Chapter 373 Good News

"I was the one who gave Dad the opportunity to reconcile with the family?" Gao Li Xufeng asked in confusion, but he didn't understand what was going on at all.

Mama Takanashi peeled the apple and said with a smile, "Well, that band competition."

Takanashi Xufeng nodded and listened carefully.

Although several months have passed, she still misses and vividly remembers that happy and exhausting time.During the band competition, all the members of the "Gravity of Destiny" band received a lot of national attention.

The leader of the band, the only man in the "girl group", and the mysterious masked man who is most curious by the public, naturally bears the brunt of countless gossips and absurd false news.

Fortunately, before the start of the competition, everyone had already formulated a series of confidentiality measures to protect the face under the mask in a watertight and impeccable manner, so that the true identity of classmate Beiyuan was not exposed.

All the media and newspapers had no way of doing anything about the mask, so in desperation, they had to shift their cannons and aim at them who were not wearing masks.

Dozens of investigations, ranging from childhood past events to family status quo, have exposed almost all their personal and family secrets to the public one by one—this naturally includes the old stories of the Takanashi family.

Mama Gao Li placed the peeled apple gently in front of her daughter, and said thoughtfully, "Xufeng, remember? When your band fell into the loser's bracket."

"Remember!" Takanashi Xufeng hurriedly responded, thinking of the key point for a moment.

At the critical juncture when that classmate Kitahara had bad luck and was drawn by lottery for Amamiya twice in a row, "Gravity of Destiny" regrettably fell into the loser group, all the past grievances between my father and my family were suddenly exposed out.

Takanashi Xufeng still thinks it is very weird when she thinks about it now, she always thinks the timing is too coincidental,

At the critical moment of the band competition, everyone is facing the risk of being eliminated at any time. It was the big news that came out, and the ground was thunderous, and all the past events of mother and father's family were exposed to the public - mother was a famous singer , but was looked down upon by the Takanashi family.A pair of mandarin ducks ran away from home and flew far away—the band earned a lot of national attention, and won countless sympathy and support.

Since then, the words "gravity of fate" have spread throughout the streets of Tokyo.This is also the key point of the band's rebirth after falling into the loser's bracket.

Takanashi Xufeng always felt that the timing was too coincidental, and he seriously doubted that those inside stories were probably revealed by Chiharu Tsurumi secretly.After all, except for the "client" of Tsurumi's family, who still remembers the old events decades ago.

But speaking of it, she also relied on the media's exposure opportunity to know in detail that her father's family is still very powerful in Tokyo.

Gaoli's mother covered her mouth with a smile and said, "At that time, my father's family didn't expect that a small band competition would expose all those old family ugliness."

Gao Li Xufeng asked strangely in his heart: "I don't want to make the family ugly continue to stir up trouble, so I have no choice but to pinch my nose and ask my father to reconcile?"

"That's the case, but it's not entirely true." Gao Li's mother sighed softly, and explained: "In the final analysis, what happened back then was just a repenting marriage and running away, decades have passed, and there is no resentment that can't be let go. "

Gaoli Xufeng thought for a while and asked, "Father and my family have not been in contact with each other before, but it's just that each of them can't swallow their anger?"

Mama Gaoli couldn't help laughing, she covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Yes, it's just a group of big men who are just like children, pissing each other off."

"Now there is an opportunity, everyone has a step down, and naturally, it will come naturally."

"Actually, as early as two months ago, my father and my family were in preliminary contact. Xufeng's uncle can come to our house as a guest today. It seems that it should be soon."

The next day.

The detached wooden house of the student union under the misty drizzle.

Beside the misty window, Takanashi Xufeng hummed a jumping melody, carefully caring for a pot of pale pink flowers.

After a while, the wooden door opened, and she saw a blond girl walking in with a black umbrella.

"Moyou, I have some good news for you." Gaoli Xufeng can't wait to trot forward, took the umbrella for her good friend, and brushed off the water droplets on her shoulders.

The sleepy-faced Baimu Moyou turned around and hung up the small bag, as she had expected it in her heart.

She turned to Takanashi, pulled herself together and said, "Has he entered the final cycle of the celebrity battle?"

"The final cycle?" Takanashi Xufeng was stunned for a moment, and explained: "No, I mean."

Takanashi Xufeng paused, changed the topic, and joked with a smile: "Student Beiyuan has broken into the final cycle? I only know now."

Baimu Moyou froze for a moment, turned to Xufeng, and quickly explained to himself: "Didn't you receive the text message? Just last night, at 26:[-], he should have sent a text message to everyone, it is impossible -"

Kashiwamu Moyou stopped abruptly. It is impossible for the "pollution source" to only share this matter with her.

Thinking of this, she suddenly became flustered. If the "pollution source" really only told her, what did that guy mean!
"Impossible! He must not have me in his heart! Has he forgotten Xufeng!" Baimu Moyou's mind was a little confused, even more ignorant, thinking wildly: "What if he didn't forget? He did it on purpose, and he just told me. What should I do about this? Shall I try to ask him first."

Takanashi Xufeng sized up his good friend who was stupefied, took out his phone amusedly, and clicked on Line with his index finger. Sure enough, there was an unread message from classmate Beiyuan.

Last night, she and her mother had been talking about family affairs downstairs. They talked very late, and they forgot to look at their phones and didn't notice the unread messages.

Gao Li Xufeng tried his best to hold back his laughter, but instead of sharing the good news in a hurry, he joked, "Student Beiyuan didn't tell me, there is no news. It seems that he only told Moyou secretly."

Bai Mu Moyou was stunned and stuck in place, motionless.

"He must have forgotten!" Baimu Moyou hurriedly took out the mobile phone in his bag, and said impatiently, "I'll remind him now! How could he forget Xufeng!"

"Slap", the movement was too flustered, she lost her grip, the phone fell to the ground, and under the action of the elastic protective case, she jumped to Takanashi's feet a few times.

Takanashi Xufeng was surprised, she really didn't expect Moyou's reaction to be so strong, she bent down to pick up the phone, and checked the phone screen first.

She raised her head and smiled and said, "What's the rush, Moyou? It's like if classmate Beiyuan likes you, the world will perish."

Baimu Moyou immediately retorted: "I'm not in a hurry! There's no way he likes me!"

"Are you in no hurry?" Takanashi Xufeng tried to hold back a smile.

"No!" Baimu Moyou's tone faltered, and she slowly realized that when she saw Xu Feng holding back her smile, she didn't understand that it must be a prank!

"He must have sent you a text message, right?" She hurried forward to check Gao Li's message records, and fought back fiercely by the way.

Takanashi Xufeng held back a smile, ran away quickly, kept circling the long table, and used chairs to block the incoming "assassins",
"Just kidding! I was wrong, I was wrong, truce!"

"Ah! Wait, I haven't announced the good news yet!"


After making a fuss for a while, and paying the price of having his waist scratched a few times by Moyu, Takanashi sat down breathlessly.

"Come back to the topic, the good news is" Takanashi Xufeng took a sip of tea from his cup, took a breath,

She raised her head and said, "Moyou, my family has reconciled with my father."

Kashiwagi Moyu listened carefully. She knew the family affairs of the Takanashi family. When the gossip media exposed it, she had read no less than forty related news articles. She knew the old stories of the Takanashi family very well.

Takanashi Xufeng paused, and said, "Besides, I'm going to move soon."

Baimu Moyou suddenly froze, and didn't move for a long time.

After a while, she regained her senses in a panic, and quickly asked, "When are you leaving? Where are you going? Are you going to change schools? Are you still in Tokyo!"

(End of this chapter)

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