Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 232 Thinking of Women Too Simple

Chapter 232 Thinking of Women Too Simple
Student Union Office.

Watching Kitahara's sage's face, Kashiwagi Moyu did not hide it. She sat on Takanashi's chairman's seat openly and aboveboard, with her hands crossed and her chest coldly looking at Kitahara.

The sage of Beiyuan picked up his schoolbag, didn't bother to say goodbye, walked towards the door, and was about to open the door to leave when Baitong's voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Bring a snowball to school tomorrow."

Kitahara Ken didn't answer, and continued to open the door.

Kashiwagi asked him to bring the rabbit to school, not because he was going to settle accounts with the fat rabbit Qiuhou—with Takanashi around, she didn't dare to do anything to the fat rabbit—that guy was just worried that Takanashi would run to his house if he wanted to visit the rabbit.

On this matter, Kitahara sage still agrees with her.

He also didn't want Takanashi to be a guest, because it would undoubtedly be like a sheep feeding a tiger's mouth and delivering food to his door!

Of course, he is not a tiger, but a naughty and evil little tiger in the family.

He still remembers clearly that before, he asked Amamiya Yazheng to sit at home, but within two hours of sitting, Amameiya Yazheng was tossed wet by Hanagu and Sister Qinyin, and was almost forced to stay overnight.

Even if he thought about it with his toes, Kitahara sage could predict that that naughty little naughty finally caught her long-coveted sister Takanashi, how could he easily let Takanashi escape!
It is easy for a child to get forgiveness when he makes a mistake, but when the time comes, how embarrassing his face will be!
Baimu Moyou looked at the door coldly, and repeated in an emotionless tone: "Have you heard, bring Snowball to school tomorrow."

Kitahara sage turned a deaf ear and continued to turn the doorknob.

That guy often doesn't bother to pay attention to him, and he's not a doormat, so why can't he retaliate.

Closing the door and coming outside the Student Union, Kitahara Sage walked towards the woods, but within two steps, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

Last night, his daughter asked him to ask his friends who made the fried rice, it was so strange and dark.

Kitahara sage pondered for a while, he had tasted Kashiwagi's cuisine, and with her cooking level, although it was unlikely that he would make such substandard dark fried rice, but now he would go back and ask her, and it would take less than a minute.

He turned his head back to the door of the Student Union, and stretched out his hand to open the door. The door had just been pushed open a few centimeters, when there was a muffled bang. The door frame seemed to hit something, and stumbling footsteps sounded in the room.

Through the crack of the door, Kitahara Kento stretched out his head and looked in. Inside the crack of the door, Kashiwagi Moyu squatted on the ground in pain. She lowered her head and gently rubbed her left thumb.

Xianren Beiyuan felt ashamed in his heart, it seemed that he had turned a deaf ear to it just now, and was too lazy to talk to classmate Lily—he cared about his wife—classmate Lily chased him out worriedly, and then...
Baimu Moyou raised his head abruptly, looking angrily at the eye outside the crack of the door.

"You are mean!"

The sage of Beiyuan felt a little embarrassed. He really didn't mean it, and he couldn't explain it clearly now.

Through the crack of the door, he asked tentatively, "Can you cook fried rice?"

Baimu Moyou squatted on the ground with a cold face, staring at the crack of the door for a moment.


Beiyuan Xianren hesitated for a while and asked again: "Do you like wearing high heels?"

In the future, he will also collect a pair of red high-heeled shoes with broken heels. He has always felt incredible.

".No wear."

There is also a white scarf and a pink mask. The Kitahara sage looked inside the door through the crack of the door, "What color scarf do you like? Have you ever thought about wearing a mask?"

Baimu Moyou supported the wall, maintained her body's center of gravity with one foot, and stood up slowly. She didn't know why that bastard asked these strange questions, but at the moment, she was very angry and didn't want to say a word to him anymore!

Angrily, she suddenly stretched out her hand to push the door, and Kitahara sage's eyes were quick and his legs were quick, so he quickly took two steps back, and there was a bang!The door was slammed shut!

Hearing the heavy closing sound full of murderous intent, Kitahara sage was a little worried about classmate Bai's slender arm. Doesn't his arm hurt with such a strong force? It must be numb.

Maybe she is squatting at the door right now, rubbing her arms in pain and regret.

If you seize the right moment now and open the door suddenly again, you should be able to give her a hard time, right? Kitahara sage thought silently.

But later, the two may fight.

I always feel that classmate Bai has been less and less suppressing her emotions towards him recently, throwing face when she should, and getting angry when she should be angry. Annoyed and angry at the same time, his face was also calm.

How much do you hate me? Are you already hating me so much that you can’t hide it? The sage of Beiyuan shook his head helplessly, turned around and walked towards the forest. As he walked, he turned his back and said, "I will bring a snowball with me when I go to school tomorrow. In addition, It was an accident just now, I didn't mean it."

Three minutes later, walking out of the school forest, Kitahara Kento saw the returning Takanashi from a distance.

Takanashi Xufeng waved and said hello from a distance, walked up quickly but without losing the elegance of a lady and asked, "Is the training over?"

The sage of Beiyuan nodded in agreement, and asked Gao Li some more questions.

"Takahashi-san, can you cook fried rice?"

Takanashi Xu Fengshensi was a little surprised when he suddenly talked about a distant matter.

"Huh, fried rice? Although I have made it with my mother before, I have never tried it myself."

The Kitahara sage nodded in understanding, and continued to ask: "Do you put cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, beans, squid legs and kombu in your fried rice?"

Takanashi Xufeng was a little confused when he heard it, cherry tomatoes?mushroom?Beans?Weird ingredients,

She hesitated for a while, then asked: "Student Beiyuan, should you put squid legs and kombu in the fried rice? I always feel...isn't this a little strange?" Takanashi Xufeng paused, then smiled awkwardly and politely: "Sorry, maybe I'm ignorant. There must be many other ways to make fried rice. I'll ask my mother for you later."

The person who taught me fried rice should be able to rule out Takanashi Sufeng. Kitahara Kento continued to ask a series of questions: "Do you like to wear high heels? What color scarf do you like? Have you ever thought about wearing a mask?"

"That, Kitahara, please wait a moment and let me think about it one by one."

Takanashi Xufeng Shensi thought carefully about each of them.

"High heels, I'm not yet old enough to wear that kind of shoes, and I heard from my mother that high heels seem to hurt my feet? Then I prefer comfortable flat shoes and sneakers."

"Scarves. I should like pink and white? If you don't pay attention to time-traveling collocations, pink and white should be the colors that girls like."

"Wear a mask? I never thought about it, and I probably won't encounter occasions that require wearing a mask in the future. Well, it sounds a bit like a masquerade."

Still didn't ask anything, the sage of Beiyuan was quite disappointed.

Why does Kitahara-san pay attention to fried rice? It's still such a strange fried rice. Takanashi Xufeng thought about it, and suddenly said: "Actually, Moyu knows how to cook fried rice. Does Kitahara-san know?"

The sage of Beiyuan was silent, Bai Tong knew it clearly, but pretended not to, and lied to him. This is the consequence of too low favorability.

"Then she wears high heels?"

"I've never seen Moyou wear it, but Moyou should not reject high heels,"

Hearing this, the Kitahara sage fell silent for a while, if the pair of high heels he collected in the future turned out to be that guy's shoes, he really wouldn't be able to express his attitude.

"If she wears high heels, based on what you know about your best friend, what color will she choose?"

"What color are the high heels?" Gao Li Xufeng continued to think for a while, "Beiyuan, there is actually a boy's misunderstanding in this."

She raised her head and explained with a smile: "Girls are not like boys. Whether it's high heels, scarves, or other things, if a girl likes something, she definitely won't just buy one color, right? White, khaki , cute pink and eye-catching red, and other colors, I think there should be all of them.”

The Beiyuan sage's expression froze slightly, as if it made sense.

It's not that he thinks of things too simply, but that he thinks of women too simply.

 Fried rice, broken red high-heeled shoes, white scarves, pink masks, handwritten Chinese pinyin charts, and returned mobile phones are the original owners of these items, each from the three heroines.

  And half of the items can now be guessed based on their personalities, hobbies, family and childhood experiences.

(End of this chapter)

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