Chapter 1267 Nebula's Ending Curtain (One more update!)

The sudden bravery of Rogerioz made Yi Xia slightly taken aback.

Of course, he reacted quickly.

Yi Xia, who was originally dragging the huge twisted body with one hand to prevent it from being swallowed by the void, is not convenient to move for the time being.

According to Yi Xia's original plan, he was going to deal with Rogerioz after he finished disposing of this thing.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still a piece of meat.

What's more, Rogerioz is not such a weak minion in the void.

The time in the void no longer has such a clear definition.

Obviously, Ahad has not yet adapted to such a chaotic time.

Or in other words, his strength is not enough to anchor his own timeline in such a chaotic environment.

Therefore, his figure is always in a kind of flickering and twisting.

And Rogerios, who has been entrenched in this void nebula for a long time, obviously won't be disturbed like this.

Even, to a certain extent, it can use this kind of chaotic rules to complete the time travel.

Ahad suddenly burst into flames, and disappeared suddenly like repeating his old trick.

A large number of particle layers full of distortion and filth began to spread.

Yi Xia watched all this calmly with eyes filled with endless fire.

During the first encounter, Yi Xia hadn't figured out the details of this guy.

Now, things are obviously different...

At this time, Ahad, who got rid of a certain chaotic time zone behind him, finally arrived at the surrounding area of ​​Yi Xia.

Here, time and space have become much more stable.

Yi Xia, who has a strong enough life force, as a concept of order in a certain sense, endows this void with relative stability.

Of course, elements other than space and time are less peaceful...

Ahad stared at Yi Xia firmly.

He knew that Rogerioz was secretly looking for an opportunity to strike.

At this time, if he can attract Yi Xia's attention, he can play the greatest role.

As for death?

Had Rogerioz lost, Ahad knew what would happen to him.

What's more, Ahad thinks that he is different from the void believers in the eyes of the world.

He has more solid and lofty beliefs than them!
In the next moment, after realizing that Yi Xia didn't care about his approach at all.

Without the slightest hesitation, Ahad, who had been working hard to restrain his breath, suddenly exploded!
He desperately urged the twisting power in his body.

Those obscure and crazy knowledge turned into biting crazy illusions in his sea of ​​consciousness.

And corresponding in the realm of matter:

A tiny faint particle flew out from Ahad's chest.

It started a violent fusion in the form of exponential multiplication!
In the dimension visible to the naked eye, a ball of dark light that is getting bigger and bigger is constantly accelerating towards Yi Xia!

Of course Ahad has mastered those swift and silent forbidden spells.

But he also knew that those spells that were lethal enough to hunt giant beasts could not cause any effective damage to the enemies he was facing now.


Battery life?

No, it was an explosion that exhausted everything in an instant!

After releasing the spell, Ahad collapsed to the ground in an instant.

His originally distorted and huge taboo body suddenly became sluggish.

If Rogerioz can't infuse him with the power of the void later, death will be the best ending for him...

Witness my will and madness, Xia Wu!
Ahad didn't think about escaping and saving himself.

In the face of such an enemy, how can you expect a total victory?

Ahad has long since realized...

On the other side, Yi Xia was naturally attracted by the movement below.

Of course he spotted Ahad.

However, Yi Xia didn't expect this guy to be so brave.

Because Yi Xia could feel the other party's consciousness, and was not completely engulfed by chaos.

In the case of clear consciousness, bloodthirsty and madness, like a mindless void life, are actually two completely different concepts from the latter...

Yi Xia expressed his appreciation for this.

So, he lifted the Wu banner and threw it straight at it!
This guy who has caused so many troubles, even though he is a little weaker, is worthy of Yi Xia's special blow for him.

The next moment, a destructive force directly covered the entire surrounding area!

All the things in this area, including Ahad and the deep light ball he released, were directly annihilated by the violent power!
In an instant, a terrifying explosion engulfed this huge nebula!

Under the characteristics of the new legendary weapon, Yi Xia's attack range has been strengthened quite absurdly.

And at this moment, Rogerioz, who had been lurking in the dark, suddenly launched an attack!
Before that, Yi Xia had never confronted Rogerioz head-on.

Therefore, its capabilities are not understood.

It's just that when he sensed that the anchored malice was attacking him with a sharp increase, Yi Xia suddenly swung the nine-ring blade in his hand!

The next moment, the nine-ring blade, which had already completed the preparations for the attack, turned into a howling streamer and slashed towards a certain void!

The speed of several attacks condensed into one shot made the Nine Ring Blade cut through everything within its attack range like cutting butter!
But Rogerioz did not show up.

Instead, at the next moment, Yi Xia felt some kind of fluctuation beyond the material level.

Yi Xia has seen through Rogerioz's tricks a long time ago:
He knew that the other party had been hiding in the parallel time derived from chaos.

Yi Xia is not that good at leaping in the time domain.

It's not that he has nothing to do, but for him, making such a transition is quite a movement.

Just like going against the current of water, what a mouse and an elephant have to face are very different factors.

Is it a shock at the conceptual level?

Yi Xia sensed the source of that fluctuation.

Although small, it is indeed an attack at the conceptual level...

Come early...

After sensing the powerful ability of Rogerioz, this idea immediately came to Yi Xia's mind.

Like a fisherman who catches an extremely rare fish that isn't big enough.

Although I was pleasantly surprised by this unexpected harvest, I was somewhat regretful that it was rare and perfect.

Of course, let it go and save it for fattening before killing?

Yi Xia suddenly turned the Wu Banner, and then slammed it down somewhere in the void!

The next moment, Rogerioz's huge body emerged from the gap in time!
It was preparing to attack Yi Xia again.

And at this time, it can no longer completely hide in the chaotic time.

After sensing Yi Xia's attack, Rogerioz tried to hide in the chaotic time again, but found that there was a distortion again.

And it seems that it has no chance of finding another shelter...

Without any hindrance, the destructive violent force exploded on its twisted body!

(End of this chapter)

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