Chapter 195 Chapter 193
White relies on pressure, seeking to fight, Xiang Wukui is hesitant and undecided.

The minister told her to give way to Bei Yuan a little bit more. Once a complex battle occurs, and it is fast chess, the situation will not be easy to control.

She hesitated again and again, but still chose the most concise method.

The so-called fixed style means that in the corner competition in the layout stage, the black and white sides follow a certain order of moves, choose more reasonable moves, and finally form a basic chess shape with roughly equal benefits for both sides. This is the actual combat experience of countless Go seniors, and chess academy The internal study, summed up the local change template.

Black chose to wrench the head and then hold three or four. This is the most basic Shuangfeiyan routine, but Kitahara sage is still not satisfied with this. `
According to the standard Shuangfeiyan routine, he won very little. He only needs to simply dismantle the lone piece under the black chess, and the white chess will take the black chess, which is not a good move, and it is not easy to attack. `
Therefore, he immediately changed his move in the next move, broke away from the set pattern, made a white move, and played a deceptive move. `
The so-called deceit means that the masters bully the inferior players because they have insufficient computing power and do not play chess according to the established formula and chess theory.

If the low hand does not calculate the correct solution, it will result in a loss if it is light, or the situation will collapse if the low hand passes the test, depending on the type of deception, the master will suffer a small or large loss.

To put it simply, low risk, high return, I may lose a little, but if you make a mistake, it may be your collapse.

The sage of Beiyuan took advantage of Xiang Wukui's mentality, since she wanted to let him in more, then he would cheat even if he was exposed, he would not lose money!

If she continues to let him, then he will not be polite, and will take advantage of everything. After judging that the situation is good enough to win, he will run the situation safely, boil the frog in warm water, and boil her to death. When the situation is about to lose, Xiang Wukui must always fight hard Bar.

When Bai made the move, Xiangwu Kui straightened her waist and took a closer look. It was a deceitful move, and an ideal picture of Bai's chess quickly appeared in her mind. `
White's two pieces are surrounded by black pieces, although it looks like they are dead, but in fact they are not, if the black piece is not willing to make up the piece, once the white piece finds the right time and makes a bold move, the black piece will be extremely painful, no matter how to make up the piece , will give white a lot of borrowing and officials to take advantage of, an extremely torturous move. `
If this picture is played, the white chess makes a lot of money, the black chess layout fails, and a white flower blooms on the board. It not only cooperates with the star position on the left to form the potential of enclosing the space, but also the potential of the middle belly cannot be underestimated. Taking care of the thin chess on the right, and directly restricting the four-star external momentum of the black chess above.

Xiang Wukui hesitated for a while again, knowing that it was a trick and knowing how to crack it, but she still deliberately stepped into the trap.

She is confident that even if the layout is behind, she can defeat the white chess in one fell swoop through the middle game in the follow-up.

After the black chess piece was made up, Xiang Wukui looked at the board and said, "Sister Takanashi told me good things about you."`
Kitahara sage nodded slightly in understanding, no wonder Xiang Wukui didn't hide from him when they met this time, it turned out to be the credit of Takanashi.

He thought for a while, Bai Xiaofei defended the corner to simplify the situation, and asked at the same time: "Do you want to participate in the high school Go conference?"

Although the situation is behind, Xiang Wukui is not in a hurry, and the black chess also flies to defend the corner. `
"Dad wants me to sign up."

"The goal is to be the champion?" Kitahara sage's white 36 piece played an aggressive super-big fly to strengthen the corner and wait for an opportunity to spy on the black piece. This is also the last big game of the situation. `
"I haven't thought about winning the championship, but it's okay." Xiang Wukui replied.

The sage of Beiyuan was silent. Her father wanted her to participate in the competition, but in the end, the child dealt with it as if it was a task.

Xiang Wukui thought about it for five seconds, stretched out his hand and made a black move. `
Seeing this move, the sage of Beiyuan immediately cheered up, is he finally going to make a move?

But he calculated for two seconds, it seems wrong, if the black piece is broken, it is obviously an excessive move.

Counting again for two seconds, a picture quickly appeared in the mind of the Kitahara sage. The black chess originally wanted to make up the breakpoint efficiently, and at the same time develop its own potential. !There is also a little taste of first hand. `
The sage of Beiyuan was suddenly dull, and it turned out that he didn't want to fight hard.

If this is the case, the white chess in the lower right corner still owes a move, and Xiang Wukui wants to force him to make up the second move, or to order him to give him a chance to return with a single official.

However, Go pays attention to efficiency. Every step you make, whether it is enclosing the empty space, breaking the empty space, or developing potential, must have sufficient benefits. If there is no benefit, it is almost like stopping a hand of chess compared to the waste of chess, which is called "single official".

How could the Kitahara sage destroy the opponent's strategic intention as she wished? This is also an important point in Go that determines the outcome.

You order me to make up the chess, and I will go to make up the chess?

He corrected his attitude and began to calculate seriously. In about half a minute, he drew a grand concept in his mind.

If the lower right white corner does not make up the chess, is it really dead?

Not really!
He calculated the various subsequent changes in his mind, and chess-like diagrams quickly appeared in front of him.

Until he keenly grasped a good picture of white's discarded pieces, the sage of Beiyuan took a rough look, and found that white's discarded pieces had been borrowed in many places. The income from chess is not as much as expected. `
The sage of Beiyuan then decisively chose to abandon the chess piece to change. The index finger and middle finger slapped down a piece, and Xiang Wukui dropped the piece immediately. In the club activity room, the crisp sound of the chess piece hitting the chessboard rang out one after another.

After the inevitable few moves, the white chess Xiaofei expanded himself and restricted the black chess formation at the same time. The black chess set up a threat to the white corner. The sage of Beiyuan ignored the life and death of the white corner. A black piece above, once this move is played, it can be said that black's four-star cosmic flow is basically broken! `
Bai Tuo first disregarded the life and death of the horn, and dared to break her external momentum, Xiang Wukui naturally responded with color, and killed her with the white horn! `
Yoshida Shou was stunned when he saw it. He didn't even have time to figure out the changes in the front corners. The speed of these two moves was actually faster than the other.

And White actually discarded the corner land!The atmosphere is too much!

But immediately after Bai's next move, Yoshida Shouichi opened his mouth slightly in shock.

White chess flies! `
Yoshida Shouyi was a little dazed, this... Can Bai escape?

A mix of one and two roads crawling to survive?

But this is not like a living form.

At a rough glance, black seems to be a bit thin. Could it be that white wants to play a big duel?

The changes in this place are very complicated, and there are many points to choose. Yoshida Shouichi's brain is crazy to calculate, and his brain hurts. The follow-up of the chess game is full of fog.

Xiang Wukui bit her lip lightly and stared at the chessboard. After ten seconds, she concluded that the white chess could not do anything, there was no great trick, it was just a strategic intention of abandoning pieces to gain momentum.

It's just that the situation has changed. After countering the offensive, now it is the sage of Beiyuan who is forcing her to make up the chess!
With so little time, she couldn't count too many changes.

It seems that black can only bite the bullet and take this gift. If he refuses, white will borrow too much, and the large space on the right side of black is likely to be invaded by white, looting all the space, and white's pressure on the top of the board. White's entry will respond, which further restricts the development of black's power. Black's chess is very tricky, and impulsive counterattacks will outweigh the gains.

Xiang Wukui couldn't figure out a better change for a while, and judged that all the external forces of black chess had been broken.

She suppressed the urge to fight back, now that the situation was more sensible, she had no choice but to choose the black chess piece and accept this gift that she really didn't want to accept, ten white stones. `
Seeing this, the strategic conception was perfectly achieved, and the Kitahara sage was in a great mood, this is not over yet!

He continued to press forward, forcing black to continue to make up the pieces, but the black part still has a thin taste, if he refuses to make up the piece, and dares to turn his head and counterattack, white still has a way.

Seeing this move, Yoshida Shouichi hurriedly calculated again, and his brain hurt even more, because this local change is more complicated!
I was mistaken, that guy's chess skills are not so strong!
Xiang Wukui stared intently at the chessboard, biting her lips softly with her four small teeth.

She has already figured out the local changes, if black turns its head to counterattack, white will break it brazenly, and a subsequent change of discarding pieces will only make white more satisfied. `
Helpless, she had no choice but to make up another chess move very reluctantly, but the top of the black chess could be regarded as gaining, so the situation is okay. `
The sage of Beiyuan continued to be unreasonable and unforgiving, and continued to wrestle his head! `
Seal the black chess in the first place, and there are search methods in the follow-up. Although it is not the first move, it is of great value!
In the current situation, just over twenty hands, Yoshida Shou stared at it so that everyone was dumbfounded.

Originally, the black chess's big appearance was completely broken, and it had no choice but to turn to the real game. On the contrary, the white chess has formed a terrifying potential in the middle belly through the method of abandoning pieces!
Bai Qi actually grabbed the baton, and played the cosmic flow instead.

And the three weak white solo pieces have dramatically developed into a strong one at this moment.

And the beginning of all this is just that black wants white to make up a move.

Go is really amazing. He suddenly turned his head and looked at the Kitahara sage, shocked beyond belief.

Although Yoshida Shouichi couldn't figure it out, the local changes were too complicated, but he believed that Aoi Sangbu would be able to figure it out. Since Sangbu's classmate had no choice but to make up two moves in a row, it meant that the big fly of black chess was indeed an abandonment. Brilliant hand!
Yoshida Shou stared blankly at the Kitahara sage. Could it be that he had figured out all the subsequent changes in such a short period of time from the moment the black piece forced the white piece to make up the [-] moves?Conceived the current strategy of abandoning sons to seize power?

The computing power of a first-class professional chess player is no more than this.

Baiqi is reasonable and not forgiving, but Xiang Wukui has no intention of following suit.

The appearance of white's belly is terrifying, if she follows suit again, she will foolishly make up the chess, and wait for Beiyuan sage to get the upper hand, and white will strengthen his middle, and black's situation is dangerous!
This time, she stared at the chessboard and thought for a long time, but due to the unfavorable situation, she could only take the risk of entering the white formation.

In the vast expanse of white power, a lone piece of black chess is like a flat boat in the sea, with duckweed without roots, drifting alone. `
Kitahara sage was not in a hurry to deal with it.

His operation just now forced black to take the risk of breaking into white's territory. Now, black and white must fight hand to hand. If Xiang Wukui doesn't want to kill Dalong, he has to surrender all his strength.

He looked at the solitary sunspot on the chessboard, and felt quite amused in his heart.

The four-star layout is an extreme layout that abandons the ground and pays extreme attention to the external situation. The four chess pieces occupy the four star positions at the top of the chessboard.

But now, the country has changed hands, the world has changed, and the right to speak in the Central Plains, it is his turn to call the shots with white chess!
The Kitahara sage carefully calculated how to attack the black chess in the future.

The middle abdomen is still relatively empty, black's move is very good, it looks good, it is very difficult to kill, he is not easy to deal with.

Since it is not easy to kill, then he simply did not kill the dragon, and made a few symbolic attacks. The white chess used to attack the black chess lone piece to encircle the space and gain benefits, and let the black chess's own embarrassed single official flee without gaining anything.

Deciding on a strategic direction, Kitahara Kento began to launch an offensive in a leisurely manner.

Yoshida Shouichi stared blankly at the alternate black and white moves.

Xiang Wukui's move speed has become slower and slower, and she often falls into long exams, thinking about the key to breaking the game.

However, all the concessions in front of black have made white's overall situation thicker. If there are no more thin pieces, it will be difficult for black to disturb the situation, and the situation is gradually declining.

Yoshida Shou saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. If this continues, they will really lose!
Next, White staged a textbook-like attack to benefit, without any greed, and safely operated the situation, simplifying the situation, and Black's form became more and more unoptimistic.

In the final stage, black made a desperate charge, blatantly broke the white, and made a final resistance. Yoshida Shouichi was immediately refreshed, and he hurriedly calculated. Although the black fight was very reluctant, it was not powerless!Barely fightable!still have a chance!

But if he plays white chess, he will definitely break out in a cold sweat!
The Kitahara sage cheered up a little bit, and calculated a little bit more carefully. Black's dash was too forced, and white was not afraid at all.

The so-called throwing field is a game of masters. When one party sees that he is powerless, he has already predicted his own death sentence. He watched himself die, and the knife was inserted into his heart bit by bit, but he felt powerless. The masters usually choose jade broken The conversion of the battle is used as a step to admit defeat.

It's better to be broken than to be broken. It's like the final blow. If you respond to everything, I will surrender. If you respond wrongly, I will get a bargain and get the fulcrum of the comeback. Then there is still more to do.

A common situation in Go.

But then, White dispelled Black's desperate offensive with just a few moves, and Black's battle ended in failure.

Black eats the two white pieces and lives on the spot, while white swallows the small tail outside the black piece, completing a small change, but this also means that the whole board of white pieces is completely thick, and you can safely and boldly search for black pieces, So far, black's situation is completely hopeless.

Xiang Wukui stared at the chessboard, and after a while, she slowly grabbed two chess pieces with her small hands, placed them in the lower right corner of the chessboard, threw the pieces and conceded defeat, and finished without wasting time.

Yoshida Shouichi looked away from the chessboard and sighed slowly inwardly.

I was wrong, that guy is a novice, he is clearly an amateur at least 7th dan!Maybe he is actually a professional chess player!

Although Mr. Xiangwu has given way to many sages from Beiyuan, the result of the complicated local battle in the lower right corner is clear.

Kitahara Kento didn't lose the slightest bit in that partial battle. Yoshida Shouichi was very self-aware. If he had bumped into Shouwu, it would have been a partial defeat and he would have been severely beaten.

While Yoshida Shouichi was disappointed in his heart, he also felt deeply lucky, and even more so, he felt extremely ashamed for his brazen words before.

Fortunately, in front of the younger generation, Bei Yuan kindly and tactfully saved him enough face, and offered to play chess with Xiang Wukui.

Otherwise, if he still let classmate Beiyuan have his fourth son, wouldn't that be laughable and generous, and if they let him be his fourth son, it would be a trivial matter!
"Well, Kitahara-san," Yoshida Shouichi said with an embarrassing expression, "Forgive me before, I didn't know Kitahara-san's chess strength was so high, and she boasted that you would let your fourth son, I really laughed at you."

"Sit down, Kitahara-san, please sit down." Yoshida Shouichi moved quickly to a chair.

The other party was very polite, and Kitahara Kento was also very angry. He sat down and said with a smile: "I didn't have time to say it before, you talked too fast, and I didn't have time to explain it clearly. You don't have to mind Yoshida-san. Who cares about such trivial matters."

After finishing speaking, Kitahara Kento glanced at Xiang Wukui. The child's expression was quite normal, and she was not depressed because of the loss. Now she started to get confused again, probably playing chess with herself in her head again.

Yoshida Shouichi smiled awkwardly, "Mr. Kitahara, are you a professional chess player?"

He paused for a while, and then quickly added: "Student Xiangwu has the chess prowess of a female professional third-dan. Although she didn't set a chess game, she has played against a female professional fifth-dan. She still wins more and loses less!"

The sage of Beiyuan didn't hide it either. His father was a professional chess player and he had nothing to hide. He said the truth:

"I haven't participated in the fixed-stage match, but I have the strength of a male professional. I don't know how to measure it. I haven't practiced chess seriously for nearly three years. I heard that the AI ​​​​is very powerful now. Everyone should be inspired and improve. Bar,"

Yoshida Shouichi was secretly shocked. He hadn't practiced chess for three years. Kitahara is from a family of Go. He must have learned Go when he was young!
It's a good thing that student Beiyuan hasn't participated in the professional stage competition, just right!Yoshida Shouichi hesitated for a long time.

"Sage Kitahara, that's actually our Go Club."

Kitahara sage said with a smile: "You want me to represent the school in the high school Go tournament?"

Yoshida Shou nodded and said, "That's right, if Kitahara-san is willing to participate, you must be the champion of the men's team! You will definitely not be able to run away! The champion of the women's team must also be Sangbu-san! We, Feng Gao, will definitely win the championship in mixed doubles! Win three championships!"

After finishing speaking, Yoshida Shou stared at Kitahara Kento.

For that budget, for the glory of the Go club, and for making himself a prominent figure in the history of the Fenggao club, all he has to do now is to plead with him.

Kitahara Kento breathed a sigh of relief. The reason why he appointed Xiangwu Kui to play chess and Xiang Zhuang to dance swords was to show off his strength to Pei Gong, and he was waiting for Yoshida Shouichi to say this.

After all, Mao Sui recommended himself, so he couldn't catch up with Sangu Thatched Cottage.

Kento Kitahara didn't agree immediately, he thought about it symbolically, and Yoshida Shouichi watched from the side, feeling more and more anxious as he waited.

After a while, Kento Kitahara opened his mouth when Yoshida Juichi suddenly knelt down on the ground with a plop, "Student Kitahara, for the honor of Feng Gao, please participate in the high school Go tournament! Please!"

The Beiyuan sage's expression suddenly froze for a moment, this... this person fell into Qian's eyes, right?For that little budget, as for it?

He couldn't help but lift Yoshida Shouichi's shoulders, "Get up quickly, there is no need for Dogeza, I will participate, I will participate."

"But I can only sign up for mixed men's and women's backgammon games, not single player games."

"Mixed doubles is fine too!" Yoshida Shouichi said hastily, with a happy smile on his face, "Beiyuan-san, as long as you form a team with Shouwu-san, the joint chess match will be a massacre! Except for professional chess players who end up in person, who else can beat you? No. You think about it again, the name of the number one high school student in the country is so nice to say!"

The Kitahara sage didn't like the name. To be honest, the gold content of the National Go Tournament for High School Students may not even compare to the National Go Tournament for Junior High School Students.

The sage of Beiyuan pointed to Xiang Wukui with his eyes, and said, "Don't imagine so beautifully, Xiang Wu must be willing to form a team with me."

Yoshida Shouichi immediately patted his chest, and assured him with a very imposing manner: "Don't worry, wrap me up!"

After all, Yoshida Shouichi ran over in a hurry, and called Aoi Sangbu, why for everyone in the Go club, for the honor of the school, for your father's hopes, and to prove yourself to the world... All good words are thrown out in one go , eloquently, eloquently, for a full 5 minutes without stopping.

Xiang Wukui listened for 5 minutes with a dazed face, but she didn't know if she heard it, so she didn't answer for a while.

Even when Kento Kitahara wondered if Yoshida Shouichi was going to be shameless again and pleaded with Aoi Sangbu, Aoi Sangbu finally replied with a small face in a daze, "Anyone can be a teammate of Lianqi."

"Xiaoxian, have you found your Lianqi teammates?"

On the sofa in the living room, the sage of Beiyuan was leaning on his chin and thinking. He heard the sound, looked at Sister Qinyin, and nodded.

Huajiang Qinyin carried a plate of large grapes and put them on the small coffee table, and flicked his forehead with his index finger, "Since I found it, why are you still sitting there and melancholy?"

"Where is the melancholy." Bei Yuanxian replied helplessly, and moved to the side.

He was thinking about a series of recent events, and he always felt that it was too strange that things went smoothly.

At the beginning, he did a paternity test for Huagu, which led him to test the gravitational force of fate, so he planned to participate in the high school Go tournament, and made an agreement with Huagu again.

Problem [-]: It is difficult to find a teammate for Lianqi. There is no suitable person. Although Aoi Sangbu is very suitable, at the beginning for various reasons, the kid avoided him, and he couldn't be a teammate with Aoi Sangbu.

Question [-]: At the beginning, he thought the prize money was too small and didn't pay attention, so that he missed the entry instructions and almost couldn't participate.

Question [-]: He didn't have a chance to find Xiang Wukui, and he didn't want to put a hot face on a cold ass.

But now that he thought about it carefully, the development of the matter was as smooth as if by God's help.

First, Takanashi met Sangbu Aoi by chance, and the two gradually became friends. She said good things about him to Sangbu Aoi, hoping that Sangbu Aoi would stop avoiding him, and provided the basis for the two to be teammates—Takahashi Xufeng solved the problem one .

When his negligence at the beginning was about to make him unable to participate in the competition, the night before, Grandpa Wugong suddenly called and talked about his recent situation and plans. Grandpa Wugong offered to take him to the chess academy, and he was also involved in Grandpa Wugong Light, you can delay the registration and provide him with the opportunity to delay the registration-Grandfather Wu Gong solved the second problem.

Finally, Huagu's assist came, and it was also the most critical assist.

At the beginning, Huagu was very proud. She wanted to show off her clever little brain, and she studied difficult books from the beginning, but ended in failure. Later, after he persuaded, Huagu was willing to seriously start learning chess from the basics, starting from simple topics, But there is no simple Go book at home. In order to save him money, Hua Gu suggested that he go to the Go club to borrow books.

Then he went to the Go club, and had the opportunity to meet Aoi Sangbu-Hanagu solved problem three.

In the past, how could he go to the Go club, there is no reason to go there!
Takanashi Xufeng, Grandpa Takemiya, and Hanaya, the "tacit understanding" assists of the three finally prompted him to sign up for the competition with Aoi Sangbu.

The sage of Beiyuan thought silently, is this a coincidence?

Everyone's actions, whether it's the kindness of Takanashi Xufeng, the kindness of Grandpa Takemiya, or the little pride of the little naughty boy, everyone's actions follow their character and develop logically. , all very normal.

But on the whole, things went "surprisingly" smoothly, and many difficulties were easily solved. If there is divine help, the smoothness is too normal, it seems a bit abnormal.

The sage of Beiyuan withdrew his thoughts and sighed softly in his heart. Could this be the final ending after that temptation?
"Not only does it not stop me, but it seems to help me participate in the Go conference?"

If you look for the key to the problem, it is actually the result of all the actions of the three, and the final joint chemical reaction-whether he successfully signed up for the Go conference, or he and Xiang Wukui. This question may be understood in the future.

 Posting late, this chapter is [-] words long, because this is the protagonist's first official game, so I will describe it carefully and explain the technical terms, and it will be very brief in the future.

  This chapter is not very easy to write, because this is not an existing game record, but the author used the star array to study the game set up by himself, so it was posted relatively late, and the study of the game game tortured me for several hours.

  There are some selection points in it, which are not recommended by AI, because Beiyuan has not experienced the AI ​​era, and does not understand AI moves, and Xiang Wukui has to give way to Beiyuan in front of him, and cannot use AI moves.

  Finally, regarding the gravity of fate, some readers have reported that they do not want to see the gravity of fate, and the author understands it, but how to put it, writing this book is like a detective solving a puzzle. At the beginning, all the clues to catch the criminal are hidden, and you must go through various things , the clues must be exposed, otherwise the detective will die, so for the happy end of the book, the gravitational force of fate must appear sometimes, and some plots are not written now, and the foreshadowing will be revealed later, which is not easy for everyone to understand. Author I will absorb opinions, and try to write as little as possible in the future, and describe it in another way.

(End of this chapter)

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