The bright red mycelium floats over the mountain forest like a beautiful mist.

In the middle of the colorful tall bacteria forest, a simple wooden house stands in it.

A wisp of cooking smoke rises slowly, bringing a restless aura of burning vegetation.

And the hot soup in the pot is gurgling with colorful colors...

"I haven't boiled soup for a long time, I hope the skill has not alienated me because of it."

"When I don't have guests, I tend to just bake dry goods to munch on."

With some indescribably strange rhythm, Salvaldo slowly stirred the soup in the cauldron with kitchen utensils that seemed to be made of a type of mushroom stipe.

Yi Xia nodded upon hearing this.

At the moment, he is sitting on a natural sofa further away in normal human form.

Not so much a "sofa" or a seat.

Yi Xia prefers to call this guy: a fungal life that is not very lucky because of its shape and texture...

It tremblingly maintained its stability under Yi Xia's buttocks, but it didn't dare to exude too strong fear.

So much so that Yi Xia felt somewhat embarrassing for the other party.

But compared to those beings in the pot, this situation seems to be nothing.

Many consider druids to be strict vegetarians.

This is actually quite biased.

As far as Yi Xia knows, the druids are not all vegetarians.

Based on Yi Xia's superficial understanding of nature, he feels that the cycle of nature includes the interaction between hunting and being hunted.

Hunting for food is not against nature itself.

Of course, Yi Xia never struggled too much with this.

The druids have extended many factions for this reason, and there has never been an absolute "natural truth" until now.

From Yi Xia's point of view, this is also normal.

What kind of macroscopic field really exists, and there is a unique and branchless path, which is a rare situation in the multiverse.

While thinking, Yi Xia looked curiously at the furnishings in the house.

Originally, according to his original idea, he went directly to Salvaldo to buy it and then left.

However, after he had a brief chat with Salvador, Salvador's attitude suddenly became enthusiastic from the original vigilance and scrutiny.

He kindly invited Yi Xia to taste the mushroom soup he made.

Yi Xia thought for a while, sniffed some of the remaining aura on the other party, and agreed.

From the point of view of the first sense alone, Salvaldo does not seem to have a unique or even bad taste.

Yi Xia could smell a lot of delicious smells from him.

And Yi Xia was indeed quite curious about the arch druid's humus garden.

Therefore, Yi Xia didn't refuse too much.

Yi Xia doesn't always refuse to invite her to dinner...



The space of Savaldo's hut has obviously been expanded, and its interior is large enough and can even be said to be empty.

Although Salvaldo said that he lived alone.

But can an Archdruid be alone in his garden?

In Savaldo's hut, there are still many gadgets such as fungal life active.

Of course, now, because of Yi Xia's arrival, they all hid to the other side of the wooden house.

Although Yi Xia has many natural blessings such as friends of the world tree.

But compared to his own tyrannical aura of destruction and killing, it undoubtedly seemed too insignificant.

Yi Xia's current state has been restrained by related skills.

Otherwise, the area around Salvaldo's wooden house should be completely turned into a dead area.

Yi Xia's eyes flickering with blazing flames, passed over the wooden house full of strange shapes of furniture.

These furniture are also often composed of fungal life and some other natural creations.

Compared with those small things that can move flexibly, they can only face Yi Xia's gaze less calmly.

Fortunately, soon, a strange and gradually intensified fragrance made them escape Yi Xia's attention for the time being.

Salvaldo's soup seems to be overcooked.

Those colorful mushrooms are presented in another form in the boiling soup.

Unlike many fungi in the material world, after being cooked at high temperature, their original bright colors will gradually fade away.

In this simple cauldron made of unknown materials, they still retain their original form.

It is different from the turbidity of the Wu Tang brewed by Yi Xia in the end.

Under the stirring of Savaldo, the soup in the cauldron is getting better.

In the end, it shows a colorful and blurred color in a distinct form.

Every colorful bubble, every charming sinking...

This is the ultimate delicacy bred by a corrupt world...

"Unfortunately, there is still a taste..."

Savaldo sniffed lightly, then said regretfully.


Yi Xia glanced at it. In the material world, it may be regarded as a highly poisonous soup to a greater extent, but he thinks it is not bad.

In other fields, it is still difficult for Yi Xia to give any authoritative evaluation.

But in terms of eating, Yi Xia felt that he still had some experience.

Of course, these experiences of his obviously cannot be applied to such a wide group of people...

Facing Yi Xia's doubts, Salvaldo continued:

"A long time ago, I found a strange spore from the depths of an exotic underground jungle."

"Later, I combined it with some minor modifications."

"It's the tastiest fungus I've ever eaten."

"It's a pity that its wild nature is...a little strong—in order to prevent it from spilling out and causing unnecessary trouble."

"At the suggestion of the archdruids, I had no choice but to get rid of it."

Salvaldo said regretfully.

"Caution with uncontrollable elements is necessary."

Xia Wu, who had mastered several world-destruction skills in the extraordinary period, said quite pertinently.

Afterwards, the two began to enjoy the pot of delicious mushroom soup.

Countless dangerous and charming spores flow down the throat along the colorful soup.

An indescribable taste spread in the mouth.

That is the praise of countless spores, it is the chorus of hundreds of millions of spores!
Yi Xia squinted his eyes quite comfortably.

It can be regarded as a good exotic food...

Of course, it's not very suitable to take it back and share it.

Drink too much, I am afraid there will be some symptoms of "acclimatization".

And just like Yi Xia would show enough kindness to the existence that drank the witch soup.

After witnessing Yi Xia drank almost half of the pot of mushroom soup in one go, Savaldo's eyes became more gentle.

Speaking of which, he doesn't have many hobbies, and drinking mushroom soup is one of them.

And being willing and able to share the existence of his masterpiece in this respect will certainly gain his deepest friendship.

If you like to drink mushroom soup, what can you do?

Sure enough, World Tree's gaze is always far-sighted...

It was at this time that Savaldo asked Yi Xia casually why he wanted to get time-space spores.

"Those little things can't make soup, the taste will be a bit bad..."

Savaldo said quite seriously.

"No, I used it to make fish cages."

Yi Xia shook his head and said so.

"Fish cage?"

Savaldo looked at Yi Xia thoughtfully upon hearing this...

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