When the live broadcast of Kuaichuan is in progress

Chapter 36 The Pig 8 Ring Who Wants to Marry

Chapter 36: Zhu Bajie Who Wants to Marry (35)

In the blink of an eye, the Great Sage came back with a set of coarse clothes in his hand.

"Just wear what you can. There is no market nearby, only farmers."

"There is a market, and the great sage doesn't have any money."

How dare Sheng Ge dislike it, some clothes are not bad.

Putting on her clothes swiftly, she inadvertently looked at the figure in the reflection of the lake, Sheng Ge was a little dazed.

Her face shrunk a bit, and the fat on her stomach evaporated with the high fever last night. Now, if she looks at her from behind, she is still a handsome young man.

Is this still her?
"Brother Monkey, do you think I have lost weight and become more beautiful?"

Zhu Bajie's appearance has always been a major problem for Shengge, and the once ferocious appearance actually looks a bit naive.

In short, I feel cute.

"Won't this go unnoticed?"

The great sage made a few laps around the Shengge, and said in a serious manner.

Shengge touched his skin, it was tender and smooth, like a freshly hatched egg.

She felt that she really had the potential to become the cutest pig in the world of Journey to the West.

"Isn't it still a pig?"

The great sage made the final decision.


Hehehe, Dasheng, we can't be good friends anymore.

"Let's go, if you delay any longer, I'm afraid the Zen stick in Master's hand will miss you."

When Dasheng was careless, the barrage in the live broadcast room had its first peak. Obviously, everyone couldn't believe that the anchor became more beautiful after waking up.

Walking too sloppy will make your waist flash: I actually think the anchor is cute... an illusion, an illusion, it must be an illusion.

My funny ratio shines: It’s so scary, liking a man is better than liking a pig, but I still think the anchor is cute.

Yedi: I suddenly had the urge to keep pets.

The first boss in the live broadcast room appeared, and the color of the barrage blinded people's eyes.

The corners of Shengge's mouth twitched. In her mind, why did the rigorous, high-end and high-end big guy's painting style become so ghostly?

Anchor: Boss, don't be misled...

Saying goodbye to the title of big brother, Ye Di didn't know how he should feel.


"Is this still our Bajie?"

After Tang Seng saw Sheng Ge, he patted Sheng Ge's shoulder lightly. He wanted to pinch his face even if he was so cheap, but Sheng Ge avoided him quickly.

Is this girl's tofu so delicious?
"Wukong, you won't give Bajie the pills for whitening and slimming, right? Master also wants it."

Tang Seng looked at Sheng Ge with fair skin like fine jade, and his eyes were extremely greedy.

Pouting his mouth, pretending to be cute, blinking his eyes, acting coquettishly.


Shengge's eyes kept turning between Tang Seng and the Great Sage, what a terrifying scene.

He is obviously a strong and tough guy, with well-developed muscles and a tall and straight figure. The posture of being such a young daughter's family is really a bit weird.

Is Tang Seng planning to transfer his thoughts to the Great Sage?
No, Master, you have to be firm.

"Master, that's because Bajie was too ugly before, so there is such a big contrast."

"Are you sure you really want to be like Bajie?"

The Great Sage has a very strong adaptability, and it seems that he has not been affected by Tang Seng who suddenly became coquettish and coquettish.

"Is it really good-looking? Isn't it still a pig with a fat head and big ears?"

The Great Sage pushed Sheng Ge in front of Tang Seng, and asked Tang Seng to observe closely.

What a big pig face...

Tang Seng stopped thinking about being coquettish and cute for a moment.

Hmph, he is a master, he has to guarantee his majesty at all times, how could he lose face.

"Master, if you lose weight, the big goblin won't be as majestic as it is now..."

Hitting a snake and hitting seven inches, as Tang Seng's first apprentice, Monkey King still understands Tang Seng's mind very well.

"That's right, what's so good about a little boy."

"It's far worse than Xiaobai."

Tang Seng stroked his chin and said seriously.


Shengge once again had a clear understanding of his position in the team.

"Master, I want to go back and see Cuilan and Niuniu once."

"It's just a good time to take the gift that Master gave to Niuniu, and let Niuniu know that you are still very good to her."

Shengge would never admit that he wanted to go back and have fun.

Every time Niuniu gets closer to the Great Sage, this time she wants to avenge the shame and let the Great Sage know that she is Niuniu's father.

"Bajie, Master wants to ask you a serious question."

Tang Seng put away his foolish rogue, coughed lightly a few times to clear his throat, and spoke solemnly.

Every time Tang Seng coughed, Sheng Ge's heart skipped a beat.

Other people's courage grows with practice, but she is just the opposite. The more frightened she is, the greater her psychological shadow will be.

"Master, just say what you want to say, so serious, I feel guilty."

Shengge said with a sad face.

"You mean that Master is not serious at ordinary times?"

Tang Seng raised his eyebrows, and his thick eyebrows began to dance again.

Shengge couldn't complain, so he could only roll his eyes silently in his heart. Is this the point?

Sheng Ge stood quietly without interrupting.

Tang Seng's temperament is crazy, the more you interrupt, the more truthful he will speak.

"Bajie, tell the truth, do you really intend to continue your relationship with Gao Cuilan?"

"With your current eyesight, you must be able to see that Gao Cuilan has no destiny to become a fairy and shed her mortal bones. Her life expectancy is only 80 years. You must think about it in your own heart."

"Niu Niu is okay, obviously you thought you were cast into a pig fetus, but that little girl
The girl has inherited your fairy bones, and it will be a matter of time before she can be ranked in the fairy class with a little practice. "

"I say these words as a teacher to prepare you. There is a saying in Buddhism: There are eight sufferings in life: birth, old age, illness, and death; separation from love, long-term resentment, and not being able to ask for it, nor let it go."

"Once you care too much about her, maybe you will bear all these hardships alone."

Tang Seng's face was serious, and he talked for a long time in a calm and Zen-like manner. At this time, he really looked like a holy monk who had been reincarnated for ten generations.

Sheng Ge was at a loss, not knowing how to explain it to Tang Seng.

Conscience of heaven and earth, she has absolutely no wrong thoughts about Gao Cuilan, she just wants to make up for Zhu Bajie as much as possible.

Her whereabouts are normal, holy monk, can you stop pulling the red line casually?


"Finally, there is no laughing place. I finished talking. I am exhausted to death."

After less than three seconds of seriousness, Tang Seng resumed his playful and smiling face again, calling Xiaobai to come over and give him a shoulder squeeze.

"Master, the eight precepts in front of you that you mentioned will not be accepted one by one."

Sun Wukong has always been on the sidelines with cold eyes, and his golden eyes look straight into people's hearts.

He knew better than anyone that Bajie didn't care much about Gao Cuilan, it was more like completing some kind of mission.

In comparison, he felt that Ba Jie still had some sincerity towards Niu Niu.

Shengge felt bitter, the Great Sage's words were always so meaningful that it made one's heart tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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