The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 244 There is a strange roar on the ground, do you choose to go to...

Chapter 244 There is a strange roar on the ground, do you choose to go... (one update!)

"Comprehensive network reminder: You have reached an ancient fetter with a goblin (mixed blood), you have gained initial friendly reputation in the relevant goblin camp (good, neutral camp), and you can freely enter and leave the goblin plain (transmission permission is unlocked)."

"Please note: When you take the initiative to attack a fairy that is still in a friendly state, you may lose the friendly reputation effect of the fetter."

"ps: Goblins will record every attempt to harm and slander their existence... What? This counts? -Magical creature researcher-talkative Ronat (weak divine power lock)-Farujabo-Rona special"

High in the sky, Yi Xia glanced at the latest integrated network notification.

Bullying little ones like goblins always makes people happy.

But once the other party falls into a storm and cries.

Even the witches directly related to Chaos will be difficult to disperse for a while.

Fortunately, as Yi Xia, who also has a deep love for food and storage.

A solution quickly came to mind:
In order to report on the gourmet food and the goblin's information on ancient spirits, he gave the other party a small fan of meat from an ancient species of turtle.

He tried it when he was shabu-shabu before.

Its taste is slightly inferior to that of golden fish, and it is more suitable for stewing soup.

Thus, the rainstorm stopped abruptly.

By the way, the goblins in the whole village are busy.

The so-called small fan is for Yi Xia's witch body form.

As far as the size of the goblin is concerned, it is enough for a village of them to store meat for several years, or even longer.

They need to deal with it as quickly as possible.

Because of this, Yi Xia gained the friendship of the goblin as a matter of course.

This kind of spirit monster born of magic is different from ordinary things.

Their words, and even friendship, will bring unpredictable magical effects.

Yi Xia didn't feel much about it.

As soon as he saw this prompt message, he thought of a half-breed goblin whose face was distorted in distress.

Witches are not always tyrannical when dealing with alien beings—especially when they are full...

Yi Xia felt that in this regard, he could already become a "peace envoy" among the same clan.

There are not many clouds in the Fairy Plain.

Yi Xia flew for a long time, only to encounter two or three thin clouds.

With the mentality that riding a bicycle must pass through small puddles, Yi Xia didn't miss it.

I have to say, there is a sense of sight of cotton candy?

The wind howling high in the sky brings the fragrance of the grass below.

At this moment, under the light of the stars that still had a small half of the bright area left, the emerald green grass stretched all the way to the end of Yi Xia.

There are creatures like horned deer moving underground in groups.

Among them are all white alien species.

Yi Xia looked at the sky for a long time.

In the end, it didn't fall down and picked up one.

To him, there is no difference in the taste of ordinary flesh and blood.

Only a life with strong power can bring enough tough chewing and elastic feedback.

Finally, after flying in the direction directed by Elder Goblin for more than half an hour.

Yi Xia discovered what the other party called "fibrous clouds":
In the clear sky, only the bright corner of the star is left, releasing a soft golden light.

It passes through those thick, textured clouds, rendering them a transparent but layered golden yellow.

And under them, there are countless unknown plants full of flocculents.

They are about as tall as several goblins, their whole bodies are light green in color, and they bear a large number of flocculent fruits.

Yi Xia could see that there were many taller beings that were similar to rabbits eating those fruits.

During the shaking, those flocculent substances flew with the wind.

Some of them stuck to the eater, while others floated high into the air.

Condensed with water vapor, formed some kind of wonderful magical reaction, and formed a fibrous cloud layer.

Yi Xia bumped into it.

Suddenly, it felt like hitting the cotton pile.

Adhering to the provisional principle of "everything in the Fairy Plain is edible", Yi Xia took a tentative bite.

The next moment, he spit it out.

The taste is not bad, but the texture is too rough.

Yi Xia felt like she had eaten a mouthful of sweet sand.

So he got out of the clouds rather disgustedly, and flew straight forward quickly.

Not long after, Yi Xia sensed the unique aura that belonged to the ancient limited life.

His body swelled suddenly.

Then, tear away the clouds underneath.

The fiery eyes, like the stars, scanned the earth below.

In just a moment, Yi Xia saw the huge bear sleeping soundly in the pile of flocculent plants despite the long distance and the obstacles of countless plants.

Without any explanation, Yi Xia took out the Wu Banner and roared down!

In an instant, after a huge sound of breaking through the air, the fibrous golden clouds were roughly pushed to the rear.

From a distance, it looks like a bright tail flame.

As if sensing danger, the huge bear suddenly opened its eyes.

It appears to have been injured, with a large cut over the left eye.

Some kind of vicious power is still raging here.

Until today, it has not dispersed.


Yi Xia's body, much taller than ordinary mountains, fell from the sky.

The terrifying power like Mount Tai pressing down on the top made this giant bear with the power of the ancient limited bloodline enter the fighting state in an instant.

The huge roar dispelled the surrounding tranquility.

Wrapped in Yi Xia's majesty surrounded by scarlet light, the surrounding creatures fled in horror.

For a moment, the ground was filled with the sound of galloping.

The giant bear opened its giant claws and did not dodge.

Then he patted directly towards Yi Xia who was flying towards him!
The next moment:


A huge roar sounded!

The flocculent plants were blown away by the violent airflow, and under the compound action of restless magic particles, they actually started to burn!

In a trance, the invisible air wave was given a substantial form by the flame.

In an instant, like a wave of fire rising, it swept away!


At the center of the blast, the giant bear stood tremblingly on the fragmented ground.

Facing a giant that was several times its own size, it brazenly launched a counterattack!
In the area where it is difficult for ordinary things to gaze, the ground in this area quickly condenses a strong atmosphere of alien energy.

They passed through the mud and lingered in the body of the giant bear.

In the case of endowing it with greater strength.

The originally damaged body is also rapidly repairing.

The ancient blood with the elements of the earth is not afraid of any enemies above the ground.


The giant bear violently swung its huge bear claws, which were as sharp as blades and scraped against the witch banner.

Suddenly, the ear-piercing grinding sound sounded!

It used the bear's sharp claws and fangs to tell the giant in front of him:

It - the heir of the ancient bear king Liberduffy, is not the prey!
Yi Xia even felt slightly numb from the huge power transmitted from the Wu Banner, giving him the illusion that he couldn't grasp it.

In addition to being stunned, Yi Xia's eyes were filled with fire.

It's like the power stalemate along the fishing line after catching a big fish.

Enough to inspire the ancient nature of the hunter.

Elder Fairy is right, this is indeed a good prey!
Avoid its edge?

Yi Xia's waist turned.

Immediately, the witch banner roared down!

Wu's main battlefield is also on the ground, bear cub!
In the distance, Eye of Destiny - Tijie Kano fell into deep thought as he looked at the reminder message that appeared in front of him.

"Professional-limited reminder (Eye of Destiny): Apocalypse of fate/There is a strange roar on the earth, it makes you feel a certain throbbing, some invisible information enlightens you, you know there is a kind of something you want The treasure you need, do you choose to go to... (Epic dazzling exclusive gold)"

Epic tip?

Tijie Kano smiled slightly, and then decisively summoned the high-energy energy locomotive that was not used much.

Get in the car directly and turn on the automatic driving mode.

Direction: Turn your back to the direction of the prompt!

Speed: max!

Only fools get involved in such a difficult event!

And on the fate book in her arms, words that she still cannot know are quietly emerging:
"15765. The contemporary Eye of Destiny, Tijie Kano, rejects the revelation of fate, but she is immature and does not know that the revelation of fate has always been not a choice, but a notification... (The protection time of this fate: 3 hours) "

(End of this chapter)

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