Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 367 The Cunning Takanashi Sufeng

Chapter 367 The Cunning Takanashi Sufeng


At eight o'clock in the evening, Kitahara Sage's cell phone rang on time.

"Oni-chan, it's raining heavily here, Sister Yugong is so enthusiastic about staying here, Sister Qinyin and I are so kind, but it's disrespectful, we'll just stay overnight tonight, see you tomorrow~~~"

The sage of Beiyuan was speechless, he had expected it a long time ago, the little naughty egg finally met her sister Yugong, how could she easily let go of her prey.

As for the irresponsible kindness and disrespect, the devil would believe this. From his point of view, the little naughty bastard is sloppy, soft-spoken, and nonsense.


As soon as he put down the phone, he heard the howling wind.

Gao Lixu, who was washing the pot, heard the reputation and looked at the French windows, and said in surprise, "Is it windy? Is there rain in the weather forecast?"

As if the crow's mouth had come true, as soon as she finished speaking, there was a sudden downpour outside.

The sage of Beiyuan was stunned for a moment, the rain really depends on the occasion.He turned his head to look at Takanashi, and the two of them looked at each other in blank dismay, speechless.

Takanashi Xufeng quickly dried her hands, trotted to the floor-to-ceiling windows, opened the curtains, and looked at the street lights in the rainy night.

"It should be a thunderstorm, and it will stop after a while." She turned around and said.

"Then just wait." Beiyuan Xianren was very helpless.

Baimu Moyou kept silent, just leaned over to wipe the table.

She wished that the rain would get heavier and heavier, and it would be better to spend the whole night with the manhole cover flying off, so that she could let Xu Feng stay overnight in a logical manner.

She understands what the wise man of Beiyuan said, that guy is very concerned about his reputation and reputation, as long as he can leave, he will definitely not stay overnight with the two girls.

"At that time, I will ask him politely first, he will definitely refuse to stay overnight and choose to take a taxi home in the rain, and then I--" Baimu Moyou's thoughts stopped abruptly, and he suddenly couldn't bear it, and couldn't bear to see him go home in the rain .

It seems that reason and sensibility are in fierce opposition,
The cold rationality keeps reminding her that it is rare to spend the night with Xufeng, and never be disturbed by an "outsider", Xufeng is the most important thing!
But the tough sensibility is crazily condemning her again, how can you treat a friend like this, she is very important to you, is he meaningless to you?How heartless!

Baimu Moyou was stunned, two ideas collided fiercely on the question of how to treat the sage of Beiyuan, and the importance of him and Xufeng.

She suddenly realized that judgment and choice are not the most important thing. What's even more frightening is that because of an "outsider supporting role", she has had unnecessary considerations of hesitation in matters related to the "heroine"!

"I'm caring about him?" Baimu Moyou suddenly realized the key point, and couldn't help shivering.

"What's wrong with Moyu?"

Baimu Moyou came back to his senses for a moment, and turned his head to see that Kitahara Kento and Xu Feng had already sat on the sofa together and turned on the TV.

Takanashi Xufeng turned sideways, looking at her childhood friend in surprise.

"Moyou, you don't seem to be looking well."

"What about the flowers planted in front of the student union office?" Bai Mumoyou thought of this excuse in a hurry.

"Those flowers?" Gaoli Xufeng said helplessly: "I can only wait to see tomorrow, I hope they can last all night."

Baimu Moyou lowered his head, pretending to be a cleaning rag, hiding his uneasiness.

After a while, she raised her lower eyelids and peeped over the sofa from the corner of her eye. The wise man Beiyuan and Xu Feng were discussing in a low voice which evening channel to watch.

Baimu Moyou was suddenly a little confused. For some reason, every time she saw Beiyuan sage approaching Xufeng in the past, she would be very vigilant in her heart. Mi, still whispering, her mood was not disturbed, just a little uncomfortable.

An hour and a half later, at nine thirty.

The rain is a little lighter, but no matter how small the rainstorm is, it is still a rainstorm. If we wait any longer, it will almost be tomorrow!

The three of them were sitting on the sofa watching TV together. Kento Kitahara couldn't wait any longer, so he simply said, "I'll take a taxi back, do you want to go with Takanashi-san?"

Takanashi Xufeng straightened his waist and glanced out the window, thinking about it.

She just sent a text message to her mother, and she has already said that she will be staying at Moyou's house tonight, and she hasn't had time to tell everyone.

Gaoli Xufeng got up and left the sofa, turned to look at Moyou, then at Beiyuan, and said, "Let's go together. Moyou, see you tomorrow."

Baimu Moyou was stunned for a moment, she was about to tell Xu Feng to stay overnight, so she quickly got up and said, "It's raining so much outside, there is only one umbrella, how do you go, Xu Feng should stay here—" She paused, and there was a person standing beside her,
Baimu Moyou was silent for a while, and said, "Xufeng and classmate Beiyuan should stay overnight."

Gaoli Xufeng snickered in her heart, she knew that Moyou must not worry about her taking such a long car home alone on a rainy night, and there was a classmate from Beiyuan standing next to her, if she wanted to stay overnight, of course she had to bring her Kami Kitahara classmate.

The sage of Beiyuan was quite worried, although the little naughty boy was not at home tonight, maybe she would stay at Yugong's house tomorrow and refused to leave, but he was a big man, spending the night under the same roof with two girls, it was really not nice.

He declined, "I'll go home and see if the windows are closed."

"Takahashi-san, do you want to stay or go home?"

Takanashi Xufeng nodded, and left the sofa to get the coat. Seeing that the "heroine" was about to run away with the "female number two", Kashiwagi Moyu hurriedly said:

"The fare at night is very expensive, and it's still raining heavily. It costs tens of thousands of yen from Chuo Ward to Chiyoda Ward. It's already so late, it's not worth it. It's the same if you stay for one night and leave tomorrow morning."

Takanashi Xufeng pretended to be hesitant, looked at Moyou, and then at Beiyuan, with a hesitant look of being undecided.

The sage of Beiyuan couldn't help becoming suspicious. He had the experience of gaining wisdom through a fall in the pit before. Was this cunning Takanashi Xufeng playing tricks on him and Baitong's classmate again.

It's like if he leaves, she also leaves, and if he doesn't leave, she won't leave. If he is bound to him, it's no wonder that Baitong can easily let him go!
Moyou Baimu rushed to say: "When you go home, it will be almost eleven o'clock, why don't you stay here, tomorrow morning, Beiyuan students can drop by the Tokyo Chess Academy, my house is closer, and it is more convenient for Xufeng and I to go to school. The room is big enough to accommodate the two of you."

Gaoli Xufeng pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said, "Moyou is right, it's so late, there's no need to take a taxi home in the heavy rain."

She turned to the sage Beiyuan and seriously suggested: "Student Beiyuan should stay here too. There is an important competition tomorrow. Although I forgot to close the window and the floor got wet and had to be cleaned, but the wind outside is so strong, what if I go home If you catch a cold and catch a cold on the way, it will be troublesome, and the gain outweighs the loss."

Takanashi Xufeng paused, and jokingly said: "Everyone has had many times of sleeping together before, Moyouke and I both believe in Kitahara-san's character, Kitahara-san doesn't believe us, right?"

The sage of Beiyuan opened his mouth, he had already said good and bad things, what else could he say, if he continued to refuse, it would appear that he didn't know good people.

The kindness is hard to come by, and the sage of Beiyuan nodded helplessly, only to realize that this cunning Takanashi Xufeng is really quick to play tricks.

He had no choice but to sit down again, glanced at classmate Bai from the corner of his eye, feeling very speechless.Takanashi Xufeng secretly arranged for him and Baitong to develop a relationship together, but she was still willing to pull him into Takanashi Xufeng's routine. Is this guy dazzled by the love in his heart!

(End of this chapter)

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