Chapter 291 Oriental Pedigree Traditional Performing Arts (Two Updates!)

Yi Xia looked down.

At this time, he was standing there holding a witch banner.

In the item backpack, there is a flood dragon that has been gutted and cleaned.

Yi Xia was merciless in killing such evil aliens.

Also carefully consider its background relationship?
Wu is not a Taoist, and he is not jealous of ghosts and gods.

If it was before, Yi Xia might have been more tactful.

Maybe, but also collected some evidence of the other party's evil.


He could clearly see the other party's evil aura in his eyes surrounded by fire.

Different worlds have different criteria for judging good and evil.

But for the extraordinary world of the Eastern pedigree, killing human beings has always been a sufficiently profound evil.

Especially for aliens.

Contaminated with such blood, it is difficult to wash off.

As for Yi Xia's "camp detection" based on the oriental genealogy, naturally nothing would go wrong.

Therefore, there will be no mercy.

However, the dragons in this world are much weaker than imagined.

Last time, that evil dragon struggled more violently.

Of course, times are different.

Yi Xia waved the banner, which caused countless riots among the aquariums in an instant.

All of a sudden, countless aquariums fled.

The scene was rather absurd and chaotic.

But if you really feel the situation of these aquariums at the moment.

It is also understandable:
The humanoid creature at the kilometer level is still the solid one.

It has already exceeded the conceptual limit they can currently touch.

In other words, let these aquariums have clearer ancient memories than the life on the earth.

Remembered the terrible and wild ancient times.


Among the countless aquariums, a row of silver carriages moved forward slowly.

Then, a man with a dragon head lifted the curtain impatiently.

He stood in front of the frame, staring at the distant scene, his expression suddenly became solemn.

"It seems...not a trick?"

In the frame, someone followed and glanced at it.

Immediately also froze there.

It took a long time to reflect.

Aquarium reports and seeing with one's own eyes are two different concepts.

Only at such a distance can one truly feel the overwhelming pressure.

The two dragons looked at each other through the curtain, and there was an instant concern in their hearts.

It is especially unwise to offend such an existence because it is a dragon on the side.

Earlier, there was an urgent report from Longsun.

Although the old Dragon King saw it at that time, he didn't take it seriously.

It is only said that it is not directly related after all.

Although it is a dragon species, after all, it lacks a bit of courage.

On the contrary, he has learned some of the slippery ways of human beings, and lost his prestige due to tricks.

Now that I think about it, I have a definition in my heart.

There was no sign of anything, and there was a gift list from Prime Minister Gui next to him.

He also described the friendship between the witch and the aquarium, eloquently, but without much effort.

The old Dragon King then waved.

Therefore, a kind of armed sailor flattened the gun head and transformed into a guard of honor.

Each carried a box of rare treasures and followed behind the frame.

"But meeting the great witch?"

"The old dragon is the Dragon King of the East China Sea. He heard about the old friend of the witch. He worked tirelessly to eliminate evil and silt for us."

"Bring a small gift and come to visit."

The old dragon king urged mana.

So the sound shook the four fields.

Although it attracted darkness, there were a lot of tsk tsk sounds.

But those who live for a long time have always paid no attention to this.

Xu has suffered some losses and paid some tuition fees.

Only then did I know that the world is hard and the times are different.

This is the machine change of the dragon.

Gufanwu praises it: it can be big or small, it can be promoted or hidden.

These pedantic people don't know this kind of mystery.



"Comprehensive network reminder: the deterrence was successful, you triggered the event: the Dragon King apologized."


Dragon King apologizes:

Type: non-fixed trigger event (repeatable trigger)

Event rewards: 5~99 boxes of Dragon Treasures (each box is worth at least 10 integrated network disaster coins)
Event trigger frequency: every natural year (trigger again during this period, there is a high probability of triggering a high-difficulty wanted event)

Event description:

There are no permanent enemies, only temporarily unwinnable friends.

For the old dragon king who has gone through a long time, he has already understood the world.

A mature dragon king can not only take over the wild hairy monkey, but also resolve the bear boy next door who is dangling Hongjuan.

When you need it... He's a great script actor.

Please note: After you receive the event reward, if you actively attack the dragons of the non-evil faction in the water area without triggering the relevant task, you will be punished by the decline of the reputation of the plane.


Yi Xia looked at the retina, feeling some subtle emotions in his heart.

Meanwhile, the old Dragon King ordered boxes of rare treasures to be piled up in the wilderness in front of Yi Xia.

Nobody bothered about it.

Who dares to be tempted to let the Dragon King cut his flesh like this?
Even some paranoid people who walk in the way of magic also coldly move their greedy eyes away manually.

The book of life and death is very thin, no one wants to take shortcuts...

It looks like something the old dragon king would do.

Yi Xia bent down and looked at the tiny Dragon King below.

It seems that out of some concerns, He didn't transform into a dragon body.

Yi Xia was concerned with the mountain of treasures underneath.

Nothing too emotional.

If it is only exchanged into comprehensive network disaster coins, it is just a small number.

For Yi Xia, there was not much joy to speak of.

But extorting the Dragon King is also an old unwritten tradition of the oriental pedigree civilization.

Sitting on the wealth of the world, it can be considered a powerful party.

It's a pity that the life span is too long, and it is inevitable to encounter some iron fists from the new era.

In this way, he is also much more well-behaved.

Is it the pleasure of completing some kind of invisible achievement?
Yi Xia looked at the old Dragon King.

His voice turned into an invisible muffled thunder, resounding in all directions.

Shaking the woods and dusting the earth:
"Old Dragon King, I don't need your Dragon Palace treasures."

"It's just a coincidence that there is a lack of old wine."

Yi Xia's voice made the soldiers and crabs around tremble.

This big guy is not vegetarian.

The dragon that had its liver and intestines cut off did not know where it went.

Thinking about it, he was eaten raw by him.

He can eat dragons, let alone shrimps and crabs.

Many well-grown aquariums couldn't help shrinking into the team.

Afraid that the other party would see him, he stuffed it into his mouth.

When the old Dragon King heard the words, his heart eased a lot.

He naturally doesn't care how much treasures are given.

It's just that the other party's attitude is that they don't give away less, for fear of offending the other party.

Old ginseng?

It's not difficult.

Afterwards, someone fetched a crystal jade bottle.

There is Shen Ruren inside, sleeping soundly in it, I don't know the age.

"I also ask the great witch to know: Although this old ginseng is not wild and strange, it is also a rare thing."

"If you eat anything, you will be as light as a swallow, and your life will be increased by ten years."

The old Dragon King explained.

On the other side, looking at the gradually sparse crowd.

Glenda Ashley looked overhead as the Dragon Gate stage entered its most intense moment.

I always feel that she is looking at a side cg that has been abandoned...

But isn't this the main line venue?

Glenda Ashley wonders...

 2021 is about to pass in a flash.

  Although it is not Chinese New Year.

  But still here to wish everyone a happy new year...

  ——from the bald head

(End of this chapter)

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