"Comprehensive network reminder: You have destroyed the void relic: the box of mourning!"

"Comprehensive network reminder: Due to your direct destruction of a holy object, your faction relationship in the holy object and craft association and other related element camps has declined (the camp relationship has been anchored to: neutral), and you can no longer enjoy the benefits from friendly camps. related service discounts and other benefits.”

"Comprehensive network reminder: From the remnants of the mourning box, you found a limited legendary forbidden area: the land of abundance (True Sight: Void Mask*Deep Scarlet)!"

"Comprehensive network reminder: You have obtained some information about the limited legendary forbidden area: the land of abundance (Void Mask)..."


Land of Plenty (Mask of the Void):

Type: Limited Legendary Forbidden Area

Chaos coordinates: ***** (protection of order, the life level must be higher than 20 to learn through limited means)

Message log:

([-])...The Land of Abundance (Void Mask) was born in another unknown chaotic surge in the Chaos Void. It is unknown whether it exists now.

But there are many indications that there is a perverse conceptual distortion corresponding to the physical world in the chaotic void.

Just like the opposite and twins of shadow and light.

In the grand and formless abstraction of the multiverse, there seems to be a mirror that separates order from chaos.

Light is the shadow outside the mirror, shadow is the light in the mirror...

And the same is true for the land of abundance...


Although he has been going crazy since he returned from the inner sea of ​​the abyss.

But this time, he was even more insane.

In the cities of the elves he spoke words that profaned their holy places.

He said that in the depths of the inner sea of ​​the abyss, he saw visions from the void.

He saw it - a "different" rich land...

([-])...broken...despair...blood sacrifice...this place is actually a land of abundance...




Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless flames calmly watched everything in front of him.

There may indeed be some content hidden in the information separated and refined by the Comprehensive Network Institute.

But Yi Xia didn't pay much attention to it.

The chaotic void has unique laws of the chaotic void, and the related thinking of the material world does not have such prevailing power here.

The only thing that surprised Yi Xia was that the crudely made wooden box was actually a holy object of the void.

This made Yi Xia feel somewhat miscalculated.

After all, it is a sacred object, and after stripping the chaos coordinates of the land of abundance from it, it probably has some sacrificial value.

But Yi Xia was only slightly regretful.

Objects that can be destroyed so easily are not very precious in Yi Xia's opinion.

Since it is named after a sacred object, it is expected that it will be more prominent in terms of ritual elements.

Thinking about it this way, Yi Xia didn't think it was such a pity.

At this time, he said that he should focus more on the chaotic coordinates that even just perception is enough to cause distortion and pollution.

If it simply and roughly corresponds to the material world.

So it is possible to refer to the chemical fertilizers commonly used in rural areas to a certain extent?
It is a double "infection" on the eyes and nose...

It's this smell—belonging to the crazy and twisted deep taboo land of Chaos Void...

It may be difficult for farmers to glimpse the joy of future harvest from the stimulating atmosphere.

However, Yi Xia vaguely smelled it a few times, which made his blood pulse restless.

In the next moment, he broke away from the current chaotic void.

It's like a mortal thing jumping high from the sky towards the cliff.

Suddenly, there was a sudden sense of falling, which made Yi Xia feel a long-lost touch.

Chaos is wriggling, madness is raving...

This is the depths of the chaotic void, this is the Jedi far away from order and light...

"Look what I found? A fallen boulder?"

A voice full of infinite distortion and madness suddenly came from the chaos.

Maybe it wasn't sound, or even language.

It is a strong presentation of countless frenzied consciousness, transformed into the form Yi Xia is used to under the power of magic.

The madness described by all the thoughts exhausted by all things can hardly reach one ten-thousandth of what is here.

This is a manifestation of the infinite possibilities of the chaotic void of the multiverse.

And the next moment, or before all this happened.

In the endless chaos, something swept towards Yi Xia!

twisted time...

The broken rules...

The next moment, there was light breaking through the deep sea like a wave!

The violent shock made a hideous announcement in this endless chaos!

In an instant, chaos burst!

"That's called a crown."

Standing in the radiance with a witch banner in his hand, Yi Xia looked directly at the endless chaos in front of him and said...

In this way, the fire burst...



Earth Willow City
"I see, I see..."

The sunset in Jixia still carries the afterglow of midsummer.

The cicada on the tree seemed to feel the imminent autumn.

The watermelon seller under the plane tree is selling the last basket of sandy watermelon.

But this did not attract Yimu's attention, she walked straight past with the vegetable basket.

She went back to her natal home yesterday, and used the still-used mountain well water in her hometown to slake watermelons for a long time.

Vaguely is the taste in memory.

Just like the pot of rice porridge cooked in the firewood stove, it makes people feel kind.

Emma is currently researching recipes.

She is thinking about the research and development of recipes for vision protection.

It is necessary to consider the channels of the local market and familiar traders, as well as the preferences of the daughter.

These are some tedious things, but Yimu also enjoys it.

My daughter is studying again recently, and there is no entertainment.

This made Yimu a little worried.

He was worried that she would burn out her eyes, and she was also afraid that she would stay in the room all day and lose her temper.

Fortunately, she will go out to Yi Xia every once in a while.

Yi Mu knew that she had worshiped Yi Xia as her teacher.

Yi Jiao had told her about this before, and both she and Yi Jiao's father supported her.

Even today, she still doesn't understand who Yi Xia is.

But they also had a feeling to some extent, knowing that most of them were big figures beyond their cognition.

Actually speaking, their family did not receive any obvious preferential treatment.

It's just that suddenly everything began to be standardized as if there were invisible scales.

This is something that should be taken for granted.

But Yimu felt a little strange about this alley where she had lived for decades.

People haven't changed much, they are still acquaintances.

But invisibly, something seems to have changed...

But thinking about it, the other party probably just regarded it as a play with children.

Because not long ago, when she asked her daughter what she wanted to learn from the other party.

The daughter told her in a rare and slightly sad way: She hasn't figured it out yet...

Thinking of this, Yimu couldn't help but smile.

How can there be such a master and apprentice...

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