in an earth research institute

Cang Zhong looked at Yuchan who was lying in the observation cabin, a little bit of astonishment and bewilderment still remained on his calm face.

This newly recruited assistant, who was originally unknown in this huge research institute system, completed the long-term main line of limited reputation in a very short time...

Then again, Dawu does have some special feelings for the land of Wushan...

Cangzhong thought so.

Dr. Chen, who was in charge of the film next to him, was still a little puzzled.

"It doesn't make sense..."

He stood on the other side of the observation cabin and murmured.

Because I am not that familiar with this kind of medical problems involving the extraordinary level.

Therefore, he could only watch the situation from the sidelines.

Yuchan's sudden coma made the old doctor undoubtedly feel guilty.

He still can't understand.

Why does a research object that has been subjected to multiple safety tests including contact elements affect an assistant who is not even close through the protective facility.

Perhaps, the protection they currently think is safe and reliable is just wishful thinking...

It stayed there because it had no intention of leaving—if that ancient object had sentience...

And if there is no intelligence, how does the other party make judgments and screenings, so as to react to this innocent assistant?

On the one hand, Dr. Chen blamed himself, on the other hand, he was puzzled.

And at this moment, from the corner of his eyes immersed in the chaotic thoughts, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure that appeared suddenly.

The other party was not wearing the work clothes they strictly required, so naturally there would be no work badges.

But Dr. Chen is not unfamiliar with this.

He recognized this figure—even if he had never had contact with it in reality.

But on this planet, in this new and magnificent research field that deviates greatly from the previous knowledge system.

That is the core element of the solar system just like stars are...

Probably noticed Dr. Chen's gaze.

The other party turned his head slightly to look at Dr. Chen, and smiled gently at him.

Judging from his appearance alone, the other party seems to be just an ordinary young man?

Perhaps not youth - although its outer skin is still youthful.

But its demeanor and some more intangible things make it difficult for people to associate it with words such as immaturity and youthfulness.

Just like they all belong to adolescence, the adolescence of a mortal thing and the adolescence of a mountain are completely different and even separate concepts...



"Xion guessed right, it is indeed related to the soul..."

Yi Xia withdrew his observing gaze.

In his eyes filled with infinite fire, he could see that the soul of the girl named Yuchan was undergoing some strange changes.

As for the things from the Western Zhou Dynasty that Cang Zhong mentioned on the phone?

Yi Xia glanced at it and had a thorough insight into its roots.

A jade huang that was shaped in the spiritual world under the thoughts of all living beings.

It is not so wrong to say that it is a thing of the Western Zhou Dynasty?

Of course, it's not necessarily biased to say it's "last week's thing"...

Yi Xia doesn't have such a profound control over the subtle aspects of the soul.

His most research in this field may be his many experiences when devouring souls to absorb mana in the extraordinary stage.

As for later, when his mana and chaotic blood were completely integrated, he no longer needed to devour souls.

But as for how to solve it, Yi Xia felt that he should have some experience.

Although, he didn't know how the other party was changing.

But first, he was able to determine that the change was positive and positive.

And the reason for his current coma is—the instinctive hunger that seems to be born in the depths of the soul without words...

Maybe it's the recovery of the blood, maybe it's the awakening of Su Hui.

In short, it is not very suitable for the current extraordinary environment of the earth and the evolution of this individual who lacks relevant energy.

Simply put, it's not that difficult...

The next moment, with a thought in Yi Xia's mind, he took a bowl of hot soup from the void.

"It's nothing serious, I'm too hungry..."

"Just have some hot soup."

While talking, Yi Xia handed the hot soup to the medical staff next to him.

The medical staff took the hot soup at a loss.

"Excuse me, Xiao Li, feed Xiao Chan a drink."

Seeing this, Cang Zhong said calmly.

The medical staff called Xiao Li just woke up from a dream and tried to feed soup to Yuchan.

For a completely comatose existence, this requires more difficult means.

But what surprised Xiao Li was:
She finished the bowl of hot soup smoothly.

It was as if there was still some consciousness remaining in the opponent's body.

Although Yi Xia's statement somewhat exceeded everyone's expectations, no one thought that the big witch would be joking at this time.

Judging from the current situation, their great witch does not look like those gods who transcend the common world.

There is still a constant compassion for the kindred who are active in this ancient land.

So, are you really hungry?
Several researchers who came with Dr. Chen couldn't help but fell into deep thought when they saw this.

Naturally, they would not make close or inappropriate eye contact on this occasion.

It's just that in their hearts, each has its own guess.

On the contrary, Cang Zhong, who has always been familiar with the words of the great witch, has some understanding in his heart.

The hunger mentioned by the great witch may not be the body...

And just as Yi Xia said, Yuchan who had just drank the hot soup had an instant reaction.

It's like waking up from a dream in a daze, and the time displayed on the bright screen instantly fades away all drowsiness.

Yuchan first looked blankly at the many unfamiliar medical equipment above her head.

Then, after glancing at Cang Zhong and the staff surrounding him from the corner of the eye, his slightly drowsy eyes instantly opened to the maximum.


Yuchan still wanted to speak, but Cang Zhong stopped her with a wave:

"It's okay, put your work aside, and you can rest at ease."

Seeing this, Cang Zhong said with a smile.

Seeing this, Yuchan didn't know what to say.

He had no choice but to say "OK" in a low voice, and followed Cang Zhong's wishes, and lay down on the medical bed again.

"It's broken, I'm going to be fired..."

But at this moment, Yi Xia who was about to leave heard other voices.

It was with a voice as immature as a human baby.

The big witch's eyes filled with endless fire showed some interest.

He looked at the girl named Yuchan again.

Under his blazing gaze, the skins of those substances were able to fade away.

And a pocket-sized child like a jade cicada appeared in the eyes of the great witch...

This is?

The big witch couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

He had heard a certain Taoist talk about the Nascent Soul.

But it seems that the traditional Nascent Soul of the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage is not such a concept.

Of course, it's not evil after all.

And at this moment, Yi Xia's heart suddenly moved:
"Okay, there is a fish biting the hook, I have to go and see if there is any big fish in the fish pond."

After finishing speaking, he didn't linger here any longer, and disappeared in an instant...

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