Chapter 1287 Abundance Fear-Adris (One update!)

A strong light like a supernova explosion exploded in this chaotic land!

Hundreds of millions of chaotic matter particles are engulfed and poured towards the distant time and space!

And the fire that bloomed in the chaos, as if it had absorbed energy from nothingness, raged away in the chaos.

Two magnificent life forms are fighting in this violent realm!

"Comprehensive network reminder: Your massive destruction and destruction of the Land of Plenty (Void Mask) has reborn its ancient ruler: Adris from nothingness."

"Comprehensive network reminder: You have discovered the legendary leader of the Void High - Abundance Horror - Adris!"

"Integrated network area reminder: The ruler of the land of abundance (Void Mask) has revived, and the environment of the relevant area has changed: new addition (environmental punishment of hostile units will be increased/destruction behavior will restore strength to Adris), change (non-void life or death The resistance has dropped significantly)”

"Comprehensive network reminder: Your destructive behavior has increased Adris's power..."

"Comprehensive network reminder: Ni's destructive behavior has boosted Adris's power..."



The relevant reminder information on the integrated network on the retina is still being refreshed.

But at this moment, Yi Xia didn't pay attention.

In his eyes filled with endless fire, the passionate and violent brilliance belonging to the ancient war witch is shining!
The berserk witch banner waved down by the body that lifted up the sky collided violently with the opponent's abstract but equally destructive body!
That long-lost power feedback made Yi Xia, who didn't have so many suitable opponents, feel unspeakably joyful.

A big fish that can grow rapidly by itself, and even fight against you with passionate power...

This kind of beauty is not so common in the multiverse.

The Void Lord who is fighting with Yi Xia in front of him is named Adris.

Like many void lords that Yi Xia had hunted before, Adris' physical form was also extremely abstract.

If viewed from a single timeline perspective:

Adris' body is like a collection of countless pieces of minced meat.

No organs or limbs with distinctive features.

It's hard to say how stable the aesthetics of Void Life are.

Because void life is not like flesh and blood life, there must be concepts such as reproduction.

They were born in the nothingness of chaos, without the orderly social relationship of parents and brothers.

And when a void life can talk to other flesh and blood life like a normal intelligent life.

Then in the vast majority of cases, it only means that it has devoured enough order life.

Order and chaos, opposite but not separated.

The chaotic void, which corresponds to the concept of chaos in the multiverse, will distort the mind of the life of order.

The life of order that has stayed in the chaotic void for a long time will more or less show traces of void distortion.

And similarly, after devouring enough order life, the void life will also be "polluted" by order.

This opposing influence has never been one-way...

And in this void lord named Adris, Yi Xia sensed the remnants of order.

Generally, the void lifeforms he encountered would not use such a pool of "rotten meat" to fight combined punches...

Yes, after the first contact, Yi Xia accidentally discovered that the awakened void lord was attacking him with punches that clearly belonged to humans.

Through his distorted and chaotic body, Yi Xia seems to be able to see a soul with a sufficiently pure concept.

He has not been able to defeat this powerful enemy with elements of chaos and destruction.

But the devouring from the chaotic void failed to completely annihilate him...

In the chaotic realm of time, Yi Xia can clearly see those scenes that ordinary people cannot observe:
Adris' collection of rotten flesh reveals its distorted form in different corners of chaotic time.

And when they are combined from the macro level.

Yi Xia seems to be able to see a humanoid body with a relatively empty style of painting...

It attacks Yi Xia every time.

The limbs of different chaotic time realms are briefly condensed in the current timeline.

Even so, an attack from a single timeline can only cause substantial damage to the subject in that timeline.

Yi Xia discovered that after this part of the subject suffered devastating trauma.

It will instantly transform into another chaotic time for recovery.

This is one of the most formidable types of enemies for beings in the physical world.

It needs a high-intensity attack method that spans the time dimension in order to instantly annihilate this void lord.

Even for Yi Xia, this is somewhat troublesome.

He's not a fan of odds and ends...



Meanwhile, somewhere in the multiverse


The vast and primitive sound of the horn broke the silence of dawn.

Accompanying the first, a boulder projected from a distant region.

The cruel war has started to perform its mission like a meat grinder again...

Tilumi stood on the high platform, and she looked at the densely packed tall figures in the distance with complicated expressions.

They were all heavily armored warriors with obvious orc characteristics.

But Tilomi knew that those were not orcs.

It's not even possible to picture them in terms of intelligent life.

They have no names, they have no past.

Born from pools of flesh, they are armed and thrown into battle.

The cycle of life and death may be as short as insects and ants.

They are the dark minions created by the evil mage organization...

The seemingly primitive and crude method is the cheapest method of consumption for this legendary land that covers the entire small plane of the forbidden magic field.

Soon, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and stumps filled the sky...

No howling, no moaning.

The minion who was lucky enough to survive the injury climbed directly under the city wall.

It will "adaptively" become a part of the high platform of flesh and blood.

If before that, it hadn't died under the bombardment of artillery fire, or was trampled into a pulp by other minions...

Brutal, efficient...

It's just like Tilu Misuo's cognition of that evil mage organization.

This kind of war has been going on for several months...

Tilomi didn't know how long it would last.

Maybe until those guys give up completely, or maybe until they find strong enough reinforcements from other places.

This is already the second city wall...

According to this offensive, maybe the last wall can't resist for a long time.

Tilomi didn't know what kind of ending they would face.

But she won't let herself fall into the hands of those guys.

Or maybe...

Tilomi remembered the name she had sealed away for a long time and the secrets associated with that name.

If it really comes to that point, there is no last resort...

(End of this chapter)

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