Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 368 Kashiwagi pie Takanashi all want pie

Chapter 368 Kashiwagi pie Takanashi all want pie

Cypress house.Ten o'clock at night.

The Kitahara sage who had no choice but to stay overnight lived in the guest bedroom, and Lily slept in the second bedroom with Takanashi.

Tomorrow there will be a group B round-robin match. In order to maintain the state of the game, he borrowed Bai's classmate's laptop and played a game of net chess before going to bed.

After four or 10 minutes, the fierce battle ended, and the sage Kitahara was sweating on his forehead. He was thirsty and tired. He got up and went to the living room to get a glass of water, but just as he opened the door, he heard the sound of a shower.

Thinking of moving quickly, the sage of Beiyuan walked quickly to the kitchen counter, but after a hot pot meal and tea, the mineral water bucket had already bottomed out.

He looked left and right, glanced around several times, and wandered back and forth in the living room, but he didn't see where the water dispenser in Baimu's house was. At this moment, the door of the bathroom, which had turned off the shower at some point, was pushed open. Lily's classmate with wet blond hair came out wrapped in a bath towel, revealing her smooth and white shoulders and collarbone, as well as her tall and long legs.

The sage of Beiyuan was slightly stunned for a moment, quickly looked away, and asked rather awkwardly first: "Didn't you change your clothes first after taking a bath?"

Baimu Moyou was also stunned for a moment, completely unexpected, when the "pollution source" who was busy playing chess sneaked out!
The sage of Beiyuan immediately said first: "I came out to fetch water, but there is no water in the bucket."

At the same time, when the people in the second bedroom heard the movement, they quietly pushed the door open a little, poked their heads out, looked at Moyou who was wrapped in a bath towel, and looked at Beiyuan in the kitchen counter, couldn't help laughing, and then let go The door closed again softly.

Baimu Moyou quickly regained his senses, and turned his gaze to the mineral water bucket.

There was still more than half of the barrel just now. Baimu Moyou was confused for a moment, then suddenly realized something, and fell into silence for a while.

"There are still in the refrigerator." She left a sentence, clasped the towel tightly with her hands, buried her head deeply, and quickly returned to the bedroom.

After closing the door and leaning against the door, Kashiwagi Moyu turned to look at her childhood friend lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone.

Gaoli Xufeng sat up cross-legged from the bed, and said embarrassedly: "I went to pour water just now, and I accidentally overturned the bucket."

It was true that the mineral water bucket was accidentally overturned, but after the bucket was overturned, she suddenly thought about it and didn't help her up immediately.

Since Moyou hasn't fallen in love with Beiyuan yet, why can't he change his mind and make Beiyuan fall in love with Moyou first.

She noticed before that Beiyuan didn't take a water glass when she entered the second bedroom.

But playing chess with a high concentration of energy will consume a lot of brainpower. Sometimes the brain is overused, sweating and thirsty are very normal things, just as Moyou is also taking a bath, she suddenly thought of an idiom - out of the water lotus - —It is said that a woman who has just taken a shower is the most beautiful moment, so there was the scene just now.

Of course, she just casually took the next step of "leisure". She really didn't expect that Bei Yuan would bump into Mo You who had just come out of the bath, and even more unexpected that Mo You would come out with only a bath towel wrapped around her.

Kashiwagi Moyu didn't doubt Takanashi at all, she deliberately pulled the towel tightly, put her arms on her chest, and vividly highlighted her exquisite and plump figure.

She walked to the closet and rummaged through her pajamas leisurely.

The reason why she was only wrapped in a bath towel, she didn't change into her pajamas beforehand, was because she wanted to show off her hard-earned figure in front of Xu Feng, maybe Xu Feng would like it very much, but she never expected it , just stepped out of the door, and was actually watched by the sage of Beiyuan first!

The night is deeper.

The bedroom is dark.

Baimu Moyou could hear the sound of even breathing on the side of the pillow, and Xufeng had already fallen asleep.

But she was tossing and turning, always restless.

Obviously the person lying next to her was Xu Feng, but her mind was always thinking about the other person in the guest room next door.

Baimu Moyou was very confused in his heart, and he didn't understand what was going on with him at all.

She is convinced that her love for Xu Feng is the most unparalleled love.She is willing to do many things for Xu Feng.

If Xufeng asked her to go to a place far, far away to buy something, she could be willing to go there on the same day without any complaints, and fetch it for Xufeng as quickly as possible.But if the Kitahara sage asked her so, she must be very unhappy.In this way, you can prove who your favorite person is.

But the person I like the most is clearly sleeping next to the pillow, but what I think more about is the second supporting role next door. Kashiwagi Moyu is very confused, and it is even more difficult to accept. It's Xufeng." Is this line of defense about to fall?

"Maybe. Likes really have categories." Baimu Moyou panicked.As if facelessly facing the person next to her pillow, she hugged the summer cool quilt, tossed and turned, her back turned to Xu Feng who was asleep.

But she still firmly believes that her love for Xu Feng is definitely not just a superficial love among relatives.

My thoughts are very chaotic and I can't sleep.

A long illness becomes a good doctor.She has consulted many people on the Internet, asking about their love experiences, asking about their understanding and feelings about liking.

At least on a theoretical level, she believes that liking has been deeply researched.

Everyone's love journey is different. According to her research on liking a person, liking is not like a "disease", a linear process that gradually deteriorates, but like a puzzle, which can be pieced together from the upper left corner, or put together. The lower right corner is used as the starting point, even from the middle, anywhere can be used as the starting point, each route is different, but in the end, it will be pieced together piece by piece.

She vividly named it "Love Puzzle".She felt that the puzzle of her love for Xu Feng had already been filled, and she had pieced it together very completely, and even overflowed with many puzzle pieces.

As for Kitahara sage's jigsaw puzzle, Kashiwagi Moyou remained silent.

Before leaving him, I would feel unaccustomed and feel a little lost; before getting close to him, I couldn’t help becoming nervous; before getting along with him, I could tell a lot of secrets hidden in my heart, even if I was nagged by him, I didn’t feel very annoying. All these signs Reluctantly, she revealed that her love puzzle for Kitahara sage has already pieced together "habit", "missing", "caring about image", "honesty" and "tolerance".

However, just today, she suddenly realized that her love puzzle for classmate Bei Yuan had quietly completed another piece!
Even though keeping him seriously disturbed her and Xu Feng's two-person world, she still asked him to stay overnight, and couldn't bear to see him go home in the heavy rain.

"What should I do?" Baimu Moyou was a little mad in his heart, the position fell too fast, and if this continues, it will be worth it!

She was really panicked, if one day, her love puzzle for the "pollution source" was complete to the point where she was for Xu Feng, just thinking about it, she felt terrified for herself.

The guest bedroom next door.

The sage of Beiyuan, who was lying on the bed and looking at his mobile phone, was studying a chess record when he suddenly received an MMS email notification from the little naughty boy.

"It's another sneak shot of 'her aunt''s welfare photos. It's nicknamed 'filial piety'." Beiyuan Xianren smiled expressionlessly, and swiped his finger without looking at it.

Putting down his phone, he closed his eyes on his back and lay on someone else's bed. He wasn't used to it. Although a soft bed was more comfortable than a hard tatami mat, how could he be as small as he was accustomed to sleeping in a golden nest and a silver nest? The nest is more solid.

His thoughts diverged, waiting for sleepiness to come.

"When it comes to Takanashi, Lily is a pig teammate. He even dragged me to get into Takanashi's tricks together. Can't you see it? The wife in your mind is matching you and me intentionally or not."

"Sangbu Aoi is also playing a big game of chess. She has already convinced me. My next step is to convince Takanashi that no matter what happens, I must accompany her to the final scene of the Wakali battle."

The Kitahara sage was speechless, the child was a staunch supporter of the "Takahashi School".

As for the naughty little naughty Kitahara sage, he felt very tired immediately.

Takanashi Xufeng is nothing more than secretly poking once or twice, only targeting him and Kashiwagi. Although she is always worrying about it, she is still very cautious in her actions, and she will not cause any disturbances.

Xiang Wukui was just playing a big game of chess secretly, only targeting him and Takanashi. Now she is very well-behaved, doesn't make trouble, and is very obedient, but once her plan is over, it will be hard to say later.

Only the little naughty girl, she never refuses anyone, she is full of pride, greedy and crazy, she wants everything.Hua Gu was making waves all the time, jumping up and down whenever he got the chance, going out for a walk, asking him how his beautiful big sister was doing quietly, scratching his head and scratching his head anxiously, as if he wanted to mate him quickly.

The sage of Beiyuan was very tired, what kind of people were around him, the students were not studying, and they were just thinking about something. He was lucky, but fortunately, Baitong had been quiet all the time, and he was much more at ease than those few.

 The matter of studying the difference in clothing between men and women. Don't worry, the courier hasn't arrived yet, so wait for two or three days.

(End of this chapter)

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