Two interesting young people and a somewhat timid Danlu...

Yi Xia leaned on the sofa and took a sip of the mint medicine.

When he has nothing to be busy with, he never minds chatting with the pure-willed younger generation.

It is difficult for those who are not strong-willed and have filth inside to knock on this door.

For Bian Su, this can be regarded as the younger generation that Yi Xia has watched grow up all the way.

Yi Xia admired it quite a lot.

When the other party came to find him, Yi Xia was also willing to spend some time chatting with the other party about extraordinary trifles.

Yi Xia was also quite curious about Sanyang Qi, the extraordinary path born from Sanyang Decoction.

Under his gaze lingering with infinite flames, he could see the warm energy flowing in Bian Su's body.

That is not pure life force, but an extraordinary force intertwined with spiritual concepts.

To put it simply and crudely, it is the extraordinary energy that can already possess the concept of "magic power".

While taking into account the body and spirit, it also has the positive energy characteristics of exorcising evil and eliminating evil.

In a sense, this can be regarded as the "right way" derived from the concept of "reproduction".

In the field of roads, any words are upright and solemn, without such frivolous or joking elements.

Just like if the Sanyang Decoction is purely regarded as a tonic, then even if it is refined, it will probably be difficult to stimulate the Sanyang Qi.

That seemingly simple process needs to be carried out with the purest will and belief.

Speaking of which, if the other party can continue this path to the extreme.

Or can you try the Taoist's top physical supernatural power - Eighty-nine Xuangong?
Of course, that is probably quite a long way off.

Therefore, after encouraging and affirming Bian Su's current practice, Yi Xia also explained some common basic techniques for him and Miao Sheng.

As we all know, in this regard, Yi Xia still has a relatively solid foundation.

As for Miao Sheng and his pill furnace?
The former is not very talkative, but he is also good-natured.

As for the latter?
It doesn't look like a very lively...

It's normal, after all, it is transformed by a pill furnace, and there is no way to escape.

And under the trembling, forced smile of a certain furnace spirit, the gigantic giant outside the ordinary concept of the material world in its field of vision, slightly disappointed, moved away from him as if Stars shining brightly...

"Speaking of golden pills, I ate some when I was visiting an old friend."

"My own, I never thought about it."

"When you achieve Taoism, you will refine a few furnaces of golden pills, and remember to give me a few pills to taste, so you won't be in debt."

The big witch said casually with a smile like this, but Miao Sheng lowered his head and wrote it down.

"Using your words here: Don't be fooled by the lard, and give those 'golden pills' you made before to the big witch!"

"The so-called golden core can only be said to be successful if it has achieved nine revolutions."

"What the great witch said is such an extreme good fortune."

On the way back, Furnace Spirit warned rather vigilantly.


"Since I have chosen such a path, shouldn't I go for a few furnaces, just to mix between mud and gold and stone?"

Miao Sheng replied like this.

Furnace Spirit was momentarily at a loss for words, only felt that this guy was a bit ignorant.

Do you think that practicing Jindan is pickled vegetables?
Get an achievement that is "well known in the countryside", and you can enter the house and give it away to others.

Furnace Spirit didn't say any more.

After all, I have experienced a lot, and the number of slaps in the face will inevitably increase.

So I finally know that words are often not too perfect.

What's more, this kid was able to come into contact with an existence like the Great Witch when he first entered the practice, which can be regarded as a blessing.

Speaking of it, the concept corresponding to the Dawu at this level is quite special.

For the individuals and descendants of the ethnic group, they are always much gentler than the existence of the same level.

Therefore, it makes people feel that chatting with the Dawu is not such a big deal.

And if it is replaced by other existences of the same level, the meaning will be obviously different...

Furnace Spirit felt quite deeply about this.

Because, strictly speaking, it does not belong to the category of groups that will necessarily be treated gently...

There are thousands of alien races in all worlds, who doesn't know the temperament of those great witches...

In this regard, the more knowledge you have, the more you will lose the courage given by ignorance.

Therefore, when Miao Sheng asked why the furnace spirit trembled like a quail waiting to be slaughtered after going up the mountain, the furnace spirit ignored the boy.

Furnace Spirit was even thinking about it.

When the time comes, if you really want to reincarnate and rebuild, can you please ask the master to let it reincarnate in this realm...

What dynasty rises and falls, what kind of king is alive...

In this realm of the extraordinary civilization of the oriental genealogy, what place is more stable and full of prospects than a land with a living great witch and a non-savage background?

In this regard, compared with Miao Sheng's practice, Furnace Spirit looks forward to it more.

As for Jindan?

Furnace Spirit said that it does not express any positive or negative opinions on this...



When the noon sun in Liucheng was gradually slanting westward, Yi Xia's retina suddenly refreshed a new message:
"Comprehensive Network Reminder: You have a new contract delivery (sender: Annabelle), please check and deal with it in time."

Yi Xia glanced at the reminder message refreshed on his retina, and then his mind moved.

In the next moment, as Yi Xia's consciousness fluctuated, a new reminder message appeared on his retina:
"Comprehensive network reminder: You have obtained the broken deep substance-decayed eternity (a rare material of advanced legend), you have obtained a number of crystals of the axis of high-level void source quality, and you have obtained a number of essences of legendary substances..."

Yi Xia looked at the many item information that appeared on the retina, and he focused on the concept material with a rather lengthy name and taboo.

Other products that fail to strengthen may have some value and can be sold for some comprehensive network disaster coins.

But as we all know, for Yi Xia at this moment, this is insignificant.

Yi Xia gave it to Annabelle after preparation.

From Yi Xia's brief inspection, it was found that most of these materials were related to strengthening.

In subsequent contacts and transactions, Annabelle might be able to use it.

In this regard, Dawu has always been generous enough, and does not care about these trivial gains and losses.

As for the shattered deep matter-corrupted eternity?
It looks like it can make bait for catching big fish...

After a little inspection of the conceptual substance and its corresponding properties, Yi Xia thought of it.

Of course, judging from the time of this strengthening, it seems that the strengthening of legendary items is really troublesome?

It seems that if there are similar items in the future, you need to give the other party more time to prepare...

Yi Xia thought so.

Afterwards, he directly took out the profound concept matter from the item backpack.

In this way, the magic power of Chaos flows freely.

The profound concept matter began to tend to appear as a warm substance...

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