Chapter 1035 The Insect Mother Above the Sky (Two Updates!)
Meanwhile, somewhere in the multiverse
Another poor bastard whose life has been robbed...

Kerbecus looked at the dry skin under his feet.

If it wasn't for him passing by and stepping on it, the opponent's spine would have completely lost its quality.

The other party may still be trampled by passing beasts or wanderers like him in this form that looks like fallen leaves.

Although this is no longer a rare thing.

But Kerbekus still bent down, trying to bury it.

"Brother Wuming, you may still have a lot of fame before you die, and you will be remembered by many people."

"But now, you and I together are less than a hundred years old."

Kerbekus gathered the broken skins and bones together with a fork.

Naturally, he didn't dare to touch it directly with his hands.

It's not because of the fear or taboo of the dead, but because of the vicious curse or more troublesome troubles attached to it.

It was supposed to be a forest farm.

The densely planted mangroves are growing wildly without supervision.

Maybe in a few years, there will be no special path for people to walk through here.

The world mangrove is a rather generous tree that allows shrubs and weeds to share the land with it.

If not for that disaster, the owner of this farm would have made a fortune...

Kerbekus leans against a thick mangrove tree.

The unique rough and tough skin of the mangrove made Kerbekus's back ache.

He calmed down his breath, and then put aside the remains that had been bundled together indiscriminately with wooden vines.

Years of wandering experience, so that his face is full of traces of wind and frost.

The body, which is obviously only less than 40 years old, already looks as if it is about to die.

This is also a kind of protection...

For those irascible predators, they look down on Kerbekus's old body.

Because the lowest level of marauders have limited dark power from their masters.

They cannot plunder at will.

Therefore, existences such as Kerbekus who had to wander in order to survive were also born.

Even cities and civilizations are still lingering.

And the total population that has been contained has also caused a sudden oversupply of resources.

But Kerbekus was unwilling to live a seemingly extravagant life like an animal waiting to be slaughtered.

Those traitors who prostrate at the feet of those looters for a more continuous death are even more despised by Kerbekus.

If those poultry knew, they would eventually be eaten by their owners.

So, can they still show that kind of obedience?
Kyle Bekus doesn't know...

The grave dug for the poor man whose time had been robbed had taken his strength.

He was not worried about the danger caused by exhaustion.

Being targeted by those predators, even the best physical strength will not help.

In contrast, being eaten by wild animals as prey is the only risk associated with it.


After swigging down a jug of biting cold water, Kerbekus began to dispose of the wretch's remains.

And at this moment, an evil voice appeared in his ear:

"Look at you, Kerbekus, the former king of blood skulls..."

"Are you still following, your ridiculous rules?"

"Look what you're looking at: buried for a dead bone?"

"It's so pitiful, how many innocent heads you have twisted..."

"Now, are you longing for redemption?"

The evil voice kept echoing in Kerbekus' ears, while he continued his actions with a blank expression.

I don't know since when, such an evil existence was born in his mind.

It is always talking nonsense, describing a cruel and brutal master of the dark world with his same name.

So much so that in certain moments of trance, Kerbekus was a little difficult to distinguish.

Which ones are his real memories, and which ones are the stories woven by this evil voice.

But also irrelevant:

In such a crazy world, survival or destruction is unpredictable.

Perhaps at the last moment he had been trudging through the wilderness unharmed.

Perhaps in the next instant, he would die violently in the wilderness just like the owner of this withered bone.

In such a depressing situation, one more noisy voice is really nothing.

More or less a personal voice...

But in a crazy world, everything will not be deflected because of a little bit of individual goodness.


Suddenly, Kerbekus, who was burying the nameless bones, seemed to hear something.

In the next moment, he didn't hesitate at all.

After pressing a certain device on his left hand, Kerbekus lay down on his back.

He could feel his blood flowing crazily.

The flow doesn't stop until a certain dangerous threshold is about to be reached.

This operation made his already withered face even worse.

A kind of impending death gradually lingers outside his body.

But at this time, the sky, which was originally a clear sky, was suddenly shrouded in boundless darkness.

Everything is quiet, and a depressive dead silence dominates the whole world in an instant!

"It seems that you can no longer beg for contempt like a maggot this time."

That evil voice appeared in Kerbekus' ears again.

The difference from before was that this time there were some obvious mood swings in the other party's voice.

That was strong sarcasm and coldness.

"Those monsters are not as picky as their minions in the mortal world."

"Come on, tear off those chains of order!"

"Just void cubs, you can easily crush them!"

And just when that evil voice was still telling its plan persuasively in Kerbekus' ear.

The dark sky suddenly became deeper.

It seems that something is wriggling in it.

In a daze, Kerbekus seemed to see a huge vortex.

But that doesn't seem to be a burning vortex, but more like—the pelvic cavity of a giant insect?

The evil voice seemed to have stagnated because of this.

For a moment, Kerbekus seemed to feel that the whole world had become clean.

Then, he heard that voice again.

With a tone unfamiliar to Kerbekus:
"It seems that this world is going to be destroyed."

"You still haven't woken up..."

"my king……"

Accompanied by the whisper of the evil voice, Kerbekus saw the huge and indescribably large insect "slowly" falling from the dark sky.

The wriggling dark clouds seemed to be nothing but the dark skirt of its wrinkled body.

Kerbekus was finally able to see the opponent's head—it was evil and ferocious that could not be described in words.

Thousands of razor-like fangs stretched out from its intricate mouth.

They even wriggled and meandered like living things.

And at this moment, the huge worm seemed to have discovered something.

It stopped suddenly, and then suddenly bit in one direction!
That is ferocity and terror enough to make all things tremble!
(End of this chapter)

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