Chapter 429 Eternal Allies (One more update!)

"...the meat is stewed like an old goblin's foot."

Stubborn Roar - Tolga gnawed at a piece of flesh that was fished out of the pot.

The next moment, he vomited it out.

Then, looking at his teammates watching the results, the stubborn stone roared - Tolga couldn't help complaining.

This is the drop they got from the small troll gathering place they just conquered.

Of course, it is not collected directly from the material space, but the output of the integrated network.

The troll's recipe is a little more complicated.

Food gathered from its camps, which no one bothers to try.

Fortunately, they are ready to go back.

The members of the team have basically gathered the relevant strengthening requirements formulated before.

The days of being a war mercenary in a foreign plane are hard, but the rewards are always extraordinarily rich.

Tolga and others have been war mercenaries in this plane for nearly half a year.

Excluding factors other than combat difficulty, the Zahna troll is a natural "unlimited spawning point".

Compared with the copy that needs to be re-run every time.

Constant knowledge about the Zahna troll can allow the team to accumulate additional combat advantages.

Originally at night, Tolga and others generally would not fight.

However, the reminder information of the battlefield area that was constantly refreshed the night before made them a little bit unable to hold back.

Apparently, there is a certain powerful comprehensive network player who is harvesting this world.

If you don't seize this opportunity to reap a good harvest, you may not have such a good opportunity in the future.

Tolga used to envy and yearn for such an existence.

Harvesting the enemies of the entire plane with one's own power, what a huge harvest would that be?

But the ambitious Tolga was finally defeated by a wild boar in a single-player challenge.

He doesn't seem to have that talent.

Fortunately -- his current teammates are good.

Although each has its own shortcomings, it can always be relied on.

In the battle for more than half a year, they have proved their reliability.

In the end, Tolga and others decided to give up camping in the wild, and went directly to the base camp of their allies on this plane to report a meal.

Foxman's craft is not bad.

It is their food, which is too "delicate" for a strong man like Tolga...

After a night of fighting, the slightly tired group saw the base camp in the hills in the distance against the morning light.

At this time, it was the rising sun.

Under the morning light, the castle that was originally made of bluestone and mountain rocks faintly reflected a little golden light.

The air, which was inevitably smelly due to the years of battlefields not far away, unexpectedly revealed a refreshing attitude at this time.

In a trance, several people heard indescribable holy poems...

what happened?
Tolga and the others looked at each other, speechless.

And at this time, a young vulture came from a hill not far away in the morning light.

It looked at Tolga and his party, and slightly performed a foxman's etiquette:

"Thanks to the help of the warriors, you should witness and share this great moment with the fox people."

"With the help of the vulpera's eternal and sincere ally—the powerful alien witch, the Zahna troll was severely injured, Otiskin ushered in a new destiny, and the goddess Rasaline-Mu was able to return to her kingdom once again. ..."

"May the great morning light shine on all kindness and compassion, and the foxes will never forget the help of their allies."

"Maybe you don't stay here anymore, but as long as the vultures can still dominate this world, you or your blood descendants will always have a place here..."

The fox man looked at Tolga and his party, and said so.

And at this moment, Tolga suddenly noticed that this vulpera didn't seem to have a tail.

Seemingly noticing Tolga's gaze, the fox man frankly shook the back of his clothes:
"As you can see, I lost my tail."

"The goddess tried to grant her mercy, but I refused the honor."

"It's a testament to suffering—it's like a thorn, meaningless, but it can be given extra weight."

"I should remember this suffering for my people, and don't let it swallow up the light again—until this suffering and my life disappear together..."

As the fox man said, he raised his head slightly.

The morning light shone on its shaggy brow, as the radiance had caressed it.

Tolga and the others stood where they were, and they witnessed this scene that suddenly carried a bit of sacred meaning. .

Like the epic of the picture scroll, slowly unfolding in the material world.

It infiltrated into this hill, condensing the greatness and holiness of the past in such a moving moment.

They were fortunate enough to be included in it, just like Yun Yun who looked at the legend...



"Comprehensive network reminder: Your plane has added a new eternal ally!"

Under the supervision of the little goblin, Yuan Xian, who was quitting his mobile phone and the player exchange forum of the multiverse integrated network, suddenly glanced at the reminder message refreshed in front of him.

He put down the heavy book in his hand, and there was some surprise in his eyes.

"Fuck, there are new allies?"

Yuan Xian thought for a while, and then pulled up the relevant reminder information that had been blocked.

After seeing a newly added plane eternal enemy and hostile god system, as well as a number of related messy hostile organizations, a little clarity appeared on Yuan Xian's face.

This is normal...

Yuan Xian subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, he thought Yi Xia had changed his temper for the first time.

Looking at it now, it really still has that familiar smell...

But speaking of it, what outrageous thing did Yi Xia do?
In Yuan Xian's eyes, the so-called eternal affix is ​​more like some kind of emphasis full of strong colors.

What can be defined in this way at the diplomatic level is obviously not an ordinary provocation or provocation.

During this period, Yuan Xian further strengthened his relevant diplomatic skills.

Now, in addition to the goblins, he has a small army of strong kobolds...

After all, for the sake of strength, I gave up some persistence.

Facts have proved that these Kobolds with strong affixes, specially selected by Yuan Xian, performed quite well when attacking dungeons.

At least, it is much stronger than Goblins...

Of course, this kind of strengthening is not just about the effect of skills.

Yuan Xian even plans to report on the diplomacy major of relevant colleges and universities.

Excluding other extraordinary factors such as magic, the basics of many things will not change.

Yuan Xian felt that he had found his development position.

Just like now, he has gained a lot of benefits through transactions with some allied planes.

It's a pity that the ally camp named Thirteen Dragon Palace, which is full of desire to complain, has no relevant low-level trading items.

Its specialty water-avoiding beads are sold for as high as 1000 comprehensive network disaster coins.

Yuan Xian didn't know how much discount they offered.

Could it be 9.9% off?
This ally is a bit stingy...

Yuan Xian suspected that it was caused by his lack of diplomacy or faction reputation.

I don't know what this new Foxman ally is selling.

On the other side, Yi Xia returned to the earth from a foreign space with a whole body of blood...

(End of this chapter)

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