The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 123 The sky is vast, and one person stands among the clouds

Chapter 123 The sky is vast, and one person stands among the clouds (one more!)

At night, the mountains were shrouded in a cold darkness.

There is no moonlight tonight.

The occasional swaying flames from the mountainside next to it reflected the shadows of the treetops on the opposite mountain, twisting them into some kind of grotesque shape.

Yi Xia stood in the sky with the clouds on his back.

At this moment, a bright fire was shining in his eyes.

The night faded its drowsy curtain, and the forest was clear.


Yi Xia looked around for a long time.

Except for the pile on the mountainside, even the flames that mortal things can clearly see, there is no other discovery.

Everything is so clean.


Or satellite monitoring?
Yi Xia raised his head and stared at the sky.

The fire in his eyes gradually became stronger.

However, Yi Xia looked for a long time, but still found nothing.

Therefore, Yi Xia set his sights on the only living creature in his vision:
It appeared to be a young human female.

Yi Xia's gaze pierced through the thick night and the blocking of the woods, and directly gained insight into the other party's spirituality.

There are traces of transcendence, but it is as weak as a new apprentice...

Yi Xia frowned.

He looked around, but still saw nothing but an empty space.

There are no predecessors in the extraordinary world, and there are no successors.

Under the night, only the mountains are quiet.

In the vast sky, he is the only one standing among the clouds...

Is it because the extraordinary inheritance of this world has been cut off, or do they simply look down on this place?

But not so.

Before that, the magic particle was silent for such a long time.

Now, there is a dense area of ​​magic particles here, how can they ignore it?

Yi Xia was puzzled, and felt a little disappointed.

Fortunately, Yi Xia has never been a horny existence.

If you can't figure it out with your brain, use your fists to find it.

Therefore, Yi Xia held the witch flag to control the cloud head to fall slowly.

Yi Xia noticed the intense emotional gaze coming from the mountainside.

Or, to put it another way, looking at the soles of my feet...

Right now Yi Xia is still in the state of Shadow Escape.

Without the relevant hidden ability, it is impossible to see him.

Spirit vision does not mean absolute shadow breaking, it is only able to crack those skills that temporarily transform into invisible spirit bodies.

Yi Xia ignored her.

Instead, it flew straight into the colorful miasma.

Immediately, Yi Xia only felt that the taste was mellow, better than the scarlet poisonous mist!
In the next instant, Yi Xia let go of his strength directly.

Then there was a strong wind in the valley, and the trees swayed!

A stream of air whizzed through the sharp rocks, making a shrill sound like howling ghosts and wolves.

For a moment, the entire mountain forest was shrouded in a trembling state...



What the fuck?

It was rare for Wu Kui to swear in his heart.

She just felt that there was a sudden wind blowing around her.

The originally fixed camp was also a little rickety.

But at this time, Wu Kui no longer had the mind to manage the camp.

She just widened her eyes, looking at the white clouds falling on the colorful mist.

At this moment, the cloud has been wrapped by countless colorful mist siphoned from it.

In the shadows, Wu Kui glimpsed the hollow of the human figure!

Someone is on the cloud!
It's just that I can't see it!

Wu Kui only felt her hands and feet were cold for a while, she didn't know what to do, her mind was buzzing non-stop.

The originally stable world view was completely shattered at this moment.

In the chaos, Wu Kui felt her pupils shrinking.

I have practiced in my body for many years, and at special times of the month, I don't know if it is a hallucination or an invisible airflow of psychological placebo effect.

Suddenly, it swelled so many times!
It was as if some idea and block had been shattered.

When one mind is connected, all dharmas can be born!
After a while, the sound of the wind gradually died down.

And the colorful miasma that had enveloped the entire basin had completely disappeared.

Looking at the past, under the gloom of night, Wu Kui could vaguely see a basin full of mushrooms.

In the next moment, Wu Kui saw the cloud falling down.

For a long time, there was no movement...


Wu Kui, who had been standing there blankly, finally couldn't hold back a big breath.

From time to time, a cool mountain wind blows, bringing a biting chill.

At this time, Wu Kui realized that her back was completely wet with sweat!
A great panic and fear lingered in Wu Kui's heart.

go, go!

A voice roared in consciousness.

Wu Kui wanted to move her leg, but found that it seemed to be frozen in place.

what to go!
Opportunity is at hand!

Gone, want to meet again?
Another voice roared inwardly.

In Wu Kui's eyes, there was a fierce struggle.

Then, she gritted her teeth and extinguished the campfire.

This wave, my wife bet!

So, I followed the lush forest to the basin below...



Yi Xia didn't know Wu Kui's choice, and didn't care much about it.

He just looked around warily.

This basin is not big, and he was able to see the end at a glance in the air before.

Going deep into it now, the field of vision is slightly obstructed.

But you can basically see it all.

However, Yi Xia still didn't see any extraordinary existence.

It can only be vaguely seen that the magic particles in the air are far more active than those outside.

For various reasons, magic particles can become dense in some areas.

According to the ancient concept of the Eastern Extraordinary Genealogy, this is considered a secret realm or something.

Yi Xia used the Wu Banner to lift off the soft rotting shrubs under his feet.

Then, he saw a small and exquisite colorful mushroom exuding an attractive aura.

In the next instant, relevant information about it appeared on Yi Xia's retina.

"Colorful Mushrooms (Level 1):

type: special

Restricted: Oriental Pedigree Bloodline


After consuming it, integrated network players can enter Level 1 Colorful Forest.

Human beings who are not integrated network players and meet the limited conditions will enter the dream test after eating it for the first time, and there is a certain probability of obtaining an extraordinary inheritance in the dream.


Yi Xia looked at the prompt message that appeared on the retina.

Especially, the last paragraph about the colorful mushrooms.

Yi Xia stood on the spot and pondered for a while, with a little understanding in his eyes.

Afterwards, he took only a small piece from the top, and hastily covered it with the peeled-off decay layer.

He just needs to take one.

Others have their own place.

Not to say that such things have their owners.

Rather, under such a form and time node, there must be a group of people who are guided by the torrent of the times.

Zongwang's description of the colorful mushrooms further verified some of Yi Xia's ideas.


Yi Xia collected the five poisonous Gu worms into the Wu Banner.

He also thought that with the power of a witch, he would gather the world's cultivation heroes here.

In a hearty way, show off what you have learned.


Then came a little girl who looks like everything if you don't take a closer look...

Yi Xia couldn't help but look back, and saw Wu Kui sliding down the mountain in a state of embarrassment.

The body is full of traces of bush thorns, and the seeds of ghost needles are attached to it.

On the contrary, the face is still clean, it seems that it is the focus of protection.

Yi Xia couldn't help smiling, Wu Ji always admired such reckless will.

Unfortunately, there is no need for witches in this world anymore...

So, Yi Xia threw an expulsion spell at her, and walked towards the depths of the basin with his back turned to her.

Behind him, he saw Yi Xia who suddenly appeared because of casting a spell, and Wu Kui who was about to chase after him was blocked by a cloud of white mist that suddenly appeared.

"Find a bigger one and eat it."

There was a sound in the fog, and Wu Kui stopped walking.

But there is no more news.

After a long time, the fog dissipated, but it was nowhere to be seen...

(End of this chapter)

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