Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1678

Chapter 1678

Ji Jiashu let out a heavy breath, and said word by word, "That's right, it's the first time."

He didn't feel any shame in being tempted for the first time in his life.

Some people may never feel this way in their entire life.

He was lucky enough to have it once in his life.


Li Ji lowered his eyelashes slightly when he heard the words, but there was still no ups and downs in his voice.

"You man!"

Ji Jiashu was really about to rise up, he grabbed Li Ji's clothes by the shoulders, "You keep asking me, what about you?"

Let others cut their hearts open, will he just watch the fun by the side?

"Feel sorry."

Li Ji was not dissatisfied when his clothes were grabbed by the young man. He glanced at Ji Jiashu and said, "You can ask whatever you want."

As the older party, such conversations should have been initiated by him.

Since Ji Jiashu made a full gesture first, he will not avoid the important ones, and must cooperate as much as possible.

"It's nothing." Ji Jiashu narrowed his eyes, "Just answer all the questions I just answered."

"it is good."

Unexpectedly, the usually taciturn Li Ji agreed so easily, Ji Jiashu's eyes widened in surprise.

But what Li Ji said next made his expression completely freeze.

Li Ji stared at the fire and said softly, "This is not the first time for me."

"Cough cough cough," Ji Jiashu coughed violently, "What did you say?"

"No, maybe it's the first time," Li Ji looked at the swaying flames in front of him, and his voice seemed to contain emotions that were difficult to pry into.

"I once fell in love with a woman as much as you do now, and vowed not to marry her in this life. For her, I can do anything."

"No, no, you wait, wait."

Ji Jiashu was a little incoherent, "You said, Zeng?"

For a moment, his heart was turbulent.That is to say, apart from Ying Baoyue, does Li Ji have other women he likes?

"Well," Li Ji nodded, and the next moment his eyes were slightly dazed, "No, maybe it wasn't Zeng either."

Even now, he still loves that person.

If it wasn't for Ying Baoyue sleeping on his lap, Ji Jiashu would probably have jumped up with a thud.

Looking at Li Ji who was staring at the fire with a calm face, he felt that his fist was hard.

"That is to say," Ji Jiashu gritted his teeth, "You like another woman, and you still come to Baoyue?"

Li Ji was stunned when he heard the words, he turned his head and fixedly looked into Ji Jiashu's eyes.

Seeing his expression, Ji Jiashu felt a rush of blood rushing straight to his forehead.If it wasn't for the mask on Li Ji's face, he would have punched this person in the face right now.

"You..." Ji Jiashu gasped heavily, "You didn't realize you were doing such a thing?"

"I..." Li Ji shifted his gaze to Ying Baoyue's face, and said softly, "I wanted to stay away once."

His love for Li Zhao has never changed, nor did he want to get close to Ying Baoyue from the beginning.

The cursed descendants of the Ying family are simply extremely troublesome.

At first, he wanted to take Zhao Guang away.

But for some reason, when he realized it, Ying Baoyue was already beside him and Zhao Guang.

She always appeared in his sight from time to time.

No, you can't use such a mean word.

Li Ji lowered his head, because he didn't know when, his eyes started chasing her unconsciously.

At the moment when Ying Baoyue appeared in distress when he broke through the sky rank, his heart almost stopped beating.

When he realized this for the first time, he calmly dealt with his heart.

After accepting the elementary ceremony, he realized that he should have some feelings that he shouldn't have. He chose to stay when Ying Baoyue and others left Nanchu.

He thought that in this way he would never see her again for the rest of his life, but the appearance of Chun Yuye, whose pseudonym was He Lianyan, completely disrupted his plan.

When he noticed that Chunyuye appeared in the hut in the cloud forest with Ying Baoyue on his back, he left immediately without thinking.

Then, everything completely broke through his control.

When Soochow found out that Ying Baoyue might be Li Zhaozhi, he was ecstatic, but when he calmed down and found out why he was so happy, he received a heavy blow in his heart.

He was happy not only because Li Zhao was back.

What's even more frightening is that he found that deep in his heart he longed for Ying Baoyue and Li Zhao to be the same person.

"Li Ji?"

Li Ji sat by the fire and fell silent. Ji Jiashu didn't know, so he watched his reaction, but suddenly he saw a strong pain in his eyes.

It was hard for Ji Jiashu to describe what kind of eyes it was, fierce and struggling, like hot magma rolling under the thick ice, it was suffocating to watch.

Li Ji was wearing a mask, and it was difficult to see the fluctuations in his expression. Ji Jiashu didn't expect that he could reveal such pain just by showing a pair of eyes.

"Li Ji?"

Li Ji came back to his senses in Ji Jiashu's voice, he lowered his eyes, "Sorry, I was distracted, you can continue to ask."

Looking into his eyes, Ji Jiashu's urge to beat him up suddenly faded.

At this time, he realized that he might have been deceived by Li Ji's statement just now.

Li Ji's statement seemed to be in two boats, but Ji Jiashu remembered very clearly that in the past ten years, Mr. Zhaohua and the king of Dongling County had been traveling around, never married, and there was no woman around him.

Ji Jiashu calmed down, stared into Li Ji's eyes, not letting him react, "Where is the woman you said you liked once?"


Li Ji's heart skipped a beat, and the corner of his eye glanced over Ying Baoyue, he closed his eyes, and said softly, "I can't find her anywhere."

In the illusion of the ice tower forest, Meng Shi's memory gave him a heavy blow, making him understand that he recognized the wrong person.

The illusion and desire in his heart made him recognize the wrong person.

Compared with his own vague memory, Meng Shi's recollection is clearer. Scenes and pictures rushed to his face, constantly forcing him to recognize a terrible fact.

Things slipped in a direction he hadn't expected at all.

Until now, he didn't dare to touch that fact, and could only rely on the fact that the high-level ceremony was still going on to numb himself.

Li Ji took a deep breath, he had to admit that he was even afraid that the high-level ceremony would end like this.

He didn't know how he would face the crowd at that time.

How... to face Ying Baoyue.

"Can't find it?"

Ji Jiashu's eyes were slightly dazed, and he suddenly realized that the woman Li Ji fell in love with might not be alive anymore.

It's just that Li Ji didn't want to admit it in his heart.

So... is that so?
It is said that the authorities are obsessed, and the bystanders are clear.

Looking at the man sitting by the fire, Ji Jiashu felt complicated and unspeakable.

He suddenly understood where Li Ji's strange sense of contradiction came from.

Li Ji is in such pain, probably because he really likes the woman he fell in love with first.

So he couldn't accept it, let alone admit it.

He is in love with another person.

(End of this chapter)

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