Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 194 What did Kaori-san say?

Chapter 194 What did Kaori-san say?

At the end of this chapter with a "`" symbol, the author will put the chess record in the line later for your convenience.

Let me have four sons? Kento Kitahara was taken aback for a while by Yoshida Shouichi's wild words.

Feeling absurd and funny in his heart, he first asked, "Yoshida-san, what rank is your amateur rank?"

"Yicheng is hovering between 3th and [-]th dan. Currently, amateur is [-]rd dan. I haven't taken the amateur [-]th dan yet." Yoshida Shouichi quickly moved out of the chessboard, as if he was afraid that the Kitahara sage would regret it. He quickly said, "Beiyuan classmate, we can It’s settled, I’ll let you four, if you win, the book belongs to you, if you lose, you have to convince the vice president.”

"Amateur 4th dan." Kento Kitahara was silent in his heart. If he got serious and went all out, he would have no problem making Yoshida Koichi six.

"Hey, just give up—"

Before he finished speaking, Yoshida Shouichi placed four sunspots on the chessboard for him, and stretched out his hand to signal, "Student Kitahara, please."

The sage of Beiyuan looked at the chessboard and was silent for a while, he couldn't really be let the fourth son.

Although he didn't decide the dan, he still has the pride of a professional chess player. If he was let down by an amateur 3rd dan, to be honest, he would be insulting himself.

When Yoshida Shou saw that he hadn't sat down yet, he felt a little anxious.

Let the fourth child, he still not hooked? !

He has always wanted to add a chess pier to the Go department, because the ordinary chess board, the sound when the pieces are placed, is not as crisp and lingering as the pier, this is a soulless chess game!

Yoshida Shouichi gritted his teeth, "I'll give you another Tianyuan, so the fifth son can do it!"

"Not yet?"

"Change Tian Yuan to Xiao Fei guarding the corner!"

Kento Kitahara sighed softly, and pointed at Aoi Aoi who was still in a daze, "Yoshida-san, can I play with her?"

He doesn't want to bully others. The key is that the current Yoshida Shouichi looks as excited as if he picked up hundreds of thousands of yen. What if he wins later and the gap is too big, and Yoshida Shouichi suddenly becomes angry and repents, what should he do?
"You want to play chess with Sangwu-san?" Yoshida Shouichi was taken aback for a moment.

He looked at Beiyuan Xianren, then at Xiang Wukui, his expression gradually became strange.

Wouldn't that guy think that Wu Kui is a girl and think she's easy to bully?
"This..." Yoshida Shouichi was very hesitant. What if Mr. Sangwu wins Kitahara Kento away, and that guy becomes angry with embarrassment and regrets not doing it in the end, what should he do?

The tone of the Kitahara sage was a little tougher, "You go and call her, I will divide the rules with her, the winner of the game, if you win, I promise to persuade the vice president."

The essence of Go is to encircle the air and enclose the land, and the overall situation revolves around grabbing territory, conducting various plans and battles, similar to seizing territory in military warfare.

Because Go is a turn-based game, black has the first-hand advantage, so at the end of the game, black needs to deduct 6.5 or 7.5 items (the rules of different countries are different) - one item is an intersection point on the board - this is the normal score first Rules, black chess stickers.

And to play chess first, the high hand holds white, the low hand holds black, and the low hand black does not need to be eye-catching, and there is a first-hand advantage, which is roughly equivalent to being given a piece.

"That's what you said." Upon hearing this, Yoshida Shouichi heaved a sigh of relief, and he didn't care about that much. In this case, it's the same for anyone who plays, so let's change Xiangwu to play. With this budget, the Go club can be regarded as a certainty. Here we go!

Yoshida Toshiichi got up, walked up to Aoi Aoi who was still in a daze, and called her twice.

Aoi Xiangwu came back to her senses, she turned to look at Juichi Yoshida, "Minister, what's the matter?"

Yoshida Shouichi asked in surprise: "Student Xiangwu, since you came to the Go club, you have been in a daze all the time. What are you thinking about?"

Xiang Wukui raised his head and replied, "I'm playing Go."

"Playing Go in your head?" Hearing this, Yoshida Shouichi had a strange expression on his face, "Forget it, Shobu-san, please play a game of Go with Kitahara-san, it's him."

Xiang Wukui turned his head to look over, his small face froze for a moment, but he didn't run away this time.

Yoshida Shouyi pulled Aoi Aoi to the side, and whispered: "Leave him a little bit, you don't like the three-star layout, this time you will play the four-star layout, give way more, don't win too much, He should be a novice, you should play common chess with him more, it is best not to kill the dragon, save some face for others, he is Party A."

They whispered non-stop, and the sage of Beiyuan couldn't hear them clearly, but he could probably guess that they were close to each other.

After a while, Yoshida Shouichi came back with Aoi Sangbu, coughed dryly and said: "Student Kitahara, she is a girl, you can let her play the black chess."

Xiangwu Kui Yazi sat in front of the chessboard, staring at the chessboard all the time, and said, "Student Beiyuan, let's start."

After finishing speaking, she picked up a sunspot and landed on the star position in the upper right corner.

There are nine black dots on the Go board, and the eight black dots on the four sides are star positions. The black dot star position in the center of the board is also called Tianyuan. According to the etiquette and customs, the first move of black chess must fall on the upper right side of the board. The corner, that is, the front of the opponent, is a sign of respect.

The sage of Beiyuan picked up the white son, which also fell on the star position, and the black and white sons faced each other diagonally.

He has been away from the front line of Go for nearly four years. He is not familiar with the current popular layout routines, so he simply chooses the most varied layout of the white double star, and waits and sees the changes.

Seeing the opponent's next move, Kitahara Sage's expression was slightly taken aback.

Three consecutive black chess stars? `
She wants to lay out the layout of the universe?

Is the three-star layout becoming popular again now?

"Student Xiangwu, don't let me play at your true level." The sage of Beiyuan reminded, then put aside distracting thoughts and meditated for a while.

He was too familiar with Sanlianxing, so he immediately chose the trick that Nie Qisheng used when he fought against Grandpa Wugong, and Xiao Fei hung the star position in the lower right corner. `
Xiaofei in Go is just like a chess horse walking; there are also elephant steps in Go, and they move like bishops in chess; Big jump, three steps is super big jump, big fly and super big fly are the same.

But black's next move surprised the sage of Beiyuan, he actually took off the corner and landed on the upper side of the empty star position, four consecutive stars! `
This situation, the previous eight-hand chess, actually perfectly coincided with the battle of the century between Grandpa Wu Gong and Nie Qisheng.

Beiyuan Xianren laughed inwardly, the child was disobedient and still let him.

Then come on, he is not welcome, the white piece with the star position jumps a little, destroying the strategic conception of black's attempt to develop external momentum, the black piece with the star position also jumps with the single pass to protect the border. `
The sage of Beiyuan made his next move, brazenly breaking in, and continued to reproduce the battle of the century back then. `
Next, it is the progress of one path. The so-called one path is not the one that burns with passion, but the meaning of one path similar to Huashan. After a few steps of changes, there is only one way forward.

On the black side, the white piece sticks, and then flies a little in the black space, snatching away the ground of the black piece. Although the two white pieces outside are injured by the thick force of the black piece, there is still an aftertaste that can be borrowed later. It can even be launched immediately and brazenly to limit black's external momentum. `
Chess Master Nie also used this trick in the battle of the century to break the cosmic flow of the four consecutive stars.

Yoshida Juichi, who was sitting on the side watching chess, looked up at Kento Kitahara with a strange expression.

He also saw that the chess game reached the No.15 move, which perfectly coincided with the battle of the century that year. `
This guy is not a beginner, such a long-term method, if he didn't play chess from elementary school, or didn't have a certain age, he wouldn't know it.

"Ou Nai-san told me about you." Xiang Wukui said suddenly, she picked up the black stones, and then changed her move. Instead of dealing with the two unsightly white stones, Xiao Fei went to hang the white stones on the lower left corner, one is Hanging corner, the second is to threaten White's two lone pieces from afar, and one piece can be used for multiple purposes. `
"Ou Nai-san?" The sage of Beiyuan didn't understand who her Oni-san was for a moment. He picked up the white piece, and didn't care about his own corner, but landed on the star position in the sky below, three rooms away at the high corners. The black piece reinforces the two white solitons at the same time, restricting the external power of the black piece, and it is also a multi-purpose piece. `
As soon as this move was made, Yoshida Shouichi immediately concluded that Kitahara Kento is definitely not a beginner!
Go is a game of Weikong, and how to maximize the efficiency of each chess piece - Going twenty-eye chess with one hand is of course more efficient than playing twenty-eye chess with two hands - This is the key for all chess players It's something that I have been learning all my life, and beginners will never be able to play this move!
"Onei-san is Takanashi's older sister." Aoi Aoi said, and Heizi continued to threaten Baijiao with Shuangfeiyan. `
The sage of Beiyuan didn't answer immediately, he pondered for a while, thinking about what change to choose.

After a while, he wanted to play more aggressively, so in the next step, white pressed one of black's Shuangfeiyan and invited the opponent to fight. `
The reason why Go is also called hand talk is because the two sides of the game do not need to communicate, and they can guess the opponent's mind by watching the opponent's moves. Yoshida Shou, who was watching the game, was very surprised when he saw this move, and the Kitahara sage did not go Sticking to the corner, he actually took the initiative to stir up trouble.

After the child was settled, the Kitahara sage raised his head and asked, "What did Mr. Takanashi say?"

(End of this chapter)

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