The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 132 Why is this chapter shorter than a eunuch?

Chapter 132 Why is this program shorter than the eunuch?
Seeing the second ratings ranking, everyone in the Art Center stayed where they were, and were collectively in shock, as time seemed to stop at this moment.

This, is this true?
"Delicious History" broke into the top 10 ratings in Taiwan?

Among all the programs on the Literature and Art Channel, in the past, only entertainment broadcasts were able to enter the top 10 ratings of the entire station, and when there were exclusive interviews or major entertainment news, once every half a month on average was considered a very good result.

But this time, what was not even done in the entertainment broadcast was actually done by another program. Such a situation was unimaginable before.

More importantly, this is a new program, and it has only aired two episodes. That is to say, it still has a lot of room for improvement in ratings. As more and more people know about it, more and more people will watch it More, yesterday was the 9th, what about today?What about tomorrow?

"Awesome Xu Jie!"

"Teacher Xu, congratulations!"

"According to the ratings growth rate of the first two episodes, it will be a matter of time before I see through 5."

Everyone expressed their congratulations to Xu Jie. In their opinion, this is a good thing. The Art Channel has a new flagship program, and the director will not force them to think of new programs and ideas all day long. In this way, they Then they can devote more energy to the variety shows on the satellite TV channel, so Xu Jie's completion of the show can also be regarded as lightening the burden on them.


At noon, the unit canteen.

As soon as Xu Jie entered the door, he heard someone complaining.

"Why no fried noodles?"

"No reason, just no, never."

"Liar, I watched "Delicious History" last night, and it was filmed in your cafeteria. How could there be no noodles?"

"They brought them by themselves, packed them from the outside, and then sent them to us for shooting. We only provide the venue."

"Ah? Then didn't I look forward to it all night in vain?"

The person in charge of the cafeteria saw Xu Jie and walked over immediately.

"Mr. Xu, you have made our cafeteria miserable."

"What's wrong?" Xu Jie asked puzzled.

"From this morning until now, at least a few hundred people have come to ask about fried noodles." The person in charge said with a wry smile, and then pointed to one of the stalls, where he saw a piece of paper with five words written on it: No Jajangmyeon.

But even so, many people still asked the staff in the stall.

"Sorry to trouble you." Xu Jie said embarrassingly: "But since someone asked about it in the morning, you should add noodles with fried sauce to satisfy everyone. It's not difficult to make."

"The daily meals in the cafeteria are set one day in advance, and there is a strict production process. You can't change it just by saying it. By the way, can you tell me what will be broadcast tonight so that I can prepare it in advance. " said the person in charge.

"Donkey rolls."

They are all his own people, so Xu Jie didn't hide it.

"Just roll around?" The person in charge was stunned, a little in disbelief.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

The person in charge is a little confused, donkey rolling is too simple and common, can this be taken as a delicacy?But if you think about it carefully, yesterday's noodles with fried sauce and the day before yesterday's fried liver are not ordinary?

Being able to take pictures of ordinary food into gourmet food is called greatness and ability.

Well, I must make more donkey rolls tomorrow.


In the evening, the third episode of "Delicious History" started on time.


With the end of the familiar opening title, the man who had been known by everyone in the first two episodes appeared again, and this time he was working seriously, but this state of hard work only persisted for a few seconds and then disappeared. He sat down and stretched his arms, then picked up his phone and glanced at the time, 15:06...

Seeing this, many viewers smiled knowingly, and it was time for fishing for office workers, afternoon tea time.

At the same time, the audience began to wonder, what will Xu Jie eat for afternoon tea today?


potato chips?

Spicy strips?

At this time, a male colleague in the picture came over, holding a box in his hand.

"Teacher Xu, here it is!"


"Donkey roll!"

As the male colleague put the box on the table, the picture immediately transitioned to ancient times. The male colleague turned into a palace eunuch in a blue robe and a bowler hat. The place where he was located was not a modern office, but a red It is an ancient building with gray walls and tiles, and there are three words written on the plaque on the door: imperial dining room.

The audience was stunned when they saw these three words. The delicacies that appeared in the first two episodes were all from the folks. They didn’t expect the food in the third episode to be so high-ranking. , I began to be suspicious again, could this humble donkey roll have something to do with the imperial dining room?
The camera slowly rises, and a huge group of palaces appears in the picture. Although it is night, they can be seen very clearly. At this time, the camera leaves the imperial dining room, passes through layers of palace walls, and enters one of the palaces. Above the palace, A woman in brocade clothes is sitting on a phoenix chair. As the camera zooms in, the woman's face becomes clearer and clearer.

"Su Yun?"

The audience who saw this face clearly couldn't help exclaiming. Although they put on makeup and wore a lot of things on their heads, this face is definitely Su Yun.

How did Su Yun appear in "Delicious History"?Was it cut from another film, or was she actually involved with the show?

At this time, the commentary sounded slowly: According to legend, donkey rolling originated in the palace. One day, Cixi, who was tired of eating delicacies from mountains and seas, wanted to eat something fresh, so the chef of the royal kitchen thought about it and decided to make a new dish with rice noodles wrapped in red bean paste. dessert……

In the picture, the man who turned into an imperial chef once again displayed his superb cooking skills, put the glutinous rice noodles in a basin, slowly poured in water, stirred with chopsticks, and finally kneaded the dough and steamed it.

After the new dim sum was ready, a young eunuch came to the imperial dining room, and accidentally knocked the new dim sum into the basin containing soybean noodles. It came out, but no matter how he patted it, he couldn't take off the soybean noodles on it. It was too late now, so he had to bite the bullet and rearrange the dim sum with soybean noodles, and presented it in front of Cixi.

Cixi looked at the new thing, which she had never seen before, and took a sip. The strong bean aroma mixed with the fresh glutinous rice flavor, it tasted soft and sweet, and tasted good, so she asked the imperial chef: "What is this new thing called? "

The imperial chef was sweating anxiously, thinking that the eunuch who knocked over the dim sum was called a little donkey, so he had an idea and said to Cixi: "This is called a donkey rolling."

When Cixi saw it, she felt that the dim sum really looked like a donkey rolling on the ground covered with loess, so she praised it again and again, and took another piece... The scene changed, and the ancient times returned to modern times, and Cixi's hands became men's. Hand, the man stared at the donkey rolling, the color is golden, the bean fragrance is tangy, put it in the mouth, it is soft and delicate, as if it is sweet to the heart, the show is over.

The people who were watching with relish were all anxious at this moment.

Fuck, it's over again?

Why is this show shorter than the eunuch?
So people who haven't watched it all ran to Xu Jie's Weibo to comment.

"Xu Jie, your program is too short, 20 minutes is not enough, I haven't even eaten the neck of the duck."

"Two episodes a day are strongly requested."

"Xu Jie, let me tell you, as long as your program lasts in the future, you will be applauding for love for as long as you want."

At the same time, Su Yun's unexpected appearance also surprised her fans.

"Have you noticed? In the third episode, the goddess Su Yun appeared, that is Cixi."

"Su Yun and Xu Jie had a rivalry scene. As a one-handed dog, I not only saw the donkey rolling, but also ate a full stomach of dog food. It was really cruel and inhuman."

"Could this be the legendary husband and wife singing together?"


(End of this chapter)

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