Chapter 374 The news at one o'clock in the morning

late at night.Cypress house.

The bedroom was dark, and the phone screen slightly illuminated a pair of clear green eyes.

In the middle of the double bed, the blond girl was wrapped in a cool summer quilt, holding a faintly glowing mobile phone in her palm.

"Even if we move, we won't move far away. We must still be in Tokyo. As long as we take the subway, Moyu and I can meet whenever we want."


The mobile phone slipped from the palm of his hand, Baimu Moyou silently stared at the darkness in the air, and slowly closed his eyes.

"Tokyo is 700 square kilometers, separated by [-] million people."

Like a fishbone stuck deep into her throat, the pain was so painful that she couldn't open her mouth. She really wanted to tell Xu Feng to stay, but she was not qualified to express her opinion on things like moving.It is related to the old grievances of the Gao Li family, and it is not something that she can control if she wants to be selfish.

Baimu Moyou murmured: "If you move away, I will also move away. Whichever school you transfer to, I will transfer to that school."

But the only worry is that she is very worried that her mother will stop her from changing schools desperately.

At the beginning, she and Xu Feng were able to go to the same high school together. It was an opportunity that they had negotiated with their mother for a long time and finally won.My mother has always been extremely opposed to her being with Xufeng in every sense.

Baimu Moyou was very distressed. If her mother didn't support her, let alone where the huge cost of renting a house and transferring schools came from, even if she could overcome all external factors and successfully accompany Xufeng to transfer schools together, afterward, her mother would definitely He will still make a move, force her to drop out of school, and tie her back to Fenggao.

"Oh, what should I do?"

Thoughts are flying all over the sky like snowflakes, can't stop, can't stop.

It was late at night.

Baimu Moyou couldn't sleep, let alone sleep, and felt sad and uncomfortable. She couldn't help complaining to Xufeng's family, why they suddenly wanted to reconcile and break up her and Xufeng, but as soon as this thought came to her, she felt regretful again. Go pinch your thighs and scold yourself for being too dark!
At this moment, she suddenly felt that she was so powerless and helpless, that she was helpless in the face of the current situation, that she had nothing to do, and she was in a panic.

At a loss, Baimu Moyou tossed and turned on the bed, reaching out his hand several times to touch the cell phone next to the pillow, but every time he stopped halfway, hesitating.

After hesitating for a long time, she grabbed the phone with a embarrassed expression, edited the message, and sent it to someone.

She didn't know what she was thinking, maybe she was confused and at a loss, and she just wanted to talk to someone, but after thinking about it, she could tell him.

"have you slept?"

late at night.Beiyuan family.

One o'clock in the morning.

Kitahara Kento closed the laptop screen, his face slightly tired.

In the past few days, he has been "working overtime" until one o'clock in the morning, day after day, training online chess, studying chess records, and training his official skills in a targeted manner.

"There are still two days left for school to start. The final nine-person cycle will start in five days."

Kento Kitahara let out a long sigh. It was not easy, and he finally stood out from among the 441 professional chess players and won one of the tickets for the final round with the top spot in the Group B scoreboard.

"It's a pity that the undefeated golden body in front of me was still broken." Bei Yuan sage shook his head helplessly.

One thing surprised him. Facing his peers who were at their golden age and at the peak of their careers, he didn't even lose a game of chess. Instead, they all lost to seniors who were faintly on the decline.

The reason is that he thinks that the new generation of chess players of the same generation are generally full of vigor and sharpness, so it is not easy to be convinced.Everyone is a leader of the new generation. Those who can make it to the present, who have few good results, have no reason to be afraid of you.

It is manifested on the chessboard, that is, when he provokes a battle in the middle game, the chess players of the same generation have no fear at all, and they will do what they say if they disagree.Head-to-head, practice it.But as he practiced, he was either slaying the dragon in the middle of the game, or he reached the official stage, the gap was too large, and the chess could no longer be played.

The experienced seniors are different. They are not obsessed with playing "their own chess". As long as they can win, they will endure for a while.Try to avoid the battle in the middle game, shrink into the shell to defend and counterattack, don't be stubborn, and wait until the official stage.Very aimed at his official shortcomings.

The Kitahara sage was also more helpless. If he was replaced by a chess player who was a little more partial than himself, he would definitely play a defensive counterattack strategy, make use of his strengths and avoid weaknesses, and wait for opportunities.At the moment, there is no other way but to train officials hard.

"However, I have only lost three games, and the results are already very impressive. It is also thanks to the blessing that I have just entered the game. They still don't understand my chess. A dark horse killed by surprise. Wait for them to look back. It's tough."

Sage Kitahara sighed, got up and went upstairs, ready to rest.

Just after turning off the light and lying down, "Deng Deng Deng", the Line prompt sounded suddenly.

The sage of Beiyuan was surprised for a moment, who sent the message at one o'clock in the morning in the middle of the night.

He turned sideways, glanced at the glowing object next to the pillow, and was taken aback for a moment when he saw the note name of the person who wrote the letter.

The sage of Beiyuan was very surprised. Ever since he took care of him for a while and paid off the favor, Baitong didn't ask him, not to mention calling him, and he didn't see a single message of greetings. He acted like a stranger.What's going on in the middle of the night, and suddenly texted him "Are you asleep?"

Kitahara Kento picked up his phone in surprise and quickly replied.

"What's wrong with you? Outside?"

There is no need to guess, the "stranger" who sent him a message at one o'clock in the morning must have encountered something.

As if the phone hadn't left his hand, the other party replied immediately.

"Xufeng is moving. The Takanashi family reached a settlement with Xufeng's father."

Kento Kitahara was very surprised. He touched the screen with his finger and confirmed it. Takanashi hadn't told him about it yet, probably because he didn't want to affect his game state.

Knowing the situation of Takanashi's house, he quickly typed a reply.

"Where do you move?"

"do not know."

"When will you move?"

"do not know."

"Since we're moving, maybe we'll change schools?"

"do not know"

The sage of Beiyuan was speechless for that guy who didn't know anything, but he could understand that Baitong suddenly fell ill in the middle of the night, and the wife in his mind was about to run away, so it's no wonder she wasn't in a hurry.

There was no immediate reply, Beiyuan Xianren put down his phone, and pondered the purpose of Baitong's message to him in the middle of the night.

"It's impossible for her to ask me to keep Takanashi." Kento Kitahara thinks it's impossible. It's not a trivial matter for the family to seek reconciliation with Takanashi's family. It's not something that can be controlled by outsiders with a few words of persuasion, and such things as moving Well, Takanashi Xufeng can't make the decision, and it's useless to persuade Takanashi.

The sage of Beiyuan reckoned that [-]% of students were in a bad mood, and in the middle of the night, because of their sensibilities, they wanted to find someone to talk to, talk to, and make themselves feel better.

"Yes, isn't she obviously asking for comfort?" Beiyuan Xianren was quite helpless, it seemed that he had to stay up late tonight to "coax the children".

He sighed and edited the text.

"Don't just think about the bad, moving doesn't necessarily mean changing schools. She now takes a bus from Chiyoda Ward to Chuo Ward to go to school, and it can be farther away. If she moves to Minato Ward, it's not the same as going to school by car. Like Aoi Sotake."

After a while, a reply came.

"Chiyoda District and Minato District are very close, what if Xufeng moves to a far away place?"

Kitahara sage replied patiently.

"How far can it be? It's impossible to move to the suburbs, right? Is the Takanashi family so downcast that they live in the suburbs?"

"What if it's Setagaya District? It's impossible for Xufeng to rush from Setagaya District to Mine Gao to go to school."

The Kitahara sage was silent. Setagaya District in the south of the city is really possible. It is an old wealthy district, many entertainers, big businessmen and politicians live there, and there are many famous universities.

"Don't think about the worst, maybe Takanashi may move to the central area, just a few steps away from your house."

Baitong didn't reply for a while, and the Kitahara sage guessed that she must be thinking wildly again, so he edited the text.

"You want to find her?"

"Mom won't agree. I came to Fenggao with Xu Fengneng, which is already the result of forcing her to compromise."

Kitahara Kento turned around, it seems that Kashiwagi's mother knew about her daughter and strongly opposed Baitong's special orientation.

If Kashiwagi's mother doesn't support her, Bai's classmate will definitely be useless.Although Bai Tongxue is a little rich woman, she can take a box of [-] yen strawberries as she pleases, and even take two boxes at a time, but if Takanashi wants to transfer schools, with Takanashi's family background, he will definitely choose a private school for rich kids with super expensive tuition fees , as far as Baitong's living expenses are concerned, it is estimated that it is enough to pay tuition and miscellaneous fees, let alone the funds for renting a house and handling school transfers.

The sage of Beiyuan thought about it, and felt that classmate Baitong's current mental state would not be effective in persuading her. It would be better to wait until tomorrow, when she regained her rationality, and then go to school to talk to her.

As for the guy from the competition who came to the door at one o'clock in the morning, he was too embarrassed to ignore him, even if he couldn't help, he could just go and enlighten his classmates.

"Do you have time tomorrow?" Kento Kitahara asked in a message.


"See you tomorrow."

"You don't have a game tomorrow?"

"The competition has come to an end for the time being. I just want to relax and rest for two days. Wait for my news tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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