As Yi Xia's consciousness fluctuated, detailed information about the spell was refreshed on his retina:


Time Spore:

Spell Type: Legendary Forbidden Spell (Forbidden Sequence 17d, [Pale Spore Event] Lenar 105 Years...)
Spell Class: Epic Spell

Spell consumption: 50 mana points (minimum basic consumption), a time-space sequence spore without information elements (can be conveniently purchased through the integrated network, the real-time minimum purchase cost is 57 integrated network disaster coins), several advanced spell-casting materials ( The requirements for casting materials are determined according to the relevant characteristics of the caster)
Pre-requirements for spell learning: 20 points of intelligence, spellcasting authority of level 9 or above or related spellcasting ability, ability to perceive and observe multiple time and space or basic attributes, knowledge of legendary taboo spores or advanced blood related to plants and plagues; Required: Possess Forbidden Spell Sequence Spellcasting License or related permissions

Spell description:

Through a legendary spell-casting ritual (individual or multi-person), the caster can cast a time-space spore carrying time-space information and spell content to the locked time-space or randomly to the chaotic time-space of the multiverse.

Time-space spores can exist in the chaotic time-space at most for 1*caster level natural year (this time is calculated as the caster's own timeline, and is not affected by the chaotic time-space time turbulence of the multiverse).

When the time-space spores approach the locked time-space or wander in the chaotic time-space to a material world that meets the relevant predetermined content, the time-space will automatically be attracted by the material world.

After passing a material world resistance saving throw, the time-space spores that successfully pass the check will enter the material world of the time-space, and if the check fails, the time-space spores will sneak into the subspaces such as dreams and spirit worlds of the time-space.

After entering the material world or the warp, the time-space spore triggers its own related content.

Please note: The space-time spore itself does not have any relevant spell content, and can only be used as a carrier for relevant limited content.

The caster can make relevant spell preparations for the spell-casting item before casting the spell.

Valid spell sequences can be added: all spells from level 1 to level 9, some legendary spells, some limited bloodline abilities

ps: Please note that if you have not obtained a forbidden spell sequence spellcasting license or related permissions, any use of such controlled forbidden spells recorded in the register will be subject to the Kulinuli Magic Balance Association and all signed "Multiverse Related Plane System" Joint sanctions by the association and the plane of the Magic Safety Management Regulations! ——Announcement of the Kulinuli Magic Balance Association
ps: It must be abused, it must be abused!The evil god's loudspeaker is played every day, and I haven't seen when you have been sanctioned——Comprehensive network hot comment 9999+
ps: I think this spell is mainly related to spores. You didn’t mention the creation of the spores at all. Is it because the archdruids don’t accept your control? ——Comprehensive and powerful anonymity




In the void of chaos, Yi Xia looked at the spell messages displayed on his retina.

Space-time spores?

Yi Xia carefully studied the comprehensive description of this spell.

Because now, he has not obtained the specific spell content.

You can only understand the situation of this spell through the relevant information on the comprehensive network.

And after reading Zongwang's description of this spell again, Yi Xia has a general understanding of it.

In general, it does meet his relevant inspiration construction requirements.

As for the subsequent controversy over the so-called forbidden spell sequence spellcasting license?
Yi Xia just glanced at it and didn't pay much attention to it.

It was not the first time he had done something like "committing a crime against the wind".

Yi Xia has never paid much attention to the unknown associations and organizations in the multiverse.

As far as the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage is concerned, there is no traditional recognition in this regard.

Yi Xia doesn't think that these associations or organizations must be useless.

It’s just that in Yi Xia’s view, their attempt to impose relevant orders on other time-spaces and civilizations is undoubtedly a bit too idealistic.

There are still many disputes between goodness and goodness.

What's more, is this kind of order?

If you really want to care about it, if you don't hit the dog's brains, Yi Xia won't approve of it.

Of course, in this regard, he has never been very conformist.

Even with the many traditions of the Transcendent Civilization of the Eastern Lineage, Yi Xia doesn't necessarily follow them very much.

What's more, is it the order of other time and space?

After deciding that this spell did meet his basic requirements, Yi Xia began to check the channels to obtain it.

For such legendary taboo spells, basically there will be no finished models and spell knowledge for sale in the player multiverse trading center on the integrated network.

Generally speaking, what is provided more in this type of sales channel is the replacement of information.

Of course, if you spend a little more integrated network disaster coins, you can also conduct transactions directly.

As for the acquisition channel of "Space-Time Spores", Yi Xia also bought them together.

With the communication of relevant information on the comprehensive network, information about a legendary archdruid named "Savaldo" in the humus sequence began to appear in Yi Xia's vision.

According to the acquisition information that Yi Xia purchased, there are many channels for obtaining the spell of time-space spores.

And because of the core material involved in it: the related special spores.

At the level of access channels, it is undoubtedly divided into two parts.

Some can only acquire spell knowledge, while others export such spores to the outside world.

Of course, Yi Xia would prefer to solve the problem once and for all.

And among the acquisition channels he obtained, this legendary archdruid can directly meet all of Yi Xia's needs.

Of course, there are many reasons why such a convenient way of obtaining is not recommended as the first priority.

One is that the legendary archdruid has a weird temper and doesn't always exchange resources with others.

Second, because of a series of taboo plants and spell information, he himself was also targeted by many relevant protection organizations.

Although due to its own powerful power and a series of solid allies.

He's still able to stay safe in the kingdom of rot that he's built.

However, foreign transactions are subject to strict control.

Yi Xia didn't care about these things.

He was going to go and have a look first.

It would be best if the other party was willing to trade.

If he doesn't want to, he can just find another way to get it.

As for other external factors?
From Yi Xia's point of view, it's all irrelevant.

If the great witches were all honest, then the barrenness would not become ancient history...

In a sense, this is probably some kind of disadvantage of the great witch?
But it is just like the ancient spiritual core of the extraordinary civilized human beings of the Eastern pedigree.

As a master of this kind of spirit, the great witch should also respond...

In such a moment, Yi Xia's figure disappeared in this chaotic void...

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