The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 1288 The Injury During the Settlement Screen Is the Medal of the Fisherman

"Son, don't stay here."

At this moment, an old man pulled her back from the high platform.

"Blood and death are not things you like, stay at ease in the castle."

"Everyone will protect everything."

The old man was a friend of Tilomi's adoptive mother.

His real name was sealed for the sake of confidentiality.

All Tilomi knew was that everyone called him Mr. Badger.

Although the real body of Mr. Badger is not a badger, but a vast tree.

Because Tilomi could sense the strong forest breath from Mr. Badger.

That is the smell that Tilomi is all too familiar with...

"Mr. Badger, can we beat them?"

Tilomi hesitated for a moment, but asked the always determined elder in a low voice.

She has stayed in this peaceful and leisurely land for more than ten years.

This is the happiest ten years since Tilomi gained her memory.

There is no danger here, no natural enemies.

She was taught to read and recognize.

The memories of the past have also been erased bit by bit, which is a vague impression.

Let Tilomi be able to clearly recognize his past.

But Mr. Badger, who was being questioned, paused for a rare moment, and did not directly answer Tilomi.

He just looked at Tilomi with a serious expression:
"Know it, boy: This is going to be a tough enough war."

"But here—everyone in the Umbrella of Adez is willing to fight for freedom and peace."

"And this is why we finally decided to strongly oppose the orders of those guys."

Mr. Badger's answer gave Tilomi some insight.

Obviously, the situation is not so optimistic.

Mr. Badger doesn't lie, it's in his nature.

Therefore, he will only express the truth he knows more euphemistically or simply in silence.

"They have already asked the archdruids for help. I think if they make a move, there is still time."

Mr. Badger looked at the sad Tilomi, thought for a while, and then said.

Yes, if those Archdruids can make a move, everything can naturally be restored.

Tilomi believed in this enough.

Only she knew it too.

There are too many things that the Archdruids need to take care of and save...

They are always busy in various realms.

Even his own greenhouse, sometimes he has to ask his allies such as the Umbrella of Adez to take care of it.

Because of this, Tilomi used to be a member of the helpers and assisted in the daily management of some fungi.

Therefore, Tilomi is also clear enough about the situation of the Archdruids.

if it is like this……

Tilomi secretly made a decision in her heart.

She is also a member of the Umbrella of Adez.

She will protect the people here, in her own way!
"Mr. Badger..."

Tilomi suddenly shouted.

At this time, Mr. Badger, who was about to go to other lands to defend after appeasing Tiromi, stopped.

Looking at Tilomi with a calm expression, he seemed to sense something different.

"What's the matter, child?"

Mr. Badger asked gently with a concerned face.

"In fact... there is one thing that I have been deceiving everyone..."

Tilomi said in a low voice.

"It's all right, kid, it's all right."

"Every living thing has its own core. Look, who would be so rude to ask every bean to reveal its coat?"

Mr. Badger didn't take it seriously, just smiled and said.

"I... am not the 'Grasda Toadstool' you are talking about..."

"In my hometown, they call me - ginseng..."



Adris finally "suffered".

Or in other words, in this chaotic realm, there is no longer any substance that can provide stable destruction events.

And without this huge energy supply, it finally inevitably fell into decline.

Even in terms of strength at this time, it once surpassed Yi Xia.

It can be used in the case that the more threatening Void ability cannot exert a substantial effect on Yi Xia.

Its violent power is not enough to make it defeat Yi Xia.

On the contrary, because he used Yi Xia's more familiar fighting style, he was beaten up hard.

Under normal circumstances, even Void Life doesn't always fight to the end.

Chaos void does not necessarily correspond to the core concept of destruction.

Just like the physical world, there are individuals who are born with the desire to destroy themselves.

Not so with Adris.

It was born out of the horror and destruction of the opposite side of the Land of Plenty.

Therefore, it does not escape.

Just like water cannot burn by itself under normal circumstances, this is determined by the characteristics of its existence.

Same goes for Adris.

Facing the bombardment of Chaos forces, Adris' twisted life form split into different Chaos time realms did not help.

On the contrary, it suffered more serious injuries because of this.

For this reason, it forcibly assembled itself in different chaotic times.

This twisted humanoid life form, which looks like a complete form, will actually increase Adris's energy consumption.

It's like a person clenched his fist and launched an attack.

This form is the state when Adris clenched his fist.

Being in this form for a long time will increase its power consumption.

But now, it has no other choice.

Yi Xia held the witch banner and slammed it down on Adris's head!
Even at present, Adris looks like an abstract human-like life from the perspective of life form.

But in fact, as a creation that was also born in the chaotic void, it does not have a flesh and blood structure on the material level.

Therefore, there will be no attack weakness in the strict sense.

Yi Xia hit his head because of his own habit.

The training and battles he has experienced have made him a little bit biased in this regard.

The witch banner, wrapped in violent force, smashed heavily on the top of Adris's head!

Violent power, explode directly from it!

In a trance, Adris's body seemed to have some kind of distorted differentiation.

Like a grotesque illusion given by chaotic time, its body began to flicker unsteadily.

At the same time, Adris' counterattack landed firmly on Yi Xia's body.

The destructive power that had almost reached the upper limit broke through Yi Xia's outer layer of flame armor in an instant!

With the sudden burst of flames around him, Yi Xia Hongwei's body couldn't help trembling slightly!
The violent destructive force instantly tore a large piece of Yi Xia's flesh and blood!
Such a serious injury made Yi Xia inevitably need to slow down his attacking rhythm in order to recover.

But this didn't make Yi Xia restrain himself.

It's like being slapped by the tail when you catch a big fish and are about to start the settlement screen.

Although somewhat embarrassing, it can be regarded as a fisherman's medal under certain circumstances.

Of course, except for large fish that exceed a certain size and limited species...

And at this moment, Yi Xia suddenly heard a weak but very clear call:
"Xiawu, come and eat me."

Which void fanatic again?

With one hand, Yi Xia hammered away Adris who was trying to take a bite of him, thinking with some puzzlement.

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