Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 231 I am arguing all the time

Chapter 231 I am arguing all the time
Takanashi Xufeng was not far away, and Kashiwagi Moyu turned her head, as if witnessing something annoying, her eyes quickly became disgusted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Beiyuan Xianren smiled and said, "Don't you even want to pretend?"

Baimu Moyou pulled out a towel from his pocket, threw the rope and towel into Kitahara sage's arms indifferently, and said coldly: "Bend down to tie the rope, and put a towel in the middle, I don't want to touch yours." leg."

The Kitahara sage laughed and ordered him to bend over and tie the rope. Did he want him to kneel down and salute?

He was also not polite at all, and threw back, the towel drew an arc in the air, the direction was perfect, and it hit the bulging chest of Lily's school uniform, and it hung danglingly on it.

"If you really want to be naked under your skirt, I can also satisfy your desire to be seen naked."

Only then did Kashiwagi Moyou suddenly realize that she was wearing a summer short skirt!

She tore off the towel on her chest, her eyes were slightly annoyed, and she stared at the Kitahara sage quietly.

"You take the towel, I take the rope, and we squat down together."


Both sides were too lazy to talk nonsense, with a gap between their shoulders, they bent down together and squatted down slowly.

Maybe it's because of watering the flowers for a long time?Or is it the smell of shower gel and shampoo?He could vaguely smell the faint scent of lavender on Classmate Lily's body.

In the process of bending over, the sage of Beiyuan suddenly paused, and said in a disgusted tone: "Your hair is scratching my face, it's in the way, can you tie it up?"

Baimu Moyou's movements froze slightly, she understood that the bastard was paying her back with revenge.

"Thank you for reminding me. I'll wash my oily hair twenty times when I get home." Kashiwagi Moyu replied sarcastically in a cold voice. Gathered into a high ponytail.

Kitahara Kento waited for her to tie up her hair, and stood side by side again, he was holding the rope, and Kashiwagi was holding the towel.

This time, just halfway down the squat, Baimu Moyou immediately took a step forward, and said in an aggressive tone: "Stay away from me, please? Keep a distance of [-] centimeters, I can't stand the unpleasant smell of male hormones on your body."

The sage of Beiyuan glanced away lightly, "You bear with me."

"And your voice is so bad that I'm almost deaf, can you shut up?"

Baimu Moyou's green and clear eyes were slightly annoyed. She straightened her waist, her clear green eyes were staring at Kitahara sage, and Kitahara sage didn't want to lose his momentum.

The two people did not lose their battles, and their eyes were fixed on each other.

After about 2 minutes.

"Do you want to quarrel, or do you want to train?" Baimu Moyou asked coldly.

Beiyuan sage replied in a flat tone: "I also want to ask you this question."

The atmosphere continued to stalemate for a while.

Until the sage of Beiyuan had almost counted the eyelashes on her double eyelids, he looked away and said impatiently: "Can we start? Don't deliberately find fault."

Baimu Moyou also looked away, too lazy to speak.

The two stood side by side again, and squatted down slowly together. This time, they finally tied up the rope stumblingly, and put a layer of towel between the two ankles.

Baitong tied his left and right legs with ropes and stood up together. The Kitahara sage adjusted his posture slightly. He suddenly felt that the two-person three-legged project seemed to be quite different from what he had imagined.

At first, I took it for granted that two people and three legs are nothing more than paying attention to the coordination of movements, and there is no difficulty at all, but now I realize that it is not as simple as imagined.

In order to maintain the consistency of movement and center of gravity and avoid falling, the walking movements of two people must be highly coordinated and coherent. However, this is unavoidable. Certain parts of the bodies of both parties will touch here and rub a few times there. .

In Fenggao's summer school uniform, the boys' school pants are trousers. Although classmate Lily is wearing a pleated skirt, which is separated by a layer of fabric, so that the skin will not touch, but when it comes to the tops of the two of them, they are all short-sleeved.

The Kitahara sage was silent for a while, he lowered his head, first glanced at his right arm, and then at Kashiwagi Moyu's smooth and white left arm, it seemed that at such a distance, it was inevitable to touch the skin when walking.

The Kitahara sage winked and motioned her to take a step and try

Baimu Moyou said a cold "hmm", this time he was very obedient and did not oppose him.

After tying up the rope, she also felt that this game is not easy, if one party is disobedient, as long as one deliberately fights against it, the result will be that the two of them will roll to the ground together.

"I counted to 123 and took steps at the same time."



Although the two have paid great attention to the distance, avoiding each other's arms, and moving forward slowly in awkward postures, while walking, the Kitahara sage still felt a soft touch on his right forearm for a moment, and then, the cypress beside him Moyou, with a lightning-quick movement, drew back her arm, stopped immediately, and stared at him quietly.

"It's useless for you to stare at me, and I can't help it," Kitahara sage shrugged.

"Why don't you check other people's game videos online?"

"Stay away from me." Bai Mumo first warned the sage Beiyuan in a cold voice, then took out a pack of wet wipes from his pocket, opened it, took out one, and lowered his head to wipe the touched part of his arm carefully.

The sage of Beiyuan was not happy with it, it was really pretentious, but he didn't bother to pay attention to her.

He took out his mobile phone and searched online for videos of two-person three-legged events from other schools.

Kashiwagi Moyou wiped his arm with a wet towel while casting his gaze. When Kitahara Kento clicked on the video and saw it, both of them fell silent.

It turns out that if the two of them want to run after their feet are bound, they have to connect the two boats together like in the Battle of Chibi, with shoulders and backs, so that they can walk and run more smoothly. waist.

As soon as the video was played, Beiyuan and Kashiwagi said in unison:

"You give up your delusions as soon as possible."

"I advise you not to have sweet dreams."

The sage of Beiyuan put away his mobile phone coldly, he knew that guy would definitely seize the opportunity to ridicule him maliciously, so he didn't say that.

"If you put your arms behind your back, it doesn't matter if we walk a little slower."

Kashiwagi Moyu didn't reply, but acquiesced to Kitahara Sage's suggestion.

The two continued to try to walk a few steps. The posture was very awkward and strange, but it was still no problem to walk smoothly.

Beiyuan sage sighed softly inwardly, feeling very helpless.

It is estimated that on the field, the others cooperated tacitly, walked like flying, and rushed to the finish line quickly, but the two of them had strange postures, ink stains, and slowed down to the finish line.
And on the field, there are two kinds of players, the most eye-catching, one is the No.1 who rushes to the front, and the other is the bottom No.1 who falls at the end of the crane.

Moreover, if the No.1 player is counting down, he is far behind for several laps, when everyone has finished running and he is the only one left on the field, and everyone is waiting for him, at that moment, the huge amount of attention he received is undoubtedly He is the most shining focus on the field, even in some respects, he is more shining than the champion.

"Enough is enough," Kashiwagi Moyu stopped, "That's all for today, and 5 minutes of training like this every day will be enough."

The sage of Beiyuan said indifferently: "Whatever you want, anyway, I'm not afraid of embarrassment when the time comes, so you don't mind either."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the ropes on the two ankles, "Squat down together?"

"You can talk less nonsense." Baimu Moyou said lightly.

The sage of Beiyuan shook his head and said, "In you, I really can't see the elegance of a girl."

"In you, I can't see the slightest demeanor of a boy."

The two kept bickering, and slowly squatted down side by side. Kitahara Kento pulled out the towel, and Kashiwagi Moyu uncovered the rope. The division of labor was clear and orderly, avoiding physical contact with each other.

After releasing the restraints, Baimu Moyou resolutely took a few steps away. Without even saying a word, she turned her head and walked towards the student union office.

"Wait." Kitahara sage stopped her, and took out a thick envelope from his pocket.

This is the money that Baimu Moyou tried to buy him before.

The Kitahara sage stepped forward, took out a stack of paper and pens, and handed them to Kashiwagi Moyou, "It's untouched, there's no money for one yen, you count it."

The sage of Beiyuan paused. At this time, in this remote place, a man and a woman are exchanging money, and there is a small house next to it. It always feels a bit strange, like one of the oldest commercial transactions.

Baimu Moyou paused, she looked sideways slightly, and squinted at the money in Kitahara sage's hand from the corner of her eye, then reached out to take it back, and then continued to walk towards the wooden house without looking back.

Enduring the weird feeling, Kitahara Kento followed her into the house, he had to go back to get his schoolbag.

(End of this chapter)

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