The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 1026 The Golden Crown and the Land of Eternal Dreams

"Comprehensive network reminder: the refining is successful, you have obtained a limited casting material: void bait-eternal decay..."

Yi Xia looked at the reminder message refreshed on the retina.

And as the reminder information on his retina was refreshed, in the void in front of him, a mass of void matter exuding a strange and mysterious and corrupt atmosphere was looming in the material world and the spiritual world.

It is different from the bait made before.

This bait made from the broken core material of related legendary substances has a unique smell that is very different from ordinary void substances.

If you use the fields related to all things to make a simple comparison-is it a limited bait for some fish schools and fish species?
Yi Xia is rather curious about what kind of twisted existence this thing can anchor.

In the great witch's sea of ​​consciousness surrounded by endless flames, the cognition of void gradually began to tend to a stable but vague concept of chaos.

Just like when a mortal fisherman picks up a fishing rod, all the places where water flows with sufficient depth are endowed with a unified concept that is different from the past...

In this way, there is no other more preparations.

In the next moment, Yi Xia's thoughts moved, and Wu Fan came out in response.

The "premium bait" that was originally suspended in the void was suddenly pulled by some magnificent force under the will of the great witch.

In the realm where mortal things are difficult to gaze at, the powerful magic aura flashes across like a flashing meteor.

Yi Xia waved the witch flag in his hand more symbolically and ritually than practically.

And the bait that was still floating in the material void of the earth disappeared into the chaotic time and space of the multiverse with the will of the great witch...

Yi Xia sat in the living room, holding a witch banner, staring at the void in front of him with piercing eyes.

Yuren just sensed the powerful magical atmosphere in the living room-although fishing in the void sounds a little subtle.

But touching the grand dimensions of the multiverse, anchoring the otherwise unconnected across infinite time:
This is undeniably miraculous power...

Of course, the opening method of this miraculous power is slightly different from ordinary people's expectations.

In a sense, this is also the interpretation of the legend...

"Big witch, what is this?"

Yuren stared at the big witch in the living room, and asked curiously.

It is much more active now than it was silent before.

At least, it's not the relatively rigid look when he was just rescued from the decaying village by the great witch...

"Shh, fishing..."

The big witch said without looking back.

Yuren: ...

It didn't think that Dawu's answer was so shocking and surprising.

I just feel that those who are being fished are somewhat worthless.

The big witch doesn't look like an existence that can "make a nest"...

It's not because of stinginess, but from Yuren's point of view, the great witch's patience and tolerance for these evil aliens are almost equal to zero.

That's what it was worried about.

Too much blazing brilliance can sometimes bring about unexpected destruction...



Meanwhile, somewhere in the multiverse
Evergreen Tiara - Diodosigal bathed in golden sunlight.

This has a healing radiance, dispelling the weariness left over from last night's madness.

Diodosigo closed his eyes comfortably, enjoying the eternal brilliance.

The earth is quiet and peaceful, and everything seems to be shrouded in a warm light...

Here is the Eternal Crown - the Land of Eternal Dreams suspended in the radiance left by the "Golden Crown" - Golips. .

There is no war and no killing here.

Abundant material, abundant resources, long life span...

All individuals living here can freely enjoy the rich gifts from this world.

A believer of Ability God once set foot here, trying to spread the brilliance of Ability God.

But their imagination of a bright future made the residents here laugh.

Here is the real promised land...

Diodosigo felt that even if the multiverse that the other party said really existed, there would be no better place than this.

Diodosigo was a little drowsy under the golden sunlight.

He is enjoying the healing from the brilliance - the sequelae of those "frolicking" are fading and healing little by little...

Diodosigo began to look forward to tonight's event...

In the long life, those ordinary material and spiritual stimulations have already begun to become stale and boring.

Now, they need some new fun...

Of course, in the tired and weak dawn, Diodosigo will inevitably think of the curse-like warnings of those alien god believers:

"Stagnation of water will lead to decay and decay, and if it is the world - it will inevitably fall into the hotbed of evil gods..."


Diodosigo shook his head, he would not believe this.

This is the "golden crown" - the place where the power of Golips shines, and what kind of crazy evil power dares to invade here?

At least in the long years that Diodosigo has experienced, he has never seen or heard of such a thing.

In this world, even death has gradually evolved into an individual choice, not an inevitable outcome.

And soon, the brilliance of Golips gradually dissipated, and the world was shrouded in a veil-like brilliance.

This represents the night of the world...

Diodosigo stretched his body, and his body, which was almost recovered, looked up at the sky.

Speaking of which, in the past few hundred years, the interval between the appearance of Golips' brilliance seems to be getting shorter and shorter.

It may enter the next cycle, just like the other party has repeated countless times in this long time.

So no one is worried about it.

On the contrary, under the stimulation of many new forms of events recently, people's expectations for the night have become stronger.

Diodosigo stood up, he was going to the big event.

This will be a more graceful and exciting night...

Diodosigo thought so.

And at this moment, Diodosigo suddenly noticed a strange thing in front of him.

It looked full of darkness and twisted atmosphere.

It should be a completely different painting style from this sacred realm.

But Diodosigo just froze for a moment, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

A brand new event invite?
Good thing it's already night...

If it is during the day, the relatively rigid "golden crown" brilliance will ignore all other elements and destroy this insignificant darkness.

That would be less fun.

Of course, no one will care about the little "fault" of the "Golden Crown"...

So, after Diodosigo tidied up his clothes, he stretched out his hand and tried to touch this unknown strange thing.

He was not worried about any danger he would encounter here.

This is a taboo place where distortion and darkness are difficult to set foot on!
As for the little playthings on the sidelines of the event, they are nothing more than harmless playthings that people use for entertainment.

Just a little bit, what can it affect...

And in the next moment, Diodosigo felt that the surrounding time and space suddenly became tougher!
A restraining force from the world made him barely resist the traction from beyond endless time!

Before waiting, Diodosigo was in shock and wanted to figure out what happened.

In the next moment, the originally drowsy world became "bright" again...

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