Chapter 290 Dragon Meteor (One more update!)


When the wind and cloud converged in the land of Longmen, it was raining heavily in a mountain stream.

The gloomy sky seemed to be revealing something ominous.

When the woodcutter came back from chopping firewood, he saw the mountain stream below from a distance, and the water vapor was like a dragon.

I was shocked, but I didn't know why the king was angry again.

Bitter too...

The woodcutter, carrying firewood on his back, stood on the mountainside and shouted.

Although it must have nothing to do with a mortal like him.

But in this case, wanting to cross the mountain stream is just a dream.

This wilderness is not the place under the rule of Shui Jun.

Even if he lost the water area and became a water ghost, it would be difficult to investigate.

Only a few handfuls of loess came from the family members who mourned a few times.

The woodcutter was sighing.

Then, I saw a person walking out of the forest under the mountain.

She has short hair and no beard, but her eyes are burning with golden light.

"Why is my brother sighing here and there?"

The man saw the woodcutter and greeted him with a smile.

The woodcutter felt strange in his heart, but he dared not show it.

Just looking at it carefully, I feel that this person is a kind-faced person, not like the wilderness is evil.

On the contrary, it has a bit of a city god atmosphere of being in charge of the people.

This is the biggest god the woodcutter has ever seen...

There are no Taoist temples or temples in the surrounding area, and the villagers worship more land gods and the like.

So, my heart relaxed, and I talked about the domineering dragon in the mountain stream with a little sadness.

Although it is Taiping years.

But in many worlds, there are always dark and treacherous places.

Let's say that the dragon is entrenched in this dangerous place.

He does not hold on to his identity and often exploits passers-by.

Sometimes anger, even more harmful to others.

Just because it is a dragon vein, it didn't cause too much trouble and caused panic on one side.

Although it kills some poor passers-by from time to time, no one touches it for the time being.

When the visitor heard this, he smiled:
"But he's a meat eater, so he has to cut his liver and intestines and clean it well before serving with wine."

Afterwards, the woodcutter felt only darkness around him.

There was a humming wind in my ears, as if the sky was shaking.

Then a thin wind blew and pushed him aside.

At this time, the sky suddenly became clear.

Then the woodcutter saw:

Among the mountains, a giant stands upright.

Isn't that person with eyes like the sun the same as the passer-by who just talked to him?

The woodcutter was horrified and could not speak.

As a result, a thick fog gradually rose.

The giant giant lost its trace.

Vaguely, there seemed to be a change in the fog, but the woodcutter could hear nothing.

Until he seemed to lose his soul, he walked for a few miles along the official road towards his home.

Suddenly, the woodcutter was taken aback.

He saw a bright red color gradually rising in the stream below.

After that, it became more intense.

Not long after, the entire stream turned into a blood-red color...




The piercing thunder exploded in mid-air!
Countless aquariums focused on the carp in the sky.

Leaping over the Dragon Gate is no easy task.

Otherwise, it will not be cited as many times as reaching the sky in one step.

It is a cruel and direct baptism, without the slightest entanglement or room for maneuver.

It is also a gentle and sacred endowment, and it is the last shortcut for the thousands of waters to the aquarium.

Ordinary creatures do not have such good fortune.

Even if it is full of cruel good fortune...

Above the dragon gate, it was as if a thousand-thousand-weight water fell.

Haohao Tangtang was moved by the Quartet.

Glenda-Ashley looked at the bloody carp beneath the water.

Shaking his head secretly in his heart.

It's crazy...

How can there be such a breakthrough in the blood.

Even if you don't prepare many followers to guard outside.

It is the basic blood material, at least it should be ready.

If you don't have any of these, you have to find a relatively safe place...

The result is nothing.

Under the "environmental protection" of countless enemies of different minds and races, in the great river that gathers too many high-energy beings of various types and reveals chaotic energy.

Drenched with blood, he ran naked to the invisible door in the sky.

Crazy and transparent will...

Glenda Ashley added mentally.

If you don't have such a firm will, how can you face such pain.

She clearly saw that fish-like friendly foreign race.

Under the impact of a certain majestic force, the flesh and blood began to crack.

Either succeed and break through the limitations of the bloodline, or fail and be completely torn apart by the berserk force.

There is no third ending...

Glenda Ashley suddenly understood.

Why Yi Xia, there is no reason for them to choose the line of destruction.

Such a paranoid and pure soul is the destiny of this world.

They bumped into each other head-on, and I'm afraid the possibility of overturning the car was extremely high.

Although at present, the other party looks quite harmless...

Just when the scene was depressing and tense, suddenly a cloud of anger came from afar.

After a while, rain fell sadly.

The onlookers looked at each other.

The aquarium below was completely stunned.

I don't know if Jackie Chan can stop talking about this on his head.

Here, a real dragon was directly lost.

It seems that it is not directly related to Dragon Palace.

But even so, it was enough to make the Dragon King furious.

On the "observation platforms" on both sides of the water, people in different clothes whispered.

They are discussing:
It's been so many years, why is there still a stunned young man who insists on killing the dragon?

It is to press down the water eye.

But everything happens for a reason, and the old Dragon King wouldn't say much.

But such a reckless cut was a direct blow to Dragon Palace's face.

Although nowadays, the mountains and rivers have changed.

The mortal scene is no longer like the time when the gods and gods were fighting in the mortal world.

The spiritual energy is covered with dust, and it is rare for those who become immortals to attain the Tao.

The gods and the land are even worse.

But after all, he is the Dragon King, in charge of a water area.

No matter how it declines, it is an existence that is unattainable for all things.

Sure enough, the river was boiling for a while, like boiling soup.

Countless shrimp soldiers and crab generals took their own weapons and went with the water.

Don't care about the carp in the sky.

The original chilling intent was already extremely gloomy.

At this moment, it seemed even colder.

Things and things, anger and anger, have always been different.

Before, I could watch it with a bit of joking.


For a time, countless waters boiled.

From a bird's-eye view from a height, it seems that all the water systems are flowing upstream.

They are clamoring for the same origin:
There, one person stands like a mountain among the mountain streams.

Therefore, all mountains are like ant nests, and forests are like ribbons.

The clouds swept over his chest.

Many aquarium ants gathered around, but it was crowded.

Some aquariums have no choice but to climb to the mountainsides on both sides, and dare not go forward.

He just looked at the giant giant with cold hands and feet, maintaining the last dignity of one side of the water tribe.

Some aquariums with long lifespans and inherited enough clear blood memory were a little dazed for a while looking at the magnificent scene that seemed to be able to drink from the river and chase the sun with their feet.

It seems to have returned to the ancient times when the ancestors were muddled.

The old dragon king always seems to be able to attract some opponents across the ages...

(End of this chapter)

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