The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 160 Even a kitten cannot refuse the call of the flame

Chapter 160 Even a kitten can't refuse the call of the flame (a new update!)

"Comprehensive Network Reminder: You have entered the battle night-follower area scene."

"Reminder in the integrated network area: You can use your consciousness to link the void projection above your head to obtain a more immersive observation experience. But please note: if the relevant basic attributes are not met, you cannot switch to the player's own perspective."

"Tips for beginners on the comprehensive network: Please note that the battle night scene deviates from the timeline of the main plane, and the current timeline deviation degree is: 1:1.3"

"Integrated network scene reminder: This scene temporarily prohibits related spell sequences with nine rings and above, and at the same time restricts the use of spells and bloodline abilities."

"Fight Night:
Type: Medium-sized cross-plane comprehensive network player activity
Event end time: 30 natural days
Event-related rewards: battle night points, comprehensive network-related rare event rewards, etc.
Today's schedule: Battle Night - Audition Points Tournament / Battle Night - Guard Followers

Tomorrow's schedule: Combat Occupation-Top 32 / Combat Occupation-Followers Carnival


"Activity scene reminder: Every comprehensive network player who participates in watching the battle night has a seat with a limited comprehensive network real name. Without the permission of the relevant player, each comprehensive network player's seat is deemed to exist independently in the event Scene (not affected by space-type abilities)."

After looking at the reminder message refreshed on the retina, Yi Xia casually took out a large portion of super-standard and eccentric dishes from the item backpack.

Because there are too many fish, the flour seems a little scarce.

It is also quite troublesome to buy too much flour at once on the earth.

So, this quirky dish looks more like some kind of unwrapped schnitzel.

What made Yi Xia quite surprised was:
Even so, the quality of these eccentric dishes has not decreased much.

In a sense, this also belongs to the normal way of opening this kind of magic cuisine?


Yi Xia took a bite, and immediately there was a unique meaty fragrance in his mouth.

Yi Xia couldn't see the whole scene of the battle night.

Just looking around, there are densely packed intelligent life forms in different shapes.

According to Yi Xia's previous experience in burning goblins.

There are hundreds of thousands of people here who can say no.

Everyone has a suspended, individual seat, and there is a subtle distance between the seats that Yi Xia feels is quite subtle.

It is not difficult to guess that before this, there was an incident of "physics friendly communication" offline by some spectators.

And while Yi Xia was eating "giant hard-core popcorn", he was observing his surroundings.

The figure floating high above his head finally turned around, revealing a rather delicate face that belonged to a young human woman.

She holds a sword, her body is thin but not lacking in strength.

Next to the slender and compact thighs, hung two dagger-like weapons.

Under the uneven body, a quiet and swift force infiltrated it.

Fight Night Fest - Mini Waltz Fencing Champion - Abdunia - ... - Dormer ...

Relevant prompts immediately appeared on Yi Xia's retina.

In the next instant, frenzied screams surged like a tide.

According to the relevant guidelines given by Zongwang, Yi Xia turned off the surrounding sounds.

Suddenly, it all looks like some ridiculous, oversized cult scene.

Humans, orcs, elves, and even ogres and elemental life.

Yi Xia looked at the 9-point charm on her integrated network panel and fell into deep thought...

The charismatic extraordinary career has retired, it seems that there is another way to open it?

But isn't the one on top the fencing champion?
And the profession of swordsmen is linked to charm?
Or in other words, she was born...

Of course, being able to reach such a level is obviously not something that can be achieved simply by having high charisma.

And soon, the superstar of the battle night withdrew with a sword dance that was pleasing to the eye, but not lacking in awe-inspiring killing intent.

A new, sturdy bear-like intelligent life appeared.

Yi Xia could see that many people around looked away.

There are also some existences that cast more fanatical gazes.

As for why he looked away?
I have seen too many intelligent life forms in this form, and his recipe is missing a category of meat quality...



"Wow! It's huge!"

The kitten Mili Yali-Xin Miao listened to the side, and a halfling teammate exclaimed.

In the joint illusion presented in front of their eyes, a giant bear-like intelligent life is showing its unparalleled power.

The kitten took a look and shook his ears noncommittally.

Then, the restless tail was caught by the female mage behind him.

Afterwards, the two scuffled into a ball.

The blade shield-Mike Kerry next to him ignored it.

After the collective resolution of the guild, this event is the last guild event before the establishment of the guild.

After that, it is necessary to prepare to tighten the belt and establish the guild first.

Well, that was probably the plan last time...

And with the passage of time, the images of the elite contestants one after another battle night appeared in the void projection above.

This is the treatment that can only be received by certain top-ranked comprehensive network players in the comprehensive network.

More contestants can only be inquired through the registration and publicity information of the battle night.

When the invisible clock gradually reaches a certain time point.

Many projections above the void gradually dimmed.

In the boundless and vast sea of ​​stars, a huge sphere appeared in the void.

It has the shape of an ellipse as a whole.

Only when the audience concentrates their consciousness on it can they clearly perceive its vastness and vastness.

And as time goes by, mountains and rivers continue to rise and fall.

In the changing wind and rain, the river seems to take shape.

There was a continuous green shade, and then withered and withered.

After a while, a small planet with a complete ecosystem was formed.

Of course, this planet does not exist in the physical world.

It is obviously too extravagant for the creation of the void to be used for a competition among players on the comprehensive network.

"Comprehensive Network Reminder: Battle Night - Audition has officially started!"

"Comprehensive network reminder: Those who win the audition and have the relevant limited marks can start the guardian follower activity after resetting their current status."

"Please note: Only those who win this audition will have to wait until the next battle night event to meet the follower series event requirements."

Kitty Mili Yali-Xin Miao and other teammates hurriedly sat down.

For them, watching the audition competition is much more exciting than the later elite competition.

As for the combat skill content?Spell usage tips?

The effect of watching the battle is full!
And watching and watching, a certain kitten watched a dozen people playing "peek-a-boo" in a dense jungle.

Immediately, he quickly tightened his paws:

"Set it on fire!"

The Druid teammate next to him heard the words and glanced at the kitty man, and then exchanged glances with the female mage next to him:
"It's over, the cat cub has been taken away!"

As their eyes met, the two expressed the same meaning...

(End of this chapter)

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