Chapter 159 Battle Night! (Two updates!)
next day

Yi Xia, who had just woken up, drank the iced mint witch medicine that Yin Ling had brought in one gulp.

The cool breath made him feel very refreshed.

It rained heavily in Liucheng last night, and the temperature in the room was a bit low.

Even in the basement, Yi Xia could "smell" the moisture in the air.


Yi Xia pushed open the iron door, and came with a cool and dewy breeze.

Yi Xia was busy for a long time last night.

Even with the bonus of the witch's giant body, those magic materials are indeed too much.

Yi Xia discovered a benefit of weird magic cuisine:
It can greatly reduce the volume of magic ingredients, but it does not lose its original energy.

Even, with the blessing of extraordinary cooking skills and some ancient concepts, there are still many benefits.

Yi Xia naturally didn't need to mind the size of the magic food.

But his items backpack mind...

So far, Yi Xia's item backpack is the basic template.

Because his professional level has been stuck at level six, so it is not enough at present.

Yi Xia had searched in the trading center of multiverse comprehensive network players before, but did not find any trading items with relevant words.

Later, through the comprehensive network player exchange forum, I realized that this thing is not that simple.

Space items have never been so cheap.

For comprehensive network players, the item backpack is already a certain level of welfare for comprehensive network.

Its improvement can only be produced through limited and difficult comprehensive network-related limited challenge channels.

Then, Yi Xia was quite surprised to find the words "Battle Night" in it.

The top [-] participants in the battle night will be able to get the basic reward of item backpack increase.

Yi Xia felt quite moved.

Of course he didn't think that he, a sixth-level witch, could directly advance to the top few.

But if the contestants don't cover all integrated network players, the top [-] is a relatively promising number.

Then, Yi Xia discovered that she belonged to the group that was not covered.

On the night of the battle, only relevant elite integrated network players with a professional level of 10 or above will push event information...

However, there are also related rewards for followers' battles.

But its requirements will be raised to the top [-].

Yi Xia thought it might be a bit difficult.

Although the night of the battle is only for the comprehensive network players below the legend.

Moreover, according to the 10th, 15th and 19th levels, relevant competition areas are set up.

However, considering the infinite nature of the multiverse, Yi Xia felt that there might be a more outrageous existence than himself.

After all, he is just a sixth-level witch...

However, I can finally try my own pvp sequence ability.

Yi Xia once thought that in Dianzhou, there would be all the heroes in the world for a while.

But obviously, the extraordinary inheritance of this world's division made his plan aborted.

Now, I finally have a chance.

Yi Xia doesn't admit how aggressive she is.

It was as if he had never felt how uncomfortable the current situation of brocade clothes walking at night made him feel.

It's just that a hammer that has never hammered a nail is always incomplete.

Yi Xia also wanted to know his current position in the food chain at the relevant stage of comprehensive online players.

What's more, the tickets were bought for nothing.

It's a pity that I didn't see any event information such as the Flour Contest.

Yi Xia once wondered if he was blacklisted by some organization without his knowledge.

But considering the fairness of the comprehensive network, Yi Xia felt that this possibility was unlikely.

It is estimated that there are not many related activities at the apprentice level?

And with his current professional level, the daily dungeons refreshed every day are extremely limited.

Among the huge, possibly infinite related dungeons in a certain sense, the probability of spawning a dungeon that meets Yi Xia's needs is too low.

After the attributes and skills are almost practiced, Yi Xia is going to gradually raise the level of witches to level 10.

By then, more event information should be available...



Yi Xia, who drank two bowls of bean curd at the breakfast stand and listened to the boss complaining about her son's addiction to games, leisurely returned to the basement.

It may be the reason why they are constantly absorbing the power of fire these days.

Today's suburb of Liucheng looks quite peaceful.

Yi Xia was surprised to find that there was not much power of fire for him to absorb.

This is naturally a good thing.

Yi Xia is not short of this power of fire.

However, the power of the plague, based on the mobility of the population, still produced a little bit steadily.

But compared to before, it has been greatly improved.

From a scientific point of view, it is difficult to define what the power of the plague is.

Because in many cases, bacteria and viruses are a very important part of the cycle of nature.

And things like vaccines also require the participation of viruses.

But absorbing the power of the plague will not affect the effects of vaccines and the like.

It is like some idealistic concept that exists objectively but does not actually exist.

Just like absorbing the power of fire, on the surface, it will not produce any changes to the physical environment.

But the growth of the flame will be contained for some reason.

There are countless existences with evil power in ancient times.

But Fei was the only one called the god of calamity in ancient times, and it was not for nothing.

In Yi Xia's view, it was some kind of ceiling below the top of the ancient calamities.


Yi Xia slowly opened his eyes, and in the world that mortals couldn't see directly, the dark green and vicious plague breath whizzed into his nostrils.

This is also a manifestation of protection.

At least, on the relevant panel of Wu Ji, there is an increase in the data of relevant professional experience and relevant behavior:
"Comprehensive network reminder: You have completed a professional behavior, and based on your relevant skills, you have been rewarded with 45 professional experience points."

Afterwards, Yi Xia took out the windbreaker with his signature from the stuffed backpack.

Of course he wouldn't wear it, Yi Xia just held it in his hand.

Then, try to use consciousness to activate the relevant activity link options about the windbreaker introduction on Zongwang.

As Yi Xia's consciousness fluctuated, in the next instant, a new reminder message appeared on his retina:

"Entering the event scene: Fight Night?"

"It is detected that the player has the relevant limited items, and can enter the event scene for free: Battle Night-Follower Area."

Yi Xia glanced around the electrical appliances in the basement to see if any of them were turned off.

Then, after confirming that everything was processed, I chose to enter.

In the next instant, his vision gradually became blurred.

The dark basement gradually recedes.

Afterwards, Yi Xia heard voices that were noisier than the vegetable market...

He opened his eyes slowly.

In the starry sky, there was a man with blond hair holding a sword, standing in the light.

And underneath, there is a sea of ​​people surging like a wave.

Human calls, beast-like roars and elemental echoes are intertwined in this vast sea of ​​stars.

Yi Xia was in the middle of the wave, barely visible, almost like gravel...

(End of this chapter)

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