusion, he was very glad that he chose to speak out to Li Ji tonight.

Hua Snake took advantage of the gap in their hearts to sneak in. If he and Li Ji continued to stand in such a stalemate, it would probably have an impact on their Dao Xin, and it might lead to a catastrophe in the future.


Ji Jiashu lowered his eyes, feeling a little confused for a while.

In the test of turning into a snake, they became their own difficulties, but they passed the level separately.

This shows that in the illusion of Qingluan Peak, they all let each other go.

With Li Ji's realm, it would be easy to get rid of him, but he didn't do that.

Ji Jiashu took a deep breath and forced himself to regain his composure.

"Since we don't really want each other to die, let's talk about it." Ji Jiashu said lightly.

If you can't fight with swords, you can only collide with words.

Li Ji nodded.

Although he started the topic, Ji Jiashu was at a loss for words after he started.

Compared with meeting each other in battle, such a heart-to-heart night talk made him even more helpless.

Where does the relationship between the three of them start to be discussed?

However, when Ji Jiashu was still thinking about the first question, Li Ji stared at the fire and suddenly asked, "Do you like her?"


Ji Jiashu froze suddenly.

He didn't expect Li Ji's way of talking to be more direct than his sword.

"I..." Ji Jiashu froze for a moment, then nodded.

There were only the three of them in this cave, and it was needless to say who he liked.

Up to now, he has no need to hide it anymore.

Staring at the profile of Ying Baoyue on her lap, Ji Jiashu said softly, "That's right, I like her."

At the end of the primary ceremony, he had already seen his heart very clearly.

There was a crackling sound from the fire, Li Ji's eyes flickered for a moment, and he said softly.


It's enviable to be able to say it so clearly.

Just as Ji Jiashu was about to ask him back, Li Ji suddenly said, "If I'm not wrong, you probably didn't tell Baoyue that, did you?"

Ji Jiashu froze again, feeling even more aggrieved this time.

He let out a slow breath.


"Since you understand what you want," Li Ji asked while staring at the fire, "why didn't you say it?"

How did it become him to question himself?

Ji Jiashu couldn't help being a little annoyed, but seeing that Li Ji didn't mean to mock, he spoke calmly.

"I don't think there will be any good results if you speak now."

This is undoubtedly true.

Li Ji was very aware of Ji Jiashu's concerns.Not to mention that Ying Baoyue is now focusing all her energy on the high-level ceremony, even if the high-level ceremony is over, she is still facing the approaching death deadline.

Confessing my heart to her now... probably won't get any good results.

"When did you know your own mind?"

Faced with Li Ji's barrage of questions, Ji Jiashu's mood became more and more complicated, but he still suppressed his emotions and said calmly, "After the elementary ceremony is over."

About the same time as he guessed.

Li Ji remained expressionless, and continued to ask, "Is this the first time you have been tempted?"

What does this person want to do?
Is it over yet?
If it wasn't for Ying Baoyue lying on his lap, Ji Jiashu really had the urge to draw his sword.

 I didn't expect it to be so funny
(End of this chapter)

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