Chapter 334 Fighting Oghedog (a new update!)

Countless battleships passed by the burning land.

The explosion of some unstable substance filled the air with a strange smell.

Fleets are constantly fleeing the planet.

At most, they stayed outside the atmosphere, watching this terrible night belonging to the Hydog corpse hunter guild.

At this time, Youguang-Rad-Neda was shuttling through the deep underground mine with his companions.

Before it became the axis of evil in the surrounding galaxies, Oghedog was a typical resource-oriented planet mainly engaged in mineral mining.

Those deep mines hidden under the city are the remnants of that era.

Now, many of them have been transformed into underground spaces by the Haydogge corpse hunters' guild.

Used to place warships and some forbidden materials.

But there are also many parts that have been abandoned.

Now, Dusk-Rad-Neda and the others are walking on one of them.

They don't know what's going on outside now.

But it is obviously unrealistic to expect Haidog Corpse Hunters Guild to be defeated in one fell swoop.

The Great Prophet has proved her prophecy, and then the next plan will have room for implementation.

Through some channels, the forces of Dusk-Rad-Neda obtained the construction map of the underground world of this evil planet.

After a series of preparations and planning, they decided to rescue and liberate the slaves in the slave area C.

The reason why only area C was rescued was because it was the only living slave area.

Others are mostly stored in the form of soul currency front.

The distance from death is only a matter of procedure.

"How long do you think it will last?"

In the dark abandoned mine, Dusk-Rad-Neda asked the companion next to him through the internal information docking tool.

"It? Do you mean that guy, or this one under our feet?"

The companion's reply made You Guang Rad Neda slightly taken aback.

He couldn't help turning his head back, looking at his companion who was continuing to mark the road map behind him.

He seems to have a lot of confidence in that exotic giant...


Yi Xia didn't understand many events that were happening in the corner of this planet.

Now, his gaze has been filled with endless flames!

Every second, countless attacks hit him.

Many of these destructive weapons that condense the essence of foreign civilization technology can penetrate his body, causing him harm and pain.

The indescribable violent fighting spirit made Yi Xia ignore the blow from the body.

The pain that exploded on his flesh and blood sank deeply into the depths of his blood.

It is a grand refinement, absorbing the pain and injury as nourishment for growth.

Yi Xia's figure turned into a huge hideous phantom in the sky.

He waved the Wu Banner, and no warship could resist his attack!
In the case of extremely limited evasion space, it only needs a little bit of stagnation, and those warships will turn into flames amidst the huge roar!
"Kill it! We've broken its armor!"

Among the densely packed warships, the leader in charge of Oghedog's protection roared loudly.

Its voice resounded in the sea of ​​consciousness of every organization member participating in the war through the secret psionic links purchased from other exotic psionic planes.

In an extremely short period of time, they poured out countless firepower.

Under the bombardment of artillery fire, the entire space fell into chaos and rage.

The chaos of magic particles and magnetic fields made the actions of battleships that were too close to this area extremely dangerous.

If they are a little careless, they may fall into a bad situation due to the extremely harsh environment.

The roar of the leader aroused everyone's will to fight.

They stared at the giant that had already revealed its flesh and blood, and poured violent cannon fire recklessly.


The loud bombing sound and the loud sound of the warship's engine being highly overloaded made the noise index of this planet go crazy!
Due to being in a state of rage, it was too late to withdraw from the battleships in the artillery strike area.

With the sound of continuous bombing, he joined it forever.

From the very beginning, the battle has entered the most intense state!
Every second, a large number of warship wrecks fall to the ground!
As for Yi Xia's body, there were multiple scars added or subtracted.

He charged against the cannon, as if facing a dense stone rain.

The huge impact makes flying so difficult and strenuous.

But once it breaks through the artillery strike zone, it's another matter.

Countless warships evacuated frantically.

They need to distance themselves from Yi Xia in an orderly manner in order to carry out another round of continuous bombing.

A chaotic and disorderly strike is something that a primitive robbery team that is stagnant on a planet will do.

Reaching such a large number of large-scale battles requires sufficiently professional command and scheduling to proceed.

"Reckless beast, how long can you maintain such a violent offensive?"

In the commanding battleship team, the leader in charge of Oghedog's defense stared at the screen projected on the crystal and said so.

It loves this collection, it will be the best...  

As a graduate of the Gretam Galaxy High Command Academy, he is also a core member of the Haydog Corps Hunters Guild.

It has been through too many such battles.

At the most difficult time, they lost forever the guild's former residence.

That was a painful past, but they still stand today.

They never die because someone needs them.

Apparently, this reckless beast doesn't understand any of this.

It just feels like its homeland has been invaded.


It's just a false concept that some weak people use to hug each other for warmth.

Wealth and power are the eternal destination!
In the sea of ​​consciousness of the evil leader, a complex battle plan and derived data are outlined.

According to this rhythm, after waiting for the opponent's strength to be unsustainable, it will start the next step of siege and strangulation.

That would be the collection of all the art of directing that has condensed it so far!

As for the other party's current state?
Let's take a walk first...

Even the top commander is not omnipotent.

So, time passed by little by little...

The flames of the battleship exploding and the scars on Yi Xia's body kept repeating and disappearing...

The evil leader looked at the opponent's vitality detection data displayed on the life monitoring instrument.

Yes, the opponent's life recovery speed is indeed astonishing.

But now, they have steadily pushed it to a dangerous threshold.

And at this moment, a dim light appeared on Yi Xia's body.

The next moment, the evil leader fell into deep thought as he looked at the life crystal data that was almost full in an instant.

It is thinking about the possibility of having the leader persuade it to abandon the planet.

The left and right are just a planet, the big deal is to start all over again...

But thinking of the leader's performance in recent years, the evil leader has a measure in his mind.

If sacrifices are not counted, Yi Xia will not be given a chance to breathe.

Even if the opponent's resilience is a bit super-class, they still have a chance to kill the opponent.

But the fighting will of these bastards needs to be maintained with ability.

Expect them to be as fanatical and loyal as the Crusader?

The evil leader pulled his warship without hesitation, and it was going to find a more "appropriate" command location.

When the continuous output can only barely lower the enemy's bloodline, and the opponent still has a strong healing ability, the winning rate of the battle has been reduced to an extremely pitiful situation.

It has no obligation to face a planet that cannot be saved at all...

(End of this chapter)

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