Chapter 203 Battlefield Settlement (Two Updates!)

"Comprehensive network reminder: Do you want to settle the battlefield? Please note that after the battlefield is settled, players will no longer be able to return to this battlefield."

Yi Xia directly confirmed it with his consciousness.

At this time, he had bid farewell to the dragon warrior.

Although the opponent is a dragon warrior with red dragon blood.

But it seems that there is no too strong chaotic evil tendency.

In a sense, it is quite rare.

But Yi Xia suspects that this may be related to his version number.

It is not an easy thing to go against the main body tendency of the blood.

The blood power of the extraordinary world often corresponds to a certain aspect of will.

It does not have complicated details, but has a subtle main color.

Succubus paladins are known across the multiverse for a reason.

Not because they are powerful.

It was this kind of event that broke through the limitations of the bloodline itself, and even completely rebelled against it.

Even in the multiverse, it is dazzling and eye-catching enough.

Of course, the dragon vein warrior has not yet reached this level.

Perhaps, he just poured all the greed of the red dragon into food?

Generally speaking, he is also a comprehensive online player who can deal with others.

After all, it is possible to drink witchcraft.

Moreover, he warmly invited Yi Xia.

After his bloodline is successful, participate in his bloodline awakening feast.

This is a necessary sacred moment in a certain part of Dragon Warrior:
For this reason, some dragon warriors have successfully awakened their bloodlines.

Years of wealth will be amassed for a grand and extravagant feast.

Of course, there are also dragon warriors who regard it as a complete heresy.

They believed that these dragon warriors were corrupted by some external factors.

This kind of useless waste is the corruption of dragon warriors.

Although, they are just stacking wealth in item backpacks for the joy of some kind of dragon patrolling the lair treasures...

These were naturally searched by Yi Xia after receiving the invitation.

And with the confirmation of Yi Xia's consciousness.

In the next instant, a new reminder message appeared on his retina:

"Comprehensive Network Reminder: Your basic evaluation is: Legend (participation in high-difficulty events is guaranteed), and the calculation of cumulative rewards for difficult events is in progress..."

"The calculation is successful, you have completed the 'Overthrow' in the high-difficulty event of the battlefield, the limited affix of the battlefield treasure chest +1, and the basic income has increased!"

"...The battlefield is successfully settled, and your basic income in this battlefield is:
1.14687, 641 points of general experience
2.97, 400 integrated network disaster coins

3.3 skill points (additional rewards for high-difficulty events)


"Comprehensive network reminder: You have obtained the legendary sea beast overturning the giant treasure chest."

Looking at the huge amount of common experience numbers that appeared in front of him, Yi Xia's heart didn't fluctuate much at the moment.

There has been Yi Xia who consumed 1 million general experience and almost consumed it.

I almost know that the upper limit of my demand for general experience-that may be an astronomical figure...

Yi Xia was a little hard to imagine.

How did the ancient chaotic lineage witches who didn't have general experience as a lubricant get through the extremely lengthy growth period.

Perhaps, this is also the reason why the shamans who were directly related to Chaos did not leave too many records?
Yi Xia is very suspicious, with the end of the barbaric era.

Even with the new blood of Chaos Order, it may be difficult to get through...infancy?

Yi Xia shook his head.

It seems to understand some of the objective reasons why Wu has withdrawn from the scene of the era.

In this regard, Yi Xia is quite determined.

He is all related resources obtained from other planes...

Can it be regarded as open source on the other hand?
Afterwards, Yi Xia restrained his thoughts and chose to withdraw from the battlefield.

And in a certain area of ​​the sea, a wanderer is trying to paddle...



It was already noon when we returned to Earth.

Although in the dark basement, it is impossible to see the outside world clearly.

But the wall made of cement obviously couldn't stop Yi Xia's gaze.

Yesterday, the weather was quite cold.

Today, it is much warmer.

However, the changes are not too great.

Ceremony: The effect of offering sacrifices to the Nine Tripods is subtly infiltrating this land.

The change in the weather is just one of the manifestations.

For young and strong people, this change is actually innocuous.

Perhaps in the cold winter or midsummer, it can provide some soothing space.

Those who are more sensitive to this are those who are old and frail.

The cold winter is especially difficult for them.


After a fierce battle, Yi Xia, who was a little dry, took out a peppermint witch medicine from the item backpack.

Immediately drank it down.

Chilling has not had much effect.

Yi Xia didn't ask Yin Ling to take it specially.

Afterwards, Yi Xia sat cross-legged in the living room.

He is sorting out his current state and future development.

The concept of gods resurfaced again, which made Yi Xia feel a little bit of a sense of crisis.

At the beginning, Yi Xia also thought of concepts such as foreign invasion.

But at that time, there was nothing he could do about it.

Moreover, there are somewhat unrealistic expectations for the extraordinary inheritance of this land.

It is probably: the sky is falling, and naturally there will be a tall man to top it.

And now it seems...

He became that "tall guy"...

Yi Xia didn't feel much about this.

It's just a subtle sense of déjà vu like the passing of time.

Yi Xia felt that he needed to sort out the next development path in order to improve more efficiently.

First of all, it is the aspect of level improvement.

As far as before, although it has gone through some excessive stages.

But the general idea of ​​compression levels is fine.

This also allowed Yi Xia to gain a huge amount of general experience.

Next, it is almost possible to gradually push the level to the second card level that was planned before - level 10.

As for the power system.

After all aspects of previous accumulation.

The improvement of most of the power of the protoss can already be carried out step by step and steadily.

Among them, the roe owl and fei are the main cores of Yi Xia's current protoss power.

In terms of career path, blood is inseparable.

The professional system of witches is extremely complicated.

And the path Yi Xia currently chooses from is the war witch path with close hand-to-hand combat and bloodline supernatural powers as the main means of combat.

Among them, witchcraft, Gu insects, etc. are used as auxiliary means, and complement other aspects besides the frontal battlefield.

For example: tracking the enemy, exorcising illness and releasing misfortune, etc.

As for the sacrifice?

That is the core essence that no wizard of any path can do without.

So, generally speaking, the next major resources will continue to be invested in bloodlines.

In addition to keeping some necessary reserves for skills, they are used to improve the comprehensive ability of melee combat.

Although it may not have the immediate effect of those spell-like abilities.

But for every percentage point of increase in combat power in the witch body form, it is an extremely impressive number.

As for witchcraft...

Yi Xia thought about it, and it seemed that he hadn't trained in witchcraft for a while.

He felt that in the spare time, he needed to learn more about witchcraft.

Don't be addicted to brushing Zongwang player forums...

Yi Xia glanced at it, and found that he had already surpassed the three-digit high-quality collection of comprehensive web forums.

He felt that there might be some time trap or something in it.

By the way, there are also witchcraft...

Yi Xia suddenly remembered something.

He opened his integrated network panel.

Then, looking at a certain witch medicine emitting purple light under the epic, he fell into deep thought.

When did this happen?
On the other side, after exchanging the spoils, the dragon warriors are preparing to cook a feast of sea beasts...

(End of this chapter)

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