Chapter 202 Dragon Warriors Are Full of Confidence (One more update!)

Unknowingly, the sea water became cloudy.

Even the murlocs seem to have difficulty adapting to such an environment.

Strange Tooth-Yazd-Essen slowly cut through the turbid seawater with his webbed palm full of fine scales.

The surrounding visibility becomes very low.

This is not normal.

It's just that the water quality in the water area has gotten worse.

Compared with the lightless environment in the deep sea, it is nothing at all.

The battle between the sea beast and that monster is still going on.

Huge sound waves, some suddenly far and near.

Strange Tooth-Yazd-Essen turned his head, wanting to see his subordinates.

However, it sees nothing...

A red line symbolizing sickness and fever gradually began to spread in the eyes of Weird Tooth-Yazd-Essen.

Its strong body seems no longer so tough.

Invisibly, it seems that something is swallowing everything silently...

Where are my soldiers?
Weird Yazd Essen, who has the duty of supervising the battle, thought a little confused.

It gradually felt a trace of weakness welling up in its heart.

As if they had been fighting continuously for a long time, a sense of heaviness gradually spread from the eyelids.

The weapon in his hand, which has been tinkered with for many years and is quite handy, seems to be somewhat difficult to hold at this moment.

Weird Tooth-Yazd-Essen stopped slowly.

Unknowingly, its eyelids are already half closed...

it's so tiring...

The body that has lost power responds to the call of the deep sea.

Finally, through the turbidity.

In the deeper, clear waters, the vision of Weird Tooth-Yazd-Essen barely became wider.

Thus, it can see:

The corpses of countless densely packed murlocs are constantly falling.

The quiet death came as expected.

Weird Tooth-Yazd-Essen suddenly opened his eyes wide.

It wants to scream for warning.

But at some point, its body completely lost consciousness.

Even with all his strength, he only made some hoarse and low meaningless noises in the water.

In the end, this bit of noise was completely annihilated in the icy sea water.

They fell into the lightless depths.

That's their hometown...




The seemingly powerful red dragon was dealing with a sea beast.

For humans, the red dragon is a colossal monster.

In front of sea beasts, it's not enough to see.

But dragon warriors who have already entered a certain state of fanaticism don't care about these.

This sea beast, after hovering in the air for a long time, finally found a target that could barely be taken down.

A sea beast has been entangled for a long time.

The dragon warrior is proud, so he won't give up easily.

And the sea beasts who are the family of the sea god will not choose to escape.

Finally, seize a chance.

The red dragon nimbly avoided the sea beast's bite.

Some kind of magical aura suddenly appeared from its body.

In the next instant, time seemed to speed up.

A huge and powerful dragon's breath spewed out from the red dragon's mouth.

In a blink of an eye, it surged down through the open mouth of the sea beast!


Before the sea beast had time to close its mouth, it was caught off guard by the dragon's breath.

The relatively fragile internal organs are completely unstoppable in the face of the berserk dragon's breath.

With a mournful howl, the sea beast struggled and fell down.

After a while, there was no movement at all.

The exhausted Red Dragon stared excitedly at the prompt in front of him.

This wave, my show!

The red dragon breathed out a breath symbolizing victory hoarsely.

Its red dragon transformation is naturally incomplete.

In fact, it devoted most of its resources to the enhancement of Dragon's Breath.

Otherwise, it wouldn't last that long.

The red dragon looked around excitedly.

It was a little immersed in the extreme operation it had just done.

This is different from the vast majority of its fights before it.

More often, it is the one that crushes the opponent with its size and dragon breath...


It is the enemy to avoid!
Then, something seemed wrong.

It's a bit too quiet around.

The huge fighting sound that had been like a shot in the arm and a tranquilizer had disappeared at some point.

Everything fell into a kind of unsettling dead stillness.

The red dragon turned his head slowly.

Then, on the other side, the giant who was squatting among the clouds and watching for a long time...

Red Dragon:……

It is suspicious.

If it wasn't for the inconvenient size, the other party would even want to drink some witchcraft or something...

At this time, this sea area has completely turned into a turbid area.

The cold breath of death lingers in it.

Looking at the empty sea below, the red dragon fell into deep thought.

It's time to return to human form.

Then the question comes:

He should stop there...

At this moment, the Red Dragon noticed the dense battle-related information on the retina.

Relevant exception saving throws and poison damage take the main component.

These sea beasts have actually mastered the power of the plague?
Its toxin effect, although a single damage is quite average.

But after accumulating for such a long time, it actually reduced its life value by nearly half.

The red dragon was lost in thought.

After waiting for a while, a new battlefield notification was refreshed in the field of vision of all integrated network players who were still in the battlefield:
"Comprehensive Network Reminder: The special event of the sea beast attack has been completed, and comprehensive network players who participated in the battle can choose to obtain the event rewards of accumulated battlefield evaluation or huge battlefield faction contribution value."

Next, it is estimated that there is still a little leftovers.

But the dragon warriors disdain this.

He is a powerful fighter who completed a single kill of a sea beast.

No need, go back and snatch the murlocs from those other online players.

This time, I can exchange more advanced materials...

I just don't know, what can that guy change?
The red dragon looked at Yi Xia over there.

However, Yi Xia was not interested in battlefield contribution.

"These things don't look like they're edible..."

The dragon vein warrior sensed the body of the sea beast that he barely stuffed into the item backpack.

He didn't quite understand what method Yi Xia used to make those dead sea beasts disappear out of thin air.

It can't be an item backpack...

How big is that item backpack.

Even dragon warriors feel that is not very realistic.

You must know that even many senior integrated network players with senior qualifications cannot have such an exaggerated item backpack.

Perhaps, it was a sacrifice or something?
However, looking at Yi Xia, there was not a single sea beast corpse left.

The Dragon Vessel Warrior murmured in his heart.

No, you can't eat this thing...

The other party didn't look like a too particular foodie.

Could it be that the power of the plague has infiltrated their flesh and blood?
However, Yi Xia's answer made the dragon warrior fall into deep thought:
"It needs to be dealt with roughly, otherwise... maybe the taste will be a little strange?"

The dragon warrior thought about it, and felt that the problem was not big.

In terms of poison resistance and immunity, he has always been confident.

Since Yi Xia thinks he can eat it, it shouldn't be a big problem for him...

The dragon warrior is full of confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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