Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 233 You and Mom are Stupid

Chapter 233 You and Mom are Stupid
At the peak height of eight o'clock, students can be seen everywhere on the campus. When Kitahara Sage saw some music clubs, the head simply led the members to carry out department activities on the campus - I heard that this was affirmed by the principal and the directors What are you doing to promote Fenggao’s unique campus culture to attract next year’s freshmen—they hold large and small musical instruments, or gather under the trees, or around the lawn, and collectively play quiet movements.The students passing by have already seen it.

Kento Kitahara passed the gymnasium along the main road, and then walked into the campus corridor decorated with vines. From the conversations of passing students, he could occasionally hear the aftermath of "Band of Tomorrow".

Even though half a month has passed, there are still quite a few people who are still talking about the aftermath of that game.

Kitahara Kento didn't want to enter the classroom too early, so he simply wandered around the campus aimlessly.

Before he knew it, he came back to his senses, and he had already stopped in front of the small artificial lake, and his thoughts surged. He remembered that the last time he came near the lake was the day Amamiya Masahiro changed schools.At that time, the lake was covered with pink cherry blossom petals.

Red high-heeled shoes with broken heels, dark fried rice, a handwritten Chinese pinyin chart, a white scarf, a returned mobile phone, and an ordinary pink mask.

Now only Amamiya Masahiro is left, and he hasn't asked yet.

It was easy to find clues for the first three things in the future, especially the handwritten Chinese pinyin table, he already had some eyebrows in mind.

As for the latter three, the scope is too large and it is difficult to investigate.

But to be honest, he is actually not eager and keen to investigate these future things in his heart—except for the red high heels with broken heels, he is really very curious—but since his daughter is very serious, caring, and curious, then Just investigate it out of Hanagu's curiosity.

Kitahara Kento looked down at the blurred reflection of the lake, silently thinking about the possibility between Amamiya Masaki and those future objects.

In fact, there is no need to ask specifically, based on his understanding of Yugong, he can easily draw a conclusion.

The possibility of fried rice is slim, and the small house girl can guess what fried rice is, as the name suggests, it is already a big victory for her.

Red heels?Impossible, don't even need to think about it, absolutely impossible, she thinks her feet are awkward, and the house girl doesn't go outside the door, everyone is too lazy to take a step, it is absolutely impossible for her to wear high heels!

Kitahara sage is sure, it can be said that the probability of Masahiro Amamiya wearing high heels is about the same as the probability of him actually wearing high heels!
But I still have to find a way, go to Amamiya Masahiro, he has other things to talk to the little house girl.

It seems that the two unconditional and obligatory demands frightened the otaku girl, and Amamiya Masahiro has been avoiding him recently.

If you want to catch her quietly, you have to find a way.

The last row of the second-year Class G classroom.

Amamiya Masahiro didn't listen to the lecture at all, her ears had already completely filtered out the teacher's long-winded lecture,
She rested her chin lightly on the back of her hand, staring boredly at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window.

The teacher on the podium turned a blind eye to this.

The students are also used to it.

Because everyone in the school knows that Yugong doesn't need to attend classes, even if he is always in a daze in class, looking at the scenery, or even sleeping on the table, Yugong can easily get in the top ten of the grade in the exam.
Not long after, the stereo in the classroom transmitted "Westminster Bells", and the get out of class bell rang.

Amamiya Masahira quietly shifted her eyes, secretly observing the idiot at the next table through the reflection through the unclear glass window.

The sage of Beiyuan stopped turning his pen, and from the corner of his eye, he quietly squinted at the little house girl at the next table.

He straightened his back and was about to get up when the vigilant and vigilant little house girl immediately took a step ahead of him, got up quickly, and walked towards the back door of the classroom as if fleeing.

Beiyuan sage watched her leave from the corner of his eye, feeling very speechless in his heart, why did he look like some dangerous person, why is he so scared?

He simply cleaned up his desk, went out for a walk as usual, and left the classroom.

10 minute later.

On the eve of the class bell ringing, Amamiya Masahira appeared at the back door of the classroom. She was still wearing a "mask" and maintained that indifferent expression of "don't bother me".

For the first time, she glanced at the empty adjacent table - the idiot hadn't returned to the classroom - and then walked to her seat.

More than ten seconds later, the young female English teacher walked into the classroom with the textbook under her arm. When she stood in front of the blackboard, the sage of Beiyuan still did not return.

Amamiya Masahira couldn't help but slightly frowned her slender eyebrows, it was already class time, where did that idiot go?

Was it taken to the back of the gymnasium by another girl?
Slowly, 5 minutes and 10 minutes passed, until the end of the last class, when the school bell rang, Kitahara Kento still did not return to the classroom.

Amamiya Masahira glared angrily at the empty seat at the next table in the reflection of the glass window, the idiot didn't say a word, didn't even say hello, and suddenly disappeared without a word, which made her very annoyed and upset!
The schoolbag is still in the table hole. Did he go to the student union? . It seems that there is a sports meeting recently. She was distracted and thought about it for a while. When she came to her senses, there were not many people left in the classroom.

To avoid being caught by the idiot who came back, Amamiya Masaki bent down and picked up the schoolbag on the side of the table in annoyance, and left the classroom quickly with a cold face.

On the way out of school, she could feel the eyes scattered everywhere, those secretly looking at her, and she could often hear some familiar names in her ears.

There are always some people whispering secretly, not only discussing her, but also often comparing her with so-and-so.

Among them, the name that appeared most often was the vixen who asked her to play the harmonica.

This time, Amamiya Masahira noticed keenly that two boys not far away were whispering to each other, whispering something about her:

"Hey, Takuma, I heard the news that a batch of the new edition of the magazine has been printed and will be released soon. The rankings of Amamiya's classmates have been supplemented, as well as the first-year girls of this class. Takuma, who do you think is the TOP1 girl in the new edition of the magazine? ?”

"Accordingly, the leader must be Yu Gong's classmate? She has everything in appearance, figure, talent and fame. I guess she is already the number one in the default list," the boy paused, rubbing his chin, Then he said imaginatively, "However... if the new edition of the magazine is released before "Tomorrow Band", there should be no suspense about the result, but after the game... I still think that our president can hold on to his position again, maybe, he will Come up with a tied TOP1?"

Someone compared her with someone else, and she was good at ranking!Amamiya Masahira endured her boredom and quickened her pace. She didn't want to stay longer in this boring campus for a moment.

Fortunately, there are not many people in Fenggao's "returning house department", and the number is rare, comparable to a first-class rare animal - like her, there are very few students who go home as soon as the school bell rings - wait for her to arrive at the school Near the door, the surroundings finally calmed down.

Amamiya Masahira turned her gaze around, looking for the parking position of Sister Qian, and walked over quickly.

On the way, she fixed her eyes on a stone, approached it, and kicked it out angrily!The stone was immediately kicked far away.Amamiya Masahira whispered bitterly: "I told you to run around, idiot! Idiot! Idiot!"

After venting her anger, she turned around, walked quickly to the front of the car, reached out to open the door, and leaned over to sit in the back seat.

As soon as she was seated, Masahiro Amamiya suddenly realized that there was another person sitting beside her!

She turned her head quickly, and suddenly lost her temper, and her tone was half questioning: "Why are you in the car!"

The tone of the Kitahara sage was half joking: "I'm not in the car, should I be on the roof?"

"Don't divert the topic, why are you in the car!"

Really domineering? Beiyuan sage said directly: "I'm waiting for you, isn't that obvious? I came here to look for you, isn't it clear enough?"

"You!" Amamiya Masahiro's tone faltered, and then he was angry inside.

All the actions I did like an idiot before, it was as if I was tricked by that idiot!Even emotions are played wantonly!
She turned her head away vigorously, stared out of the car window, and said in a dissatisfied tone: "Sister Qian, how can you let people who don't know where they come from get into the car casually."

Akane Takeshita in the main cab smiled without saying a word, cleverly not answering.

After a while, Amamiya Masahiro opened her lips and teeth lightly. She wanted to ask, if the idiot didn't go to class, did he hide in the car to ambush her just to leave early?

But saying this, it seemed that she seemed to care about that idiot very much, so she still tightly closed her lips.

But immediately, Amamiya Masahiro recalled the two unconditional demands that must be agreed!
She suddenly became anxious and a little scared.

The idiot came to the door, want to make a request?

If you escape now, you will definitely be seriously underestimated by him!
What should I do if an idiot makes such an outrageous request?
What if the idiot wants to let me go to his house again, and force me to stay overnight, what should I do?
Amamiya Masahira tried her best to maintain a calm expression, put on that "indifferent mask" and asked, "What do you want from me."

The sage of Beiyuan felt amused in his heart, so he didn't try to pierce her nervousness. He first found a soothing topic to chat with, and gave the little house girl some time to regain her courage.

"Can you cook fried rice?"

Although he was sure that the little house girl would never cook rice, he still asked symbolically.

Amamiya Masahiro clasped her hands on her chest, stared out of the car window, and snorted coldly, "Heh, fried rice? Who do you underestimate, isn't it just fried rice, of course you can do it!"

Kitahara sage: "."

It always sounded a bit familiar, as if he had heard her say almost exactly the same thing when he fooled the little house girl that wild sour dates were crabapple fruit.

The Kitahara sage shook his head helplessly.

A classmate of Bai, who knows how to cook fried rice, but blurts out a lie, insisting on pretending not to do it.

A small house girl may not have eaten fried rice at all, but she insists on pretending to understand,
It is also interesting to explore the psychological differences between the two and get completely different results.

However, Kitahara Kento remembered that in spring, Amamiya Masaki often wore a scarf to cover her face, but at that time, she always wore a pink scarf.

The sage of Beiyuan thought for a while, and asked, "Do you have a white scarf? Have you thought about it, give me one?"

Amamiya Masahira froze slightly, he wanted to ask me for a scarf? !

"What strange things do you want to do to my scarf?" Amamiya Masahira turned her head and asked in a strange tone.

"Do nothing! What can I do to your scarf!" Kitahara Kento was annoyed.

Amamiya Masaki suddenly had an idea, and quickly said: "Then we have agreed, you use a request for me now, and I will give you a white scarf tomorrow, don't play tricks! You only have one request left now!"

You have a good idea, so naive and naive. The sage of Beiyuan immediately refused: "This is your wishful thinking to send the scarf, and it has nothing to do with my request."

After finishing speaking, he paused. If he asked her about the red high heels next, wouldn't it be easy to be misunderstood as a gift?
The sage of Beiyuan thought about it for a while, and dismantled it into two problems.

"What color do you prefer?"

I heard that Amamiya Masahira fell into deep thought for a while. What color do I like the color I like.
She can't say what color she likes.

Amamiya Masaki came back to her senses, rested her chin, and stared out of the car window, "You don't care what color I like, I just don't want to tell you."

Beiyuan Xianren's expression is not surprising, he has long been used to the impolite attitude of the little house girl who often deliberately confronts him, although it is sometimes a headache, but it is much more friendly than before, when she called him a jerk one by one, and often moved her hands and feet.

"Okay, one last question, are you used to wearing high heels?"

Masahiro Amamiya frowned slightly, her slender and delicate eyebrows, high heels?
Once, when she was very bored at home, she saw her mother's strange shoes with pointed and high heels. She tried to wear them once, but she took off the shoes immediately and threw them away after she reached the third step!

Amamiya Masahiro said decisively: "What? High heels? Are you an idiot? Idiots only wear that kind of shoes. Mom is an idiot, and you are an idiot too."

 A difference of 400 words is 4000 words, barely two chapters?Haha, of course it can't be counted. The author hasn't eaten yet. The task of the two chapters seems a bit reluctant today.

  Make persistent efforts tomorrow, and continue to try to make up for the two updates. Today's 3600 words are not many, but it is still a little bit stronger than before, and there is a little improvement, just don't spray too hard.

(End of this chapter)

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