Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 196 194 Pre-trip work

Chapter 196 194 Pre-trip work
The next day, school time.

Kitahara Kento walked quickly through the noisy corridor to the office of the second grade group.

Waiting for next Saturday, they will start a journey of nine concerts.

It would be too coincidental to ask for leave on the same day as them, and it would be easy to be suspected. The sage of Beiyuan planned ahead and planned to ask for leave a week in advance. Starting tomorrow, he would simply rest at home and forget about it.

Came to the teacher's office of the second grade group, the door was open, Kitahara Kento walked in quickly, searching for Mr. Aoki's figure.

By the window with light curtains, Mr. Aoki was holding a water glass, standing and chatting with other teachers. He noticed Kento Kitahara came into the office with a slight smile on his face.

He took a break from high school for a whole year, and came to high school for two months in the second year, but he got the first place in the midterm exam. Kitahara Kento made him look good in front of other teachers.

Moreover, in the last midterm exam, Masahiro Amamiya's grades were also very good. The school's top ten, the principal smiled happily. He always used this incident to vigorously publicize the quality of Fenggao's teaching and the level of teachers. It's just the truth, Mr. Aoki He lowered his glasses, and smiled, beckoning the sage Kitahara to please sit down.

Naturally, he would not disclose it to the principal.

Next year's research group director, the principal has already appointed him by default.

Kitahara sage patiently listened to Mr. Aoki's greetings, and waited for Mr. Aoki to bring a cup of water to him, and he explained why he came.

"Mr. Aoki, I am going to participate in the National Go Tournament for High School Students."

Mr. Aoki nodded understandingly. He knew the family situation of Kitahara Kento. His father was a professional chess player. Unfortunately, something happened to his family and his family was in trouble. He is currently working while going to school. Kitahara Kento wants to participate in the Go conference, and he will take the path of Go in the future , is a very good choice.

Mr. Aoki recalled a little bit, the participation process is that the Go club selects the contestants, and then reports to the school, and the school approves it.

"Beiyuan, is it because the Go club doesn't want you to participate, or is there something wrong with the school?"

Kitahara sage said the excuses he had prepared in advance: "No, everything went well, that's it, Mr. Aoki, I haven't seriously practiced chess for three years, and I don't have much confidence in rushing to compete, so I want to ask for a month's vacation. Time to seriously prepare for the game at home."

Mr. Aoki didn't even think about it, and approved the vacation in a very straightforward tone, and told Kitahara sage not to work too hard, pay attention to rest and so on.

After leaving the classroom, Kitahara Kento continued to go to the Go club to find Sangbu Aoi.

Starting tomorrow, he will take a month off from school, and he has no time to develop a tacit understanding with Xiang Wukui.

But now it's the Internet age, can't play face-to-face chess, and can't play online chess?

He wanted to come to Xiang Wukui's contact information, and it was agreed that the two sides would occasionally find time to play online games, so that they could familiarize themselves with each other's chess style for the time being.

After dealing with this matter, the sage of Beiyuan stopped on the big steps of the teaching building, thinking in his heart what else needs to be dealt with today.

He thought about it hesitantly, took out his phone, and felt that he should tell Amamiya Masahiro.

At least it revealed that he still cared about others, otherwise he would suddenly disappear without saying a word, how could there be such a friend, it would be strange not to be annoying.

Click on the mobile phone number that is rarely contacted, edit a text message, and send it to her. The Kitahara sage put away the mobile phone and pondered for a while. It seems that there is nothing else? .

Camera on Fat Rabbit?
He calculated the time, and the power of the photosensitive element should be exhausted. It can be retrieved now, but it is not convenient yet.

In case Bai's classmate keenly discovers something abnormal, vaguely senses something, and then quickly erases all clues of incriminating evidence, even if the fat rabbit really finds a windfall, it will be a waste of work.

"Things fail in a hurry, and the cause of thinking is slow." Bei Yuan sage said to himself, turned around, put on a mask, left school, and went to the band rehearsal place.

Anyway, in a few days, Baimu Moyou himself will come to the door and ask him to take care of the fat rabbit.

The reason why it hasn't been handed over to him now is just because he is worried that on the day of the trip, Takanashi may want to take a look at Xueqiu before leaving, and run to his house.

On the way, a text message notification sounded, it was a reply from Amamiya Masahiro.

"Is this a daily report? It seems that you are ready to be a servant."

The Kitahara sage put the phone back speechlessly, and then another text message was sent.

"Then from now on, like today, you send me a text message every day to report what you did during the day."

The Kitahara sage was immediately speechless, what was he doing, that guy acted as if he had already won.

Inside the restaurant box with bright yellow lights.

Huajiang Qinyin tried her best to block Amamiya Masahiro with one hand, preventing her from snatching back her mobile phone, so she quickly typed with one hand, sent a text message to Xiaoxian, and said with a smile at the same time:

"Xiaoxian is going on a trip, I don't have a good reason to follow him and watch him for you."

"Since Ya Hiiragi is worried, then listen to me, it's absolutely fine to send text messages like this."

"He has been brooding about his mistakes back then, and feels sorry for you, so, you just need to ask Xiaoxian to send you text messages every day to report all his actions. If, in case, there is a one-in-a-million chance, Even if he wants to do something sorry for you, but before that, he will definitely think of you immediately, and then he will be fine, don't worry, listen to me and you will be right."

"Who cares about him? What are you kidding? Give me back the phone!" Amamiya Masahira hurriedly reached out to grab the phone with her arms like waving signal flags.

Huajiang Qinyin tried her best to block her with one hand, and said in a helpless tone: "What are you afraid of, just send a text message, how could he suspect that you like him, who made you say 'be my slave and servant', this sentence is also true. So... Wonderful."

"Ya Hiiragi, it's okay if you are a little more frank, don't be too face-saving, change the slave and servant in that sentence to boyfriend and husband, this is your real intention."

Huajiang Qinyin let go of her hand, letting Amamiya Masaaki snatch the phone back in a panic.

Amamiya Masaki hurriedly put the phone into her pocket, and immediately, she was afraid that Sister Qinyin would snatch it back, so she quickly took it out again, threw the phone into her underwear, and then tightly covered her chest with her arms, to be on guard against Sister Qinyin.

She glared at Hua Jiang Qinyin angrily with her clear eyes, and her tone was a little angry: "Can you get drunk even after drinking tea? I don't want to hear you talking nonsense that people can't understand anymore."

Huajiang Qinyin shook her head helplessly and said, "I really lost to you. Let me ask you, who secretly moved next door to his house? He also went to great lengths to install a one-way mirror and electronically controlled glass to monitor him every day?"

Amamiya Masahiro resisted the embarrassment, and said in a light tone: "I don't know, it's not me anyway, maybe you read the content from some book, your mind is confused, and reality and the world in the book are confused. , like you just kept talking nonsense that made people laugh."

Huajiang Qinyin covered her mouth and laughed, "Yayi, I really admire you a little bit. You clearly admitted everything in order to let me move into his house again, but now you deny it. Why are you holding back your shyness and using a pair of eyes?" Did you say that sentence in a nonchalant tone?"

Amamiya Masahira turned her head away and said: "I've said it all, can't you understand human language? It's because you confuse the reality. It might be something you dreamed about."

Dingling, the sound of an incoming text message came from Amamiya Masahiro's chest, Huajiang Qinyin glanced at it, and said with a smile: "He replied, don't you want to see it?"

Amamiya Masahira quickly turned her back, avoiding Huajiang Qinyin, and took out her mobile phone from her underwear, she would look back vigilantly from time to time.

Huajiang Qinyin picked up the teacup, took a sip of the clear green Yulu tea, and said in an unhurried tone: "Don't hide, I promise not to grab, the next reply is very important, if you want him to report to you every day , listen to me now."

Amamiya Masahiro hesitated for a while, then turned around, she handed over her mobile phone with a look of trouble, "Hey, you make things up by yourself, you finish it yourself, I won't clean up the mess for you."

Huajiang Qinyin shook her head helplessly, stopped bickering with that dishonest house girl, and looked at the text message sent by Xiaoxian.

Amamiya Masahira also quietly glanced over from the corner of her eye.

"Can you change your request, slaves and servants are really"

Huajiang Qinyin pondered for a while, then raised her head, Amamiya Masaki quickly looked away, and asked casually, "What did that guy say?"

"Didn't you see it just now?"


Huajiang Qinyin bowed her head and edited the information.

"You can be given the opportunity to change your requirements. You can upgrade from a slave to a servant, and from a servant to a servant. But don't forget the daily report work I mentioned earlier."

Amamiya Masahira glanced away from the corner of her eye, hesitated for a while, and did not stop the text message.

Hua Jiang Qinyin explained: "Xiaoxian will agree, because he also wants to leave a way out for himself. If he loses in the end, he can't really agree to be your slave, right? Yazheng, your frank request , it does sound too much, so if it’s just a one-day itinerary report, he will definitely agree.”

After a while, the text message will be replied again.

"Slaves, servants, and attendants, except for the different names, seem to obey your orders. I listen to you. Are you sure you didn't just change your name? What is the highest status you can upgrade to? It's better to be normal."

Huajiang Qinyin tapped the teacup with her index finger, pondered again, and edited the information.

"There is no upper limit."

When Amamiya Masahiro saw the content, she suddenly panicked. She rushed forward, pressed Huajiang Qinyin with her body, pressed her on the sofa, and hurriedly reached out to grab the phone back.

"And you said you didn't peek." Huajiang Qinyin got up from the sofa, lowered her head and straightened her clothes, raised her head, and looked at Yugong with a smile on her face.

"Are you sure you don't want to reply like this?" Huajiang Qinyin shook her head regretfully, "Yazhen, don't regret it, if the text message just now was sent successfully, Xiaoxian is not stupid, she will definitely wake up and understand your thoughts immediately .”

Amamiya Masahira covered her chest with her arms, turned her back to Miss Qinyin and whispered, "You're still talking nonsense."

Kubo seafood warehouse.

The Kitahara sage walked into the gate of the warehouse, and they were gathering together, discussing something with each other around a mobile phone on the table.

Kagawa Ningning heard the sound, "Senior Kitahara, we are studying Kuriyama-senpai's selection."

"And on Kuriyama-senpai's mobile phone, there are many songs in the sad genre."

Beiyuan sage nodded slightly, he knew this a long time ago.

He turned his gaze to one side, Takanashi Xufeng was sitting on a chair, holding the acoustic guitar with his head down, practicing strumming with a serious expression.

For the next two consecutive competitions, their selection of songs required electric guitar and acoustic guitar accompaniment. He was an electric guitar, and Takanashi also wanted to learn the important task of acoustic guitar, so it was naturally handed over to her.

But Takanashi Xufeng's guitar skills are so-so. Recently, under the guidance of Tsurumi Chinatsu, she worked overtime and practiced hard, as if she practiced at home until one or two o'clock in the morning every night.

Kitahara sage couldn't help feeling quite emotional, he really worked hard, and recalled the sweat he put in when he was practicing guitar, and his fingers worn out by steel strings several times.

It's just that in the future that Huagu talked about, he seems to have completely given up on the guitar and never played the piano again. Even the guitar storage bag was covered with a thick layer of dust, which made him puzzled.

After a while, Takanashi Xufeng raised his head and asked curiously: "Tsurumi-san, you know. Water wave harmonic, it should be called this name, do you know how to play water wave harmonic? There is also waterfall harmonic."

"Waterfall harmonics? Waterfall harmonics are actually water wave harmonics." Tsurumi Chinatsu lay lazily in the leather boss chair, turned to face Takanashi Sukaze, "It's very difficult to play tricks with this technique, very difficult. I'm not a guitar professional. Let him demonstrate it to you."

Tsurumi Qianxia sat up straight, and pointed her eyes at the Kitahara sage who had just walked in.

"Do you teach? I'm also curious about how you play, how about playing master Tommy's works."

Everyone's eyes were focused on him, and Beiyuan Xianren looked at their faces more or less tired.

Next, there will be two consecutive competitions, and there are still more than a dozen tracks to be prepared for nine concerts. The intensive rehearsal must have made them very tired.

It can be regarded as letting everyone rest for a while, the sage of Beiyuan smiled and said: "Okay, I will play a short part, maybe I can't play it well, you can listen to it."

Takanashi Xufeng got up and gave way to the seat, and handed the guitar in his arms to Kitahara Kento, Kitahara Kento took it over, sat down, played and demonstrated, and explained to Takanashi:

"Water wave overtone, to put it bluntly, is to play an artificial overtone first, then play a real note, alternately play, the left index finger lightly touches the high-grade strings, just touch it, don't press it firmly, and then play the corresponding string with the right thumb Look at the strings, if they are played continuously, is it as sweet as the continuous drizzle blowing into the pond, creating thousands of ripples, and also like the sound of falling snowflakes, the artistic conception is wonderful and illusory.”

(End of this chapter)

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