Chapter 1268 Maybe, I Have an Errand for You (Two Updates!)
"Comprehensive network reminder: You have wiped out the destroyer of civilization-Rogerios and its minions, and you have completed the legendary event: Enemy of the destroyer of civilization."

"Comprehensive network reminder: Please pay attention: your actions are causing the collapse of a rare area of ​​​​the void. This phenomenon of collapse will be transmitted to all corners of the multiverse along with the enlightenment of the void message. Your reputation in the relevant limited camp Declining/increasing threat level..."

"Comprehensive Network Reminder: You have obtained 67 chaos experience points!"

"Comprehensive network reminder: You have completed a legendary hunt, and you have obtained a legendary treasure chest: a super-giant legendary treasure chest of the reciprocating civilization dust of destruction and rebirth..."



Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless fire, looked at the many reminders refreshed on the retina.

Behind him, due to the violent force spreading out from it.

This void nebula is undergoing a terrifying chain reaction.

It is originally structured in a complex chaotic order that is difficult for people to understand.

And now, after suffering a sudden severe local shock.

The impact it caused, along with the operation of its chaotic rules, continued to spread to other regions.

Perhaps in a short time, this marvel born in the void of chaos will completely collapse into the deep darkness.

Yi Xia didn't pay attention to this.

The wonders of the chaotic void and the wonders of the material world are two cases.

Even if it can breed order celestial bodies that belong to the chaotic void.

But judging from Yi Xia's experience, it has a high probability of becoming a breeding ground for void life and cultists.

In theory, this is not a bad thing for Yi Xia.

Just, obviously:
Because of this, Yi Xia would not have any empathy for these prey.

Most of the things related to the void, in which world they were thrown, were extreme existences that far surpassed other evil elements.

Yi Xia doesn't flaunt himself with redemption, but it doesn't mean that he will deal with these guys for the greater good.

In Yi Xia's view, it would be better if there were fewer Void Sects and the like.

Destroying this place doesn't mean much to Yi Xia, but it means a lot to other material worlds.

What's more, the multiverse is endless, even if Yi Xia hunts without stopping, he can't finish hunting...

Therefore, Yi Xia has no feelings for him.

Perhaps, the only ones who regret this are those scholars of void elements...

In such an instant, Yi Xia disappeared from the nebula.

With the collapse of the nebula, the time and space that was originally bound by the chaotic order also began to return to chaos.

For Yi Xia or Zongwang, it is more convenient to leave this chaos.

In the next instant, Yi Xia's majestic figure appeared in the atmosphere of a certain material world.

He didn't return to Earth directly, but was going to meet some undead...



Eve Dunz was cooking rice at this time.

Perhaps it was the previous sacrifice that consumed a lot of the power of the "curse" on him.

Therefore, he, who has not felt hungry for a long time, can finally enjoy the fulfilling feedback from food.

Of course he has no currency.

But compared to only needing a meal, you can get an intelligent animal that runs automatically for a day,
The fellow farmer offered to provide Everton with a full meal.

On the other side, a certain hoofed animal took a breath, then glanced away.

Probably because he was a little angry at this vagrant scab who snatched the work.

Isn't this breaking the rules of the animals?
Evertonz certainly noticed this:
Apologetically, he took some beans out of the bowl and prepared to feed them, but was stopped by the peasant woman:
"It's only fed in the morning, you just eat it by yourself."

Evertonz continued to eat after hearing the words.

To be honest, the food is not very good, it is dry biscuits + beans that common people in this world often eat.

It's not delicate, and the taste is a bit rough, but it can be full.

Perhaps due to the influence of Ahad, the ruling class here even lost the instinct of exploitation.

Therefore, coarse grains such as this are still quite reserved in farmers' homes.

Evertonz ate ten dry biscuits and gave up.

His hunger was gone, and it was useless to eat any more.

Then he got up to fulfill his promise.

During the long days that Evertonz had been undead, he had been accustomed to such trades.

However, at this moment, the sky suddenly darkened...

The peasant woman who was clearing the dining table was stunned.

She walked out the door with her husband anxiously.

Evertonz also came out.

In the next moment, his pupils, which theoretically should not have much tenderness and elasticity, began to shrink rarely.

For above the vault of heaven a mighty giant obscured the brilliance of the stars...

His shadow, which blocks the sky and the sun, covers the kingdom.

What about Ahad?

In the end, Evertonzi realized, it was the Giants who won the final victory.

It seems that Ahad and his master may have returned to the tomb of the void together...

But in this case, why did the other party return to this world?

Everton didn't know.

He couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Eve Dunz, who had just experienced the almost destruction of a kingdom with his own hands, suddenly had some strong emotions that he had before he got the "curse".

He has never been an evil existence.

It was just a long and painful time, killing all his emotions.

All that remains is eternal despair, urging him to blindly seek the relief from death...

In the next instant, the shadows dissipated.

The brilliance of the stars flickered above the earth again.

But that majestic giant suddenly disappeared.

Just when Evertonz thought that the other party had left, and was relieved, he suddenly heard a strange voice in his ear:
"It's rare to be mixed like this after gaining the power of immortality."

Everton was startled.

Because the language used by the other party was exactly what Ahad used when he spoke to him for the last time!

Eve Dunz turned around suddenly, looking at the strange human who appeared next to him at some point.

An extremely strong sense of déjà vu filled Everton's heart.

The other party seemed familiar, as if he had seen it not long ago...

The villagers couple next to them were taken aback.

They looked at the sudden existence with trepidation, trembling and unable to say anything.

"I am Yi Xia, the Great Witch of Earth."

The other party said so, and then stretched out his hand towards him.

Eve Dunz froze for a moment, then reached out and shook the other party.

Although there is no such custom in his area.

But based on certain elements, this kind of etiquette is not uncommon in human civilization.

Therefore, Evertonz quickly reacted.

Then, the other party suddenly said:
"Do you like fishing?"

Eve Dunz was too confused at the moment, but he hummed to express his reply.

He is not afraid of death, but desires it immensely.

But in front of this unknown being who claimed to be Yi Xia, Evertonzi felt some kind of indescribable deep fear.

"In that case, maybe I have an errand here for you."

The other party smiled when he heard the words, and then said so.



Combining two very different words, Evertonz quickly came to a realization.

Could it be that the other party wants him to... look at the fish pond?

The undead man, who has a rich experience in related work, thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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