Chapter 333 My Name is Yi Xia, I Come From Earth (Two Updates!)

As the base camp of the galaxy's old evil organization - the Hydog Corps Hunters Guild.

The planet has an overall reddish hue.

That is not the aura that emanates from the evil ones:

It is a dissimilated color of soil containing special magic particles.

The reason why it was chosen as the base camp by the Haidog corpse hunter guild is because of the large amount of mineral resources it contains.

Cross-plane business is not so easy to do.

What everyone thinks is that shit from another world can become gold when thrown into this world.

That is obviously absurd.

More often than not, shit is still shit.

But one thing is common - that is the soul of intelligent life.

It is the common currency of many evil forces in the multiverse.

From the filthy corner of the dark sewer to the deep magic city of the bottomless abyss.

The soul of intelligent life is always the most hard-core and high-quality trading item.

But the existence of the kind camp is not vegetarian.

In this world, there are also many existences who are desperate for good and noble causes.

But in other, weaker, primitive worlds, the situation is different.

Those powerful forces of good do not encompass such a magnificent area.

In the endless planes, there is always a suitable place to start.

As for how to balance the consumption of cross-planes and the income from harvesting souls and selling slaves, that requires more wisdom.

A purely evil person would also be unable to do this well.

It needs a sufficiently powerful evil, and it also needs an equivalent "vulgar" greed.

The leader of the Haidog corpse hunter guild is undoubtedly such a guy.

It's brutal enough, but also smart enough.

As an evil leader who has purchased mechanization, it will spread the shadow of evil over a long period of time.

This scarlet planet has become a nightmare for countless intelligent life.

Countless steel cities that breed evil have sprung up from the deep mines of this planet.

In a sense, this place has gradually become the evil axis of the surrounding galaxies.

Even, the leader of the Haydog Corpse Hunters Guild gradually started the planet greening and pollution remediation plan.

This is to increase the support rate of galactic flesh life and related organizations.

It seems to have some ambitions for the position of galaxy adjudicator...

Bright spaceships land and fly from time to time.

Under the dark red that cannot be concealed in the high sky, the wandering lights seem to be deducing some evils.

"I've said it long ago: This is worth a stellar pivot."

Youguang-Rad-Neda said to his companions.

They are now on this planet exuding endless evil.

Every minute of the air seems to be telling some kind of evil and depravity.

Dusk-Rad-Neda found it difficult to suppress the power of justice in his body.

The faint scent of blood and rancidity intertwined with the fragrance everywhere made him feel sick.

He felt a little misguided:

Perhaps, he should transform his respiratory organs in advance.

"Relax, 'I'm going to cleanse the damn place' is written all over your face."

The companion shrugged and said noncommittally.

He didn't have high expectations for this plan.

This evil planet can last for such a long time, naturally it has its reasons.

If they are as bad as them, they can be solved directly.

Well, it should have been destroyed a long time ago.

However, according to the head:
To cause them some trouble is also a great redemption for kindness.

So, the two went happily...

"So, what else are we investigating?"

"Investigate why a piece of shit is shit?"

Dusk-Rad-Neda is a little grumpy.

After another outburst, he realizes something is wrong with him.

Everything around seems to be exuding something that twists the mind!
He decisively activated his purification mechanism.

With the flickering crystals in front of him, You Guang Rad Neda felt the restlessness and anger in his heart subside a lot.

"We'll just stay here."

"The great prophet's prediction will not go wrong, but she has received a lot of money..."

Companion comforted.

"Great Prophet? Heh, I never believed that a classmate who didn't even understand variables would be able to control his destiny after entering that messy 'sanctuary'."

Youguang-Rad-Neda shook his head, but calmed down a bit.

And at this moment, related plane fluctuation hints popped out from the retinas of the two of them.

They looked at each other in unison.

Then he adjusted his body into the encounter mode, and walked out of his room carefully.

The next moment, all kinds of filthy noises drowned them out.

But they didn't pay attention to these, but stared at the sky one after another:

On the sky intertwined with the flight paths of many spaceships, a deep shadow gradually emerged.

Then, it swelled suddenly!

Under countless stunned gazes, an unimaginably huge humanoid creature appeared above this evil planet!
Its cold vertical pupils that seemed to be filled with great power overlooked the evil scene below.

Youguang-Rad-Neda could clearly see it, and the other party sniffed it.

Then, there was a little more smile on his face.

It didn't look hideous, but it made people's heart sink suddenly.

An indescribable sense of ferocity and despair rushed over in an instant.

"My name is Yi Xia, and I come from Earth."

A loud thunderous sound resounded over the planet.

Countless beings who were sinking in crime and filth raised their heads in a daze, and looked at the terrifying figure above the sky.

Just when someone was thinking about what this guy wanted to do.

Without any other superfluous words, the overwhelming flames fell like a sky!
Clay, steel, flesh and blood...

Everything twisted and howled under the violent flames!
In just a blink of an eye, the area under the giant was completely turned into a rising sea of ​​flames!

Explosions sounded from time to time, and the flames spread at a terrifying speed!
kill it!

In the interior of the planet came the furious orders of the Hydog Corps Hunters Guild.

As a result, this planet full of evil came to life in an instant!
From every corner of the planet, large and small warships and mechanical life roared and flew towards!


No, in the eyes of the evil leader, there is always only one flame!
Only by killing its giant who dared to provoke the Hydog Corps Hunters Guild will the fire be extinguished.

Don't worry about the others.

Anyway, this time, there is this giant from the earth who is responsible.

Even, there is no need to spend too many political resources and political contributions.

And above the sea of ​​flames, one can see the densely packed warships gradually occupying the distant sky.

Yi Xia took out the witch banner, stepped on the fire and left!

In the next instant, endless attacks came from all directions!
Bullets, gunfire, arrows, magic!
They hit Yi Xia's body, and there were countless shining and dazzling lights on him!

Painful, numb!
Yi Xia grinned, roared and tore through the clouds, and rushed to the front of the battleship group with a rampant and violent breath.

So, the Wu Banner turned around and fell down!

All the battleships had no time to dodge, and were directly hit by Wu Banner.

In an instant, a series of explosions and flames appeared in the sky!

And on the panel of Yi Xia's comprehensive website, a certain word named Po Jun is shining brightly!

(End of this chapter)

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