Chapter 243 The Cause of Death of the Ancient Spirit (Two Updates!)

fairy village
Yi Xia looked at the hut stretched by magic.

Its material is a bit strange.

Yi Xia inexplicably felt that it looked like a compacted honeycomb?

It seems that you can taste the wonderful sweetness just by licking it.

If it's normal sugar, it should look a bit greasy.

At this moment, Yi Xia doesn't feel tired.

Instead, I felt a certain strong, but not offensive fragrance.

Not very polite to say:

Everything here can be used as ingredients, and the quality is not bad.

While thinking about it, Yi Xia was under Mimi Falei's tearful gaze.

He swallowed a large piece of pumpkin pie casually.

At this moment, compared to the taste of the food itself.

Occasionally bullying the goblin is also a source of happiness for leading the wicked.

"A goblin will not reject a friend, but I still want to condemn you for your evil deed of devouring souls... hiccup..."

On the other side of the dining table, a certain goblin guard who had been trying to keep up with Yi Xia's eating rhythm said so.

Yi Xia picked up a large piece of meatloaf noncommittally, then motioned to the other party, and ate it directly.

It is worth mentioning that a large part of goblins eat meat.

Or rather, omnivores.

It may be because of the same reason for growing wings.

Some goblins will pull birds off the food list.

However, insects are not included in this list...

Mimi Farley, who is more halfling, naturally has a wider choice of food.

Fairy Guard: ...

Then he picked up a piece of meatloaf as if he was dead.

As a result, she was stopped by Mimi Farley next to her and dragged out.

Seeing the huge difference in the two people's life levels and their misplaced postures, Sima Ram, who was sitting at the other corner of the dining table, fell into deep thought.

If you die now, will you be kicked out of the fairy village?

"Yi, are you going to hunt ancient spirits?"

After thinking about it, Seema Ram still didn't commit suicide.

Several of his teammates have gone outside to run branch lines.

As the saltiest one in the team, he was sent over as the team's "public relations ambassador".

After some conversation, Seema Ram found that Yi Xia was more friendly than expected.

Of course, the premise of all this is to turn off a certain observation equipment that has been alarming.

Judging from what we saw before Sima Ram closed.

The number of identified and expected kills of the opponent has soared to 4000...

How can you rest assured that I, a retired observer, will come into contact with this kind of guy!
Seema Ram felt panicked.

Compared with the ignorant or stubborn goblins around him, he should be the most sober existence at this moment.

Just because a big cat plays with you doesn't mean it's just a big cat.

Sima Ram felt that it was necessary to find out the problem points and give a strategy.

He's always been good at it—he's a great at finding weak spots on enemy ships when he's on a ship.

Now that I'm retired, I'm just extending this specialty to other areas.

Yi Xia gulped down a glass of juice, then nodded:

"Do you have information?"

Seema Ram shook her head.

His team does not use this as a key point.

What's more, who has nothing to do to provoke those troublesome existences.

"However, I know a guy who should know, he's been addicted to it lately."

"He should have a common language with you - it's all research, the living and the dead are the same?"

"It's just that he hasn't been out for a long time. It seems that he is going to track down some direct descendant of the ancient Thor."

"I guess he won't be back anytime soon"

Seema Ram said uncertainly.

And at this moment, a certain goblin elder who had been silent since he sat down at the table put down the spoon in his hand.

It wiped its mouth, then slowly looked at Yi Xia.

On the old face, in the bright yellow eyes that look like topaz, there is a little thoughtful expression:
"They provoked you, or their treasures attracted you, Mimi-Farey's friend."

Yi Xia looked at the elder goblin who spoke out.


"I'm just a little hungry..."

Yi Xia tore off a piece of bread-like pastry, and dipped it in some sour sauce.

While eating, he said.

Elder Fairy nodded:
"I understand."

"The ancient spirits continue the old myths, and their existence affects the Fairy Plain to a certain extent."

"Killing them too much will attract those greedy pretenders."

The Elder Fairy stared at Yi Xia, there was no repressed fear or panic in his eyes.

Instead, there was an air of tranquility.


"Yes, the lower plane has never given up trying to erode the Fairy Plain."

"To kill is to sacrifice to a dark and evil abyss—and you will inevitably fall into it."

Elder Goblin explained.

Seema Ram, who was next to him, was listening with his rice bowl in his hand, but didn't make a sound.

But the heart is spinning rapidly.


The advanced advanced difficulty mode corresponding to this weekly free copy is limited to the challenge area?
As far as comprehensive online players are concerned, they have never taken too much into account.

Fall into the abyss?

There is such a good thing.jpg
"Is there anything similar to the ancient species there?"

Yi Xia thought for a while, then asked.

"The abyss is an extremely bad and harsh place, where there are even more dangerous and extremely large numbers of evil beings."

The elder fairy's words made Yi Xia's eyes sparkle.

"But they are inedible, and even their souls have become part of the abyss. If you devour them, it is equivalent to devouring the abyss..."

But afterwards, the words of the Elder Fairy calmed down the fire in Yi Xia's eyes.

"Looking at it that way, it's a really bad place."

Yi Xia agreed.

Then the elder goblin raised his head and looked to the northwest:

"Under the huge leaves that cover the sky, there is the heir of the ancient bear king Liberduffy, who is the king of the earth and feeds on brown bears and hog badgers."

"You can find it by following the fibrous clouds."

"It can be killed..."

"Other than that, you need to control it yourself."

Said the Elder Fairy.

Yi Xia nodded.

Seema Ram next to him couldn't hold back anymore:

"Elder, why do you say it can be killed?"

"Is it because it took refuge in the lower plane, or is it evil in nature?"

He felt that there might be some kind of hidden side missions or ancient secrets in it.

"Do not."

Elder Fairy took a sip of pumpkin soup tea with sauce.

Then, looking at Sima Ram, he said slowly:

"It ate too much, so that the order over there broke down a bit..."

Seema Ram was stunned when he heard the words, and he already had the title of today's Water Multiverse Comprehensive Network Player Exchange Forum in his mind.

It's called "Zhou Fang-The Fairy's Secret Treasure Quick Report: The secret reason why the ancient elves were hunted and killed by the goblin's precision turned out to be like this..."

It's not a profession, it's just a little hobby of his.

"Then it would be a good prey..."

Yi Xia nodded, and then ate another piece of meatloaf.

And a halfling halfling of elf halfling looked at the empty food warehouse and stood there blankly.

Rainstorm warning!

(End of this chapter)

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