A country of rot, a carnival of fungi...

The decay of all things is presented here in a magnificent form.

The big tree that collapsed on the ground was covered by a bright red humus layer.

A fat blood-red centipede with teeth and claws meanders leisurely past.

Salvatore happily walks barefoot in his kingdom.

The smell of spores in the air made him squint his eyes comfortably.

This is the time he enjoys walking the most.

No one dared to disturb him at such a time.

A bird happily landed on top of his head.

A mycelium coils around the pupil of this bird's eye.

It may be parasitic inside the opponent's brain.

Savaldo took this well-behaved bird carefully in his hands, and then smoothed the mycelium overflowing from its head.

"Naughty brat..."

he murmured, until the mycelium blended silkily with the bird's feathers.

Salvaldo just let go of the little guy with satisfaction.

In Salvaldo's view, this is the most wanton way of natural harmony.

At the delicate juncture leading to death and life, everything is in the most harmonious and gentle way.

It doesn't have that violent and abrupt death.

But with the most gentle nibble.

When a life reaches its promised end, another life continues its body to be full of vitality.

All things are corrupt, and rightly so...

Salvaldo enjoys all that he has cultivated.

Sometimes, from the mushroom tops above the sky, there are meetings beyond the garden.

Salvaldo is actually not very happy to deal with those lonely strangers.

They are often selfish and cruel, unwilling to face death calmly and tolerate life fairly.

Even in order to cater to him, these existences sometimes use various false disguises.

They will plant some bloodthirsty fungi in the chest cavity or other areas to prove their admiration for corrupt nature.

But how do they know:

Salvaldo actually doesn't like these fungi that greedily and brutally devour the vitality of the host.

In Salvaldo's view, this is also a sufficiently selfish and barbaric expression.

Corruption is a long night of gentleness, not an evening of pain.

At this moment, Savaldo frowned slightly.

He felt it, a touch from outside the garden.

Another guy who doesn't know the rules!

Salvaldo's stroll was interrupted, which made him unhappy.

But the voice from nature let him know that this is a friend of the World Tree, a star that is blazing enough...

"Perhaps the wisdom of the World Tree is always beyond the thinking of us mortals."

Savaldo shook his head slightly, judging from the breath coming from the mushroom dome, he was somewhat puzzled.

If the opponent is placed in the field of public enemies of nature, he will not feel much disharmony.

"Well, little ones, it looks like I'll have to go out."

"This is not a patient guest..."

Savaldo sighed, then picked up the long staff and disappeared in place...



Meanwhile, somewhere in the multiverse
"Head, there is a situation."

An existence shrouded in a steel mech rushed into the office in a hurry.

Responsible for the management of this area, he couldn't help but frowned upon seeing this.

"Have you conducted three audits?"

The other party couldn't argue, and directly opened his chest, and handed over the sacredly protected information to the other party.

The management was not in a hurry to take over the information immediately.

He knew that judging from the opponent's performance, something big must have happened.

But no matter what happens, the sacred code still cannot be relaxed.

Because what they have to face is a small group of top taboo characters who are the most dangerous in the multiverse.

"Holy machine soul, witness the purity."

"Great in praise, pure in judgment."

"Supreme order, declares purity."

Triple identification, triple protection...

In the cold light of the machine and the blazing light of the divinity, the manager just accepted the message from the other party.

And the next moment, his eyes couldn't help changing slightly.

"It's him?"

The management's heart sank.

In the realm of the triple shelter, those taboo information can emerge.

It's an image of a burning giant...

Originally, the other party had always been a potential dangerous person who was outside their monitoring range.

Because in the recent stage, the opponent has mainly used the more taboo area—the chaotic void as the main range of activities.

Therefore, in the appendix of the latest taboo list.

Although the opponent's taboo of extermination is judged to be high-risk due to the sacred order, the degree of attention of the opponent belongs to a very low position.

But I never thought that this person suddenly ran to his jurisdiction today.

And it still interacts with a "semi-supervised object".

What is he for?
Are there potential contraindication risks?

After managing for a while, I just feel that my head is huge.

But now is not the time to have these complex emotions.

"Concentrate unnecessary observations, concentrate your strength, and move to the periphery of the humic garden!"

The management didn't pursue it any further. This frizzy subordinate had neglected some issues in terms of procedures.

Because now, there are more urgent situations waiting for them to deal with.

Although this dangerous person is not a necessary target.

But this does not mean that this is such an orderly guy...

For this kind of existence that has great power but is completely unwilling to be restrained, to a certain extent, it makes them feel more headaches and troublesome than those necessary targets.

In the eyes of some newcomers to the organization, these dangerous elements who are outside the order are incomprehensible.

Even to the extreme, if the organization has the corresponding force, it can carry out relevant liquidation.

Of course, management is not such an extremist.

He has been with the organization for a long time and has had many successful dangerous contacts.

From the perspective of management, the so-called "sanctions" are just a necessary deterrent to some restless existence in the multiverse.

But as the only benchmark for implementing the organization's intentions, it often only leads to the opposite.

And with the concentration of personnel, it will soon be accompanied by the investment of many means.

The management quickly obtained a real-time picture simulated by a lot of data through the system sheltered by the holy machine soul.

This is a necessary procedure.

Except for necessary emergencies, it is never advisable to contact such taboo characters with the most intuitive senses.

And looking at the two beings with very different sizes, they completed the simulation screen of the meeting in the void.

The management suddenly felt a little terrified.

He somewhat had some surreal premonition:
This contact may bring unexpected troubles...

And the other side:
Yi Xia stared at the old figure in the distance with eyes filled with endless fire.

Accompanied by the crackling sound from Wu Huo, before Yi Xia could speak, the opposite party spoke directly:
"I can give you both the space-time spore and its mother plant, but before that, I want to ask you a question."

"What do you think of fungal life?"

Yi Xia heard the words, glanced at the other party, and then said directly:

"From the perspective of food, the soup is quite delicious."

Following Yi Xia's answer, the atmosphere suddenly froze.

Then, Salvaldo nodded:
"Those who like to drink mushroom soup will be good friends."

"Then please show a more gentle form - my garden is about to burn..."

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