The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 122 Deep in the mountains, a cloud falls from the sky

Chapter 122 Deep in the mountains, a cloud falls from the sky (two more!)

Somewhere in Dianzhou
Yi Xia took the shuttle bus to the destination.

The old, dusty cushions gave Yi Xia the feeling that he was about to go home.

Soon, the bus creaked and drove away.

Slowly, but generally moving forward.

Yi Xia was not in a hurry.

He looked at the scenery outside with great interest.

Usually, he has no interest in traveling.

At that time, he suffered from motion sickness and was always afraid of long journeys.

But now, Yi Xia, who has rich experience in integrated network transmission and has greatly strengthened her physique, no longer suffers from motion sickness.

It is also possible to enjoy the scenery outside the window more peacefully and calmly.

Because it is not a tourist bus, and it is not a famous scenic spot, there are not many people on the bus.

Except for the local residents, there are only a few who come here for tourism.

Yi Xia didn't bring anything, but others were a little uncertain about his origin.

After more than an hour, the shuttle bus crossed a dusty road and arrived at the destination station.

Yi Xia got out of the car with the crowd.

At this time, it was completely dark.

The dim street lamps scattered occasionally in the distance barely illuminate the area below.

This is not a commercial area, and buildings under construction covered with green safety nets can be seen from time to time around.

Yi Xia ignored the small hotel owners who were soliciting customers.

He walked straight through the noisy crowd and walked out of the station looking quite sure.

Seeing this posture, others thought he was a local resident, so they stopped harassing him.

Then, Yi Xia went straight through the unfamiliar streets and found a road that looked like it was going up the mountain.

Facts have proved that: when the general direction is correct, high perception is the eternal salvation attribute of Luchi.

Then, Yi Xia walked to the end of the mountain road.

The mountain road next to the city naturally cannot lead directly to the deep mountains and old forests.

Yi Xia looked at the already dark sky, and aroused the power of his eyes noncommittally.

In the next instant, countless colorful lights intertwined in Yi Xia's eyes.

Yi Xia immediately discovered a camera installed on a tree.

But, what is it doing to the woods?
Yi Xia thought about it, but didn't move it.

He is not sure whether the camera was installed privately or officially.

He just avoids the area covered by the camera.

Then, Yi Xia discovered more cameras...

Yi Xia: ...

Is it so hard to find a place to take off?

Yi Xia stared for a long time, and finally found an area that was not covered by cameras from the ground to the air.

Afterwards, Yi Xia directly used his mana to escape into his body.

In the next moment, there was wind under his feet, and he flew into the air directly.

Compared with Liucheng, the wind here is stronger, and the temperature in the sky is also much lower.

Yi Xia looked at the mountain forest below which had gradually merged with the surrounding mountains, feeling suddenly enlightened.

The mountains and forests in Dianzhou are much more lush than those in Liucheng.

Perhaps because of the climate, even if it did not rain, many mountains and forests were shrouded in mist.

Standing high in the sky, Yi Xia could see clearly.

Occasionally, one or two wild animals that come out to move in the dark can be glimpsed.

As for the singing of birds and insects, as Yi Xia continued to go deeper into the mountain, it became even more continuous.

There are many mountains in Dianzhou...

This is Yi Xia's first feeling now.

Under the night, the rolling mountains are like giants standing solemnly and quietly.

Occasionally, in the gap between the two mountains, a little light can be seen from a distance.

When Yi Xia flew to the top of his head, he saw a small town hiding in it.

There is also a bay of streams, shuttling down from the distant mountains.

Vaguely, Yi Xia could hear the sound of children playing in the water.

Yi Xia watched from a high altitude after hearing the sound.

Seeing that the water in the stream was not knee-deep and there were adults looking after him, he ignored it.

When I was a child in the past, I didn't think the small rivers and streams were so dangerous.

Even when I heard about the drowning of my peers in the next village, I always felt that it was more like a story.

But when I became an adult and started a family by myself, I suddenly realized how much my parents worried about me at that time.

Yi Xia shook his head, moved the cloud head, and passed the town directly.

At this time, the fire in his eyes lingered endlessly.

We are getting close to our destination, and we may be about to contact the extraordinary existence of the earth.

Yi Xia will naturally not let down his vigilance.

The other party may be the calm and natural Taoist in the traditional story.

Or disciples who are ignorant of the world and have righteous thoughts in their hearts.

It may also be a cultivator who is full of hostility and more like a demon in the follow-up cultivating literature.

It is even possible that it is an official related institution?
With various thoughts in mind, Yi Xia moved in the sky.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, the location of the Nuo Fa: Asking the Heavens has been clearly guiding him.

And in the unobstructed air, Yi Xia naturally wouldn't lose his way.

Not long after, Yi Xia glimpsed an inconspicuous corner of the mountains from a distance.

Yi Xia slowed down the infusion of mana in his body, and then fetched the Wu Banner.

Stimulate physical strength and mana first, so that the real face can be hidden in a vicious mask.

Swallowed some more souls, and replenished mana to a full state.

He also summoned the five poisonous Gu insects to linger among them.

He even put his mind on the power of the star spirit of Teng Snake.

Yi Xia was going to put a distance first if things were going well.

Then fire bombing, or plague erosion, it depends on the actual situation.

After being fully prepared, Yi Xia held the witch flag and carried the cloud head, and slowly flew towards the mountains...




In the cold mountain wind, Wu Kui couldn't help but sneezed.

She couldn't help but look at her phone.

The little friends who came to support (watch the excitement) are only on the high-speed rail now.

Times have changed, and now is no longer the time to go it alone.

Wu Kui didn't know what was underneath.

But she knew that it was definitely not an ordinary thing.

Even if it's just the colorful mist that the mobile phone can't photograph, it's already enough for the fare.

What's more, there is still that dark feeling that did not know how to guide her to come here.

Feeling the gradually dropping temperature, Wu Kui felt that she should go back.

But she was a little afraid that if she left, she wouldn't be able to return to this place.

They simply set up camp here.

According to the people in the group, she was bewildered.

But she is usually very stable, and she is quite credible in the group.

Therefore, even though what she said was a bit nonsense, many people responded.

Wu Kui wondered if they were ready to "play for real this time".

But now, that's all there is to it.

As for bewildered?

Wu Kui didn't know.

Beside the fire, Wu Kui stared blankly at the mist that was still glowing with colorful lights in the night.

Then, she saw a cloud falling from the sky...

(End of this chapter)

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