Chapter 1304 The Rotten Archdruid Is Also the Archdruid (Two Updates!)

"It sounds like it will be news that will make some guys jump."

Savaldo pondered for a while, then he probably thought of something, and suddenly smiled and said to Yi Xia.

"Some guys?"

While talking, Yi Xia took another sip of the mushroom soup.

The soup in this cauldron is not what it appears on the outside.

It automatically floated into the container in Yi Xia's hand without needing to be stored.

And accompanied by the decline of the soup in the pot.

When it reaches almost the bottom of the pot, it will return to almost overflowing at a very fast speed.

Yi Xia didn't know that some kind of rules had been solidified here.

In other words, it itself stems from the unique craftsmanship of the humus archdruid in front of him.

He feels pretty good about this unique soup.

"Those who claim to maintain the harmony of the multiverse..."

"To be honest, I don't like them that much, but I also recognize the sacrifice they made for this-part..."

Having said that, Salvaldo couldn't help emphasizing.

After discovering that Yi Xia didn't seem to know much about it, Salvaldo continued to explain:
"On the one hand, these people are fighting in the world that is facing the end due to various taboo concepts and natural disasters, and on the other hand, they need to pay attention to the 'unsafe' existence like you and me."

Compared with the not easy to deal with annotations in the comprehensive network related information.

At this moment, Salvaldo is an elder who has opened up the topic.

He told Yi Xia about his dealings with these organizations.

At first, Salvaldo also resented these groups trying to impose their order on him.

Until later, after experiencing a series of small frictions, Salvaldo also gradually understood the true situation of these groups.

A Rot Archdruid is also an Archdruid.

Except for those Druids who really face natural confrontations such as withering and decay, the Archdruids have never lacked a big heart of tolerance.

Of course, it's just that this kind of tolerance is often not necessarily displayed in a form that ordinary people can easily accept...

With the gradual understanding, Salvaldo's attitude has also become milder.

Although this kind of gentleness is still dangerous enough in the eyes of ordinary people.

But in contrast, compared to the beginning, Salvaldo has restrained himself a lot.

"I'm not against this notion of balance and restraint, but it's like spores falling into a dry desert."

"Its growth and spread often require sufficiently harsh conditions..."

Having said that, Salvaldo shook his head involuntarily.

Yi Xia understood what Salvaldo meant.

simply put:
Salvaldo feels that these organizations do not yet have the strength to satisfy the path they are practicing.

Although they must have the corresponding force and means.

Otherwise, such organizations cannot be established.

To practice such a concept in different complicated time and space undoubtedly requires a more magnificent force and even a concept to guarantee it.

In other words, Salvaldo believes that in most cases, it will only stay in the beliefs of these members.

"So, you have to be a little more lenient when dealing with these children."

To Yi Xia's surprise, Salvaldo actually spoke for those organizations at this time.

"Before this, I didn't hear about your deeds."

"But the spores told me: You are the incarnation of fire and blood..."

"I think you're more in the form of fire than I am in temper..."

"That's why I had to ask you to come in - I'm a little worried that you're in conflict with those children..."

Salvaldo, who was rated as "solitary" and "difficult to contact" in the relevant information on the comprehensive website, said to Yi Xia calmly enough.

Yi Xia couldn't help but put down the tableware when he heard that.

Of course he had thought about the reason why Salvaldo had kindly invited him before.

After Yazi eliminated the malicious elements, countless speculations about this emerged in Yi Xia's consciousness that was raging in the endless sea of ​​flames.

As for this aspect, it's just an inconspicuous spark among countless speculations...

This really surprised Yi Xia enough.

It can only be said that as the preface, the arch druid of corruption is also the arch druid...

As the spores turned into sweet juice in the stomach sac, the fire in Yi Xia's eyes gradually became brighter in the human form at this moment.

"Their evaluation of you does seem to be a bit remote - you are a kind enough elder..."

Then Yi Xia thought about it, and he looked at Salvaldo:

"I don't care so much about their verbal offense."

"But if they are the first to be tough, I will only respond with toughness."

"I will shelter my civilization - in the form of fire..."

Salvaldo was silent for a while, then nodded:
"As it should be."

He then stopped talking about those organizations.

Instead, he talked to Yi Xia about the maintenance of space-time spores.

"If you have a garden, it's best to put it in a clean enough area."

"They're a pack of followers."

"If there are more powerful big brothers next to them, they won't be so obedient in the pot you left for them."

"And then, when it's harvest time, you find them all messed up."

"Such space-time spores can no longer be used."

Salvaldo certainly has enough experience in this regard.

It is even said that in this regard, in the dimension of the multiverse, Salvaldo may also belong to the only one.

Because the space-time spores were created by him and perfected in many series.

The current space-time spores are far from the original version of the space-time spores that were first born.

"I have a garden, and I will remember to reserve a special place for them when the time comes."

Yi Xia nodded upon hearing this.

For advice in the professional field, he has always been modest enough.


When Savaldo heard this, he suddenly became interested.

He looked at Yi Xia curiously. It was probably hard to imagine that such a human star incarnation would mess with these things.

"Yes, it's not too big, and it's still a little immature."

"I just plant some fruit trees on it now."

Yi Xia saw that Salvaldo was curious, so he told him about the Xiyang land boundary.

After hearing this, Salvaldo immediately offered to get some spores with Yi Xiaduo.

He blew a silent whistle.

Immediately, a large group of small dots like fungal life rushed out of the house.

They proclaim Salvador's will to the world.

Countless fungal life is restless...

"Let me help you enrich your garden. A garden that is always idle is not beautiful."

Salvaldo stood up, surrounded by countless spores.

The corrupt garden welcomes its supreme monarch...

(End of this chapter)

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